Monday, April 9, 2018

Maya civilization.

Maya civilization was situated in Central America. This country had its own history and cities. Writing, language, arts, religion, and architecture were important for them.

Timeline of Maya civilization: Archaic (8000 B. C.-2000 B. C.), Early Preclassic (2000 B. C.-1000 B. C.), Middle Preclassic (1000 B. C.-400 B. C.), Late Preclassic (400 B. C.-100 A. D.), Terminal Preclassic (100 A. D.-250 A. D.), Preclassic Collapse, Classic Period (c. 250-900 A. D.), Classic Maya Collapse, Postclassic period (c. 950-1539 A. D.).

During this time country did a lot of things. The Maya people invented calendar. Also, they built pyramids.

Civilization had sales with each other and neighbourhood countries. Like all ancient civilizations Maya had unique culture, such as: laws, society, pottery, mythology, astronomy, goverment.

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Mayan calendar. Copy of the raster
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Pre Columbian warriors and pottery made from 600AD to 100BC.  Mayan god painted on small pottery.

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Kukulkan Pyramid in Chichen Itza on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

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