Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tales from childhood: Our choice.

 Little Sophie had several friends and toys. She could change her opinion about them.

Several years ago Sophie liked playing with Kate. It was during elementary school. When Kate went to another school, Sophie found new friends. Also, she noticed that she doesn't miss Kate.

"All we have different opinions," said Sophie's mother.

Little Sophie changed her own opinion on many things. Before the first grade she liked chocolate cake with cherries. But then Sophie liked cake with strawberry.

She forgot about some classmates. Maybe they didn't want to be friends with Sophie. Her best friends were Natalie and Johnny.

Sophie liked Mr. Theodor's son. She trusted only him. The other children didn't inspire confidence in her.

Lara's father made his choice, too. But no one could understand why he did this. Perhaps the man had a stranger love for this good and kind woman.

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