Sunday, November 14, 2021

Silk Road.

 The Silk Road was a trade way which connected China and the Far East with the Middle East and Europe in ancient time and Middle Ages. The Silk Road was used to export silk from China.

This road was opened during the Han Dynasty. It ruled from 206 B. C. to 220 A. D.

The way connected different countries of the Far East, Middle East, Middle Asia, and Europe. Also, there were small routes, such as: Mesopotamia and India subcontinent, Northern Africa through Egypt.

Silk, horses, paper, spices, jade, glassware, furs, and slaves; these good were traded on the famous road.

Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, in Ancient Greece, expanded his possessions through the Silk Road.

Also, the Royal Road routes led to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Italian explorer Marco Polo used the Silk Road to travel from Italy to China. He arrived there in 1275. Marco Polo travelled by camel overland.

He returned to Italy through the Silk Road in 1295. Marco Polo wrote a book Book of the Marvels of the World or The Travels of Marco Polo. It gave better understanding of Asian culture.

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