Friday, January 12, 2018


Babylonia was situated in southern Mesopotamia. The ancient civilization appeared in 1894 B. C.

There were many important periods in Babylonia. First Babylinian Dynasty (1894-1595 B. C.), Kassite Dynasty (1595-1155 B. C.), Early Iron Age-Native Rule, Second Dynasty of Isin (1155-1026 B. C.), Period of Chaos (1026-911 B. C.), Assyrian rule (911-619 B. C.).

People in Babylonia had their own kings and laws. King Hammurabi ruled (1792-1750 B. C.) and created many laws in this country (known as Code of Hammurabi). They were very different.

Also, Babylonia had its own gods, arts, culture, and architecture.

Source of image:

Babylonian archaeological find old illustration. Created by Tournois, published on Le Tour du Monde, Paris, 1867

Source of image:

Babylonian pattern on jar

Source of image:

29. 07. 2015, LONDON, UK, BRITISH MUSEUM - The code of Hammurabi

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