Sunday, April 9, 2023

Tales from childhood: Pretty talk.

There were many grey clouds in the sky on this day. But Mrs. Anne, her daughter, and her grandson went to the yard.

Sophie and Angela walked there, too. 

Mrs. Anne smiled in this moment.

Suddenly Timothy came into the yard and sat down on a bench. He was wearing an iron mask.

The elderly woman knew how to support other people in different situations.

Mrs. Anne rejoiced at the happiness of person. Also, she sympathized with the trouble.

Mrs. Anne sat down next to the young man. They started talking about everything in the world. Then Timothy took off his iron mask.

"I see the beauty of your personality." the wise old woman said.

"One boy can't sleep at night after looking at me!" Timothy said.

"He's very impressionable. He can't sleep on other occasions either." Mrs. Anne said.

Sophie and Angela understood that this old woman is kind to everyone and at all times.

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