Sunday, January 3, 2021

Literature. Part seventy.

                                                  "The Golden Goose" by the Brothers Grimm.

Once upon a time there was a man. He had three sons. The eldest and the middle sons were clever. The youngest had a nickname Dummling. Because he was a stupid person.

His brothers visited a forest. Their mother gave them some food and beverage. The eldest brother met an old man in the forest. This person asked him for some food and beverage for him. But the eldest brother refused him. He had an unlucky situation in this visit.

Later the second son visited the forest. He had some food and beverage, too. Middle brother met the old man. He asked him for some food and beverage. But Dummling's brother refused the old man. He had an unlucky situation, as well.

When the youngest brother visited the forest he met the old man, too. Dummling gave some food and beverage  to him.

Later he found the golden goose in the forest. The old man helped Dummling with it.

With this treasure he went to the hotel. In that place Dummling met three sisters. They all touched the golden goosed. As a result hotel master's daughters stuck to him. 

Dummling went with them. On the way several men added to them.

They all went to the city. King wanted to listen to his daughter's laugh. If a person can make her laugh, he can marry her. When she saw the golden goose and people around him she laughed.

The king came up with different tasks for Dummling. The old man helped him.

So, Dummling got married and inherited the throne.

Source of image:

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