Saturday, July 30, 2022

Tales from childhood: Different sides of person.

On that day Sophie's teacher didn't visit the school. So, the lesson was taught by another teacher. She worked there for many years.

The children had to learn the verse at home and recite it at school.

"Students, let's read the verse!" the older teacher said and looked at Kate.

"Come on, you answer." the teacher said.

"I didn't learn the verse." Kate said.

"Badly." the teacher said.

"Can you answer your homework?" the older teacher said and looked at Anne.

"I forgot about my homework." Anne said as she lowered her eyes.

Sophie and some of the other students recited the verse well or not.

The next day, the teacher and students discussed what happened.

"Those who didn't prepare their homework showed themselves on the bad side. Because this teacher has been working in our school for many years. Anne's brother is in tenth grade. She knows him. Some of your parents studied here, too." the teacher said.

After these words, many children really thought. 

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