Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Why do I like spring.

My favourite season is spring because weather is warm. Apprear green leaves on the trees, days become longer, nights become shorter.

Blue sky is long-awaited for many people. Sun become bright and warm.

Cold winter before, hot summer is ahead. Very good weather!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How to be happy.

1. Live here and now. Today is a very important day for you. Yesterday and tomorrow aren't your days.

2. If you don't like place or things aound you give them up. Move from noisy and cold house, go away from bad friends, throw a boring novel, and etc.

3. Try to understand person. Don't condemn him or her. May be they have special reasons.

4. Don't say about your goals and/or dreams to somebody. Just for family or best friends.

5. Love yourself very much.

6. Be optimistic. You can change your goals or plans if it is necessary.

7. Don't look for the guilty.

P.S. So luck and success will find you.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Recipe of homemade buns with sugar.


Flour-800 g
Milk-200 g
Sugar-100 g
Margarine-800 g
Sour cream-1 table spoon
Salt-half of tea spoon
Baking powder-1 tea spoon
Yeast-1 tea spoon

100 g of warm milk, sugar, flour, yeast, and salt mix in one bowl.

Leave in warm place about 30 min. Consistency must be how thick cream. Mix 2 eggs.

How our mix rise add milk and margarine. Melt margarine with milk.

Add to this mix baking powder. Remaining eggs, sugar, salt, sour cream, and make dough.

Leave dough in bowl about 3-4 hours.

Make balls from dough.

Roll and grease them with oil.

After sprinkle with sugar.

You can began heart.

Warm oven 425 F. Bake about 30 min with temperature 300 F.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Magic words in our life.

Thank you very much, Please, Good Morning, You're welcome, Sorry, Good Afternoon, Bye, Excuse me, Good Evening, Hi, Bless you, Bon Appetit, Nice to meet you, Many Thanks, Hello.

P.S. Be polite!

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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Why do I like winter?

I like this cold season because weather is shine. Sun is bright but not warm. Clear and white snow lies on the road, roofs, and trees. It's look so beautiful!

We must wear many warm clothes. Sometimes so pleasure feel how scarf "hug" you in cold weather.

Also freeze draws magic pictures on the windows. Steam comes out of our mouths.

Christmas and New Year are the main holidays of the season. After follow St. Valentine's Day.

This things make winter very good!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Literature. Part five.

My favourite fairy tale is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Brothers Grimm.

I like this fairy tale because in it a kind wins evil. Main character a young girl Snow White has a father and jealous stepmother. Woman has the magic mirror which says the evil Queen that girl more beautiful than she.

Stepmother wants to kill her stepdaughter but has failed. After this the girl was living with Seven Dwarfs in a house that stood in the forest. The magic mirror still told to Queen that princess Snow White more beautiful than she.

Evil woman wanted to become better than her stepdaughter. She again tried to kill Snow White. At last when envious given to girl a poisoned apple. She ate it and died.

The magic mirror said that Queen the most beautiful. Jealous stepmother was very glad.

When the Seven Dwarfs returned to home they were sad about Snow White's death. They laid her in a glass coffin.

But once upon a time prince who travelled not far from the Seven Dwarfs' house, he saw princess in coffin. When young man kissed a beautiful girl she opened her eyes, evil magic was gone.

Some time later prince and princess were married and lived long and happy!

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Last month of summer.

Two months ago I wrote about long-awaited summer. But now began last month of summer-August.

31 days of warm season... Somebody will be travel to the sea, somebody works and became elder.

If you han't got enough time for a rest, August last month and chance for you. Plan travel in your town or to another country.

Pleasure with bright sun, clear blue sky, warm water in sea, and hot weather.

I hope you could make all your plans during June and July. Have a nice August!