Saturday, April 25, 2015


Vitamins and minerals are very important for human organism. Especially for little children who are growing. Vitamins stay in many different types of food. Example, fresh fruit and vegetables have many needed vitamins and minerals: iron, zinc, cobalt. Fish and meat also have needed vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin "D" is in fish fat, vitamin "K" is in green vegetables. So, human organism is in need of all types of food. But sometimes, some people have a power allergy on useful food. These people can eat other food where there is source of vitamins or minerals.

If person doesn't eat enough food where there are needed vitamins, he can get sick. Begin to exofoliate nails, hair fall out, headache. Especially at risk are people who sufferes from bulimia, If just exclude several vegetables then organism doesn't even feel it. Sometimes in useful food and beverage such as fish and milk, there aren't enough minerals. So vitamins can be bought in drugstore in pills.

All vitamins are named by Latin letters. Periodic table has vitamins and minerals and their chemical names. Example, Iron-Fe.

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Saturday, April 18, 2015


Puppy is living in a good European country and has wonderful owners. Family of five people. Mother, Father, and three children. They bought little puppy when pet was just a month old. Family named their dog Pearl because it has white fur. This little puppy is female. All members of family look after Pearl. They are on duty at a time. Wash her with shampoo, feed a puppy tasty food especially for dogs, walk with a pet several times a day. On streets Pearl walk with beautiful leash and collar.

So little puppy is glad for her life with people. Usually during walk on streets with somebody from good family Pearl meet other dogs with their owners. They also have leash and collar. Some loudly bark when they meet Pearl. She has some friends among neighboring dogs. Pearl is an educated dog who never bites.

Also white little puppy knows several commands. Family trained their favourite dog and love her very much. So pearl is growing as a good and kind dog!

Source of image:

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Taiga is a forest which is laid in mailands, Eurasia and North America. In counries of Russia, Findland, Sweden, Northway, Canada, and the USA. In it grows coniferous trees because Taiga is a coniferous forest.

Animal world in Taiga is more wealthy than in Tundra. In this forest live brown bear, wolf, fox, swan, woodpecker, elk, deer, capercaillie. Plants in Taiga: berries (which eat animals), green mosses, pine trees. Also in some parts of forest Taiga has water sources such as lakes or swamps. In this places also live animals example swans and growing plants example water lily. In Taiga there are own food chains. Some animals eat just plants, another hunting.

Climate in coniferous forest Taiga is sharply continental. Long and cold winter. Snow can lay in this place for about six months. Summer lasts just two or three months. But sometimes in short summer period temperature can rise very high. So hot weather is accustomed for Taiga.

I think that plant and animal world of Taiga is very interesting.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Baseball is an American sport. In a game there are two teams of nine players. They must hit a ball with a bat and run around bases.

No one knows where baseball came from. Many people think that the idea came from England. Other people believe that a man named Abnor Doubleday invented the game in New York, 1n 1839. But the first real rules were written in 1845 year. Its worked well for baseball.

Early games were not professional. Players played only for fun and happy.

The first professional game was conductioned in 1869. This team was the Red Stocking of Cincinnati. Within few years there were professional games in other american cities. In 1876 these teams were made in a group, called the National League.

In 1901 a new league, called the American League was formed. Each year millions of people look forward for this sport-game.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Recipe of homemade Russian pancakes (Blini).


2 eggs
3 mugs of flour
1 table spoon of oil
3 table spoon of sugar
1/2 tea spoon of salt
1/2 tea spoon of yeast
1/2 tea spoon of soda with vinegar
2 mugs of warm milk

Mix in one bowl eggs, sugar, soda with vinegar, oil, and yeast.

After add warm milk and flour.

Mix again. After leave in in dark and warm

Mixture must have condition of thick sour cream. Mix sometimes.

On warm greased pan pour the dough.

Flip pancake 1 or 2 mitunes later.

I like eat Blini with jam, condested milk, sour cream, and cottage cheese.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Literature. Part two.

        Pure heart by Fransis Bernett.

Nixy was very strange girl for her ages. She likes books very much. Her father was wrote books because Adita (Nixy's real name. Nixy-water-nymph) began to read books, magazines, and newspapers very early.

One day she read about robbers and burglars.

Adita thought about these people as insiders. Why they steal other's things?

Girl asked her mother about them. Mom said: "Nixy you're very small for such thoughts."

Once when Adita's father left ford business trip in Glasgow. She staid with her mother and some servants at home.

Burglar went in through the window. Little Nixy woke up and went to the guest. Girl said to him: "Don't take parents' things." She offered him her own valuables.

He agreed with her. Burglar took her watch and jewelleries. After a time he was arrested and juged. In a month burglar repaid all the debt to Nixy.

I think that Adita did right, then she did not get afraid of "guesr".

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Homemade potatoe cakes.


500 g-cookies
half of jar-condested milk
50g-sour cream

Condensed milk, sour cream, sugar, and melt butter mix in one bowl.
Chop cookies into crumbs.
After mix crumbs with the first mixture.
Make an oval-balls like potatoes.
Oval-balls roll in chop cookies.
Leave in refrigerator about two-three hours.
Also if you want you can use dried fruits, nuts, cream for decoration, chocolate or cocoa.