Monday, April 2, 2018

Literature. Part thirty seven.

                                  "Town Musicians of Bremen" by the Brothers Grimm.

Once upon a time donkey dicided to go to Bremen city. He wanted to become a micisian. On the way donkey met a dog.

So, animals went together to Bremen. Some time later the donkey and dog met a cat. This animal wanted to become a town musician of Bremen and joined to them.

At the end the donkey, the dog, and the cat met a farm rooster. He wanted to run away from his farmer.

In the evening animals saw a house in the forest. Friends were very tired and hungry. Donkey saw robbers there. They wanted to scare them away. Animals stood on top of each other.

Robbers run away from the forest. Donkey, dog, cat, and rooster lived in this place.

Source of image:

The Town Musicians of Bremen

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