Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Tales from childhood: Our heroes!

Sophie felt the lights of a sun on her face. She woke up after a long sleep. Little Sophie thought about Victory Day.

It was a spring morning. Sophie went to school with red flowers. It was a gift for veterans.

“Give flowers to strange people! It’s strange!” a stupid boy said.

“These people gave a peace for us,” the teacher said.

Little Sophie and Johnny went to congratulate a veteran. This old woman worked in a school. She was short and her position was modest. But the veteran went through the whole war! She worked and fought.

“Congratulations!” the children said.

The school worker was very glad! It was important for her. She smiled.

During break time high school students cared for the veterans. Little Sophie and her classmates saw them in Assembly Hall.

Also, children told about their grandparents. Little Sophie was proud of her granny.

Next day Sophie visited a parade in her town.  She understood many serious things.

“I think that veterans accomplished a feat,” little Sophie said.

“Yes, it’s true,” Sophie’s mother said.

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