Thursday, December 27, 2018

Tales from childhood: Friendship.

Little Sophie and her granny set on the bench. In the yard Lara appeared with her grandfather. Her mother was at home. Sophie noticed that Lara behaved strangely. She couldn't played with other children and said stupid things.

Granny knew about situation in Lara's family. She said that girl has problems is in a hard situation.

Some children talked and played with Lara. But the girl wanted to create other rules and arguments.

Sophie left Lara. Beth said that child changed her behaviour because her mother cried. Edward and Johnny maybe knew Lara's secret but they didn't say.

Grandfather watched for a granddaughter, Sophie noticed sad wrinkles on his face.

Source of image:

Vector illustration Playground, Back yard, Children's playground. Carousel Isometry.

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