Friday, August 11, 2017

Tales from childhood: Adventure in the forest.

It was the beginning of summer season. Sophie, Johnny, and Beth decided to go to the forest. Weather was sunny and warm.

Beth was Johnny's older sister, 12-year-old girl. Mr. Theodor and Sophie's grandmother gave them permission to go for a walk. Children were very happy! They had tent, sleeping bags, several sandwiches, and bottles of water.

Adults said that they must be not far from river. Also, Sophie, Johnny, and Beth had hard rucksacks with their things.

They saw big rocks, green trees, many insects, deer, and flowers. Weather became hot and children were very tired. Friends didn't have enough attention on the road. Beautiful landscapes were far away from river. Children have eaten all food and sleep.

Next morning... Sophie, Johnny, and Beth realised, they forgot the way! During a day friends saw horizon and far away houses. But children afraid of people. Children were far away from the river. Friends were afraid for theirself.

Sophie cried, Beth worried about her father Mr. Theodor, Johnny thought about somebody who can help them.

In the evening Sophie saw young 14-year-old boy. He said that he lives in neighborhood village. He knows this place good. Beth asked boy's name. His name was Jack. He had blue eyes, honey hair, and many freckles.

Jack cared about Sophie, Johnny, and Beth. They were very tired and hungry. Insects bited little children Jack given them some sandwiches and tomatoes. At the end boy helped children go away from forest to the river.

Sophie's granny very worried about granddaughter. But she was glad when saw Sophie with rucksack.

Mr. Theodor, also worried about Beth and Johnny. His daughter said that boy from village helped them when they lost in the forest.

Don't afraid of help in hard situation.

Source of image:

Camping in the Forest

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