Sunday, May 23, 2021

Tales from childhood: Sophie and event.

 Little Sophie decided to be more active in her town. So, she went to the center. There was a competition. Participants need to play a quiz.

Sophie answered several questions. Sometimes she had difficult moments. But Sophie's answers were right!

She was very proud of herself! 

The organizers of the competition gave presents to the winners.

"I'm glad that I answered the questions!" Sophie said.

"I'm glad for you, too!" granny said.

Sunday, May 16, 2021


 Thallo (Θαλλώ) was a goddess of seasons in Ancient Greece. Her father was Zeus, her mother was Themis. Thallo was an Horae. Her siblings were Auxo and Carpo.

Thallo helped to growth plants and flowers. She gave prosperity to shoots during Spring season.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Iron Age.

 The Iron Age was a time period in human history. The Bronze Age was before it.

During this historic period people used many different iron and steel tools. Also, they made iron weapons.

Some civilizations collapsed during the Iron Age. The Mycenaean civilization in Greece were among them. Also, city Troy were destroyed. In these regions were droughts and famine.

After this time period Greece became Classical Greece. It was important time for country and its culture.

Iron tools helped people in different situations.

The Celts migrated during the Iron Age. They have left traces in many countries.

In Scandinavia the Viking Age began.

Different tribes created many artifacts during this historic periods.

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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Tales from childhood: Funny moments.

 Sophie became a big child. But she liked an amusement park. It was a very comfortable place in a town. Little Sophie walked there with her friends during the holidays.

These days she was busy. She couldn't walk in an amusement park. Sophie missed the funny moments in this place.

Time passed and little Sophie still didn't visit the park. Suddenly she understood that she was in an amusement park five months ago! 

"Granny I want to visit an amusement park!" Sophie said.

"You can go there on Sunday," grandmother said.

On Sunday, she finally visited this place. Sophie rode swings and merry-go-rounds. She felt old and new happy moments.

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Saturday, May 8, 2021


 Eunomia (Εὐνομία) was a goddess of legislation and law in Greek legends. She was the Horae. Eunomia's parents were Zeus and Themis. Her sisters were Eirene and Dike. 

Eunomia and her siblings guarded the gates of Olympus.

Asteroids the Eunomia family was named after this goddess.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Great people: Rembrandt.

 Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was a Dutch artist. Also, he was interested in printmaking and drawing. He was born on July 15, 1606, in Leiden, Netherlands.

The artist influenced Baroque and Dutch Golden Age. His works were very important for these periods. 

Rembrandt created created many famous paintings. The Abduction of Europa (1632), The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp (1632), Danaë (1636-1650), self-partraits, The Night Watch (1642), Bathsheba at Her Bath (1654), Hundred Guilder Print (1647-1649).

Rembrandt was married on Saskia van Uylenburgh since 1634 to 1642. They had children. 

The painter died on October 4, 1669, in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Famous people and their quotes. Part fifty nine.

                                                           Lewis Carroll.

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“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.”

“Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Literature. Part seventy four.

                                                "The Emperor's New Clothes" by Hans Christian Andersen.

Once upon a time there was an emperor. He liked his clothes. An emperor wore them for holidays, theatres, and walks.

One day two liars visited emperor. They wanted to create new clothes for him. The tailors said that they make invisible clothing for the emperor.

Although the emperor and his courtiers noticed that there was no cloth, they didn't say anything.

When the emperor came out in new clothes to the people, they looked at him.

Suddenly little boy said that the emperor is naked!

The emperor went on, and the people began to whisper.

This fairy tale was translated to many languages. there are different movies and cartoons about this story.

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