Monday, July 2, 2018

Literature. Part forty.

                                           Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.

This famous novel was published on April 25, 1719, in the United Kingdom. Author said that his book was an allegory.

Young Robinson Crusoe wanted to travel to the sea. He met a lot of adventures on his way. After shipwreck Robinson appeared on the deserted island. He lived there for twenty eight years.

Character did different things for his life. Also, Robinson Crusoe met a tribe of cannibals. He saved one man from them and called him "Friday". They became friends

At the end Robinson was saved and returned home.

There are many illustrations and movies about this story. Novel was translated different languages.

Source of image:

Daniel Defoe's classic characters, Robinson Crusoe, and his companion Friday, with their animals on an isolated island. 1875 Currier and Ives print.

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