Sunday, May 3, 2020

Literature. Part sixty two.

                                                     "The Ugly Ducking" by Hans Christian Andersen.

Once upon a time mother duck had some eggs. Duckings hatched from the eggs. They were all nice. Except one.

The only ducking was very different from others. He was ugly. The ducking's neck was long. So, other animals noticed it. They said bad things about him. These animals didn't know who he was.

It was unpleasant for the ducking and his mother. The duck protected her unusual child. But the ugly ducking suffered from bullying.

The ducking went away from his family. Afterwards, he met wild geese in the swamp. But unfortunately they were killed by hunters.

Also, the ugly lived in another place. There were hen and a cat. But they laughed at him, too.

The ducking lived on the lake but still worried. Suddenly he saw swans. The ducking understood that he loved them.

Another time the ugly ducking saw his reflection. Now he knew that he is a nice swan. The ducking lived with other swans.

Source of image:

The Ugly Duckling

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