Saturday, September 26, 2015

History of Wyoming.

State of Wyoming is located to the West of the United Syayes, between two other states Colorado and Utah. The capital of  state Wyoming is Cheynne.

Before Chistopher Colombus' doscovery the New World in state lived Indians or Native Americans. But when Europeans discovered the USA they found this land.

At the beginning of XIX century during the Lewis and Clark Expedition, one of this member John Colter described lands of Wyoming. But all information was confirmed later, by other researchers.

Wyoming is known that in 1869 it allowed women to vote. Before it women didn't have right to vote. For that time it was very good.

Just on July 10, 1890 Wyoming became forty-fourth state in the United States of America. So Wyoming and his population saw many different events, including horrible wars: Civil War and World War II.

P.S. History of Wyoming continues today, too.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mammals of Wyoming.

I wrote about birds of Wyoming. Now I write about mammals, another type of animals.

Sometimes I can see mammals on the streets. Example, the hares. In winter, traces of these animals are visible on snow. In Wyoming there are several types of hares. White-tailed Jackrabbit, Black-tailed Jackrabbit, Snowshoe Hare, Mountain Cottontail, Desert Cottontail, Eastern Cottontail. They are similar to each other.

Also in the state, live more big mammals, horses, Elks, Mooses, deer, Bisons, Goats. They are Herbivores. While walking I can see animals near the forest. Large herbivores are very beautiful!

Carvivores live in Wyoming, too. Bears, wolves, foxes, Long-tailed Weasels, Coyotes. But they are living in wild nature. Sometimes I can see them on TV.

P.S. I think that in our state has rich fauna.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Literature. Part six.

       Mary Poppins by Pamela Travers.

I listen two parts of this book "Mary Poppins" and "Mary Poppins comes back".

Mr. and Mrs. Banks have five children: daughter Jane, son Michael, twin babies John and Barbara. In the second part the yourger daughter Annabel appear.

Mary Poppins is a fairy tale nanny. In each chapter she does a marvelous things. She is strict but fair. Children love their nanny very much!

Nanny never says about her magic power. This is the main secret.

Source of image:

Mary Poppins with umbrella

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Birds of Wyoming.

State og Wyoming has many different animals, including birds. They are very beautiful! Example, magpie. These birds have black tail and white sidepiece. I often see them through window or when walking.

Also sometimes on the West of state fly Ross's Gulls. They are white but parts of their wings and tails have grey color. In Wyoming live other gulls, too. Western Gull, Sabine's Gull. But their number not so big because state doesn't have a cold sea.

Worm-eating Warbler is beautiful bird. It has pink beak, yellow piece-side, and green tail and wings. Sometimes I see how they eat worms in green grass.

Band-tailed Pigeon has grey feathers, red eyes, and yellow beak. I think that this birds are very similar on it's european "brothers". Alsp in Wyoming, live sparrows and crows. They travel on the continent.

Bay-breasted Warbler isn't usual in Europe. It has bright colors: white, black, and red.

I like to take pictures these birds.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Why we shouldn't be greedy.

Generosity-one of the most important things in our life. When we give presents to the best friend we feel proud. Our soul become bigger.

Greedy people can't feel glad from giving many things to another. Also they can take gifts back. But better not to do so.

If person is generous, may be in the future he will meet another generous person. It's the law of a boomerang. Greedy person can meet a generous who forgot about their greed. But sometimes on their way they will too be greedy people.

These reasons for which we shouldn't be greedy. Good work is very important for us! If you help someone than other people will also help you.

But we always must remember about ourselves. There are things that we (or members of our family) need very much. So at first we must think about our relatives and only then about other people.

Also greed may be the cause of certain diseases. Be generous and generosity will come back to you.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Recipe of homemade halva or power bar.


Crushed sunflower kernels-300 g
Dry roasted peanuts-150 g
Fry flour until cream color-100 g
Grated crackers-100 g
Sugar-200 g
Water-50 g
Add the vegetable oil-30 g at the end. Boil for about ten min.

Mix all dry ingridients in one bowl. Add sugar syrop, vegetable oil, and rum.

Leave in refrigerator about three hours. If you prefer taste of peanuts you can add it more than sunflower kernels. Example: dry roasted peanuts-300 g; sunflower kernels-150 g

Halva is very taste sweet food! Useful for human organism! But we must remember that halva has many calories!