Thursday, August 27, 2020

Tales from childhood: Julia and her hobbies.

 Julia was an active young woman. After high school she went to college. Julia wanted to become a singer.

But she had her main hobby. Julia liked figure skating. In her room there were many different medals and cups. She participated in competitions in the city.

Anton met his future girlfriend during performance. He saw Julia in a good mood. She wore pink dress and golden skates.

"Hi! How do you do?" Anton asked Julia.

"I'm fine. How do you do?" Julia said.

"What's your name?" Anton asked her.

"My name is Julia," Julia answered him.

"And you? What's your name?" she asked Anton.

"I'm Anton," he said.

"Nice to meet you," Julia said.

"Nice to meet you," Anton said, smiling.

So, their friendship started. Two people knew each other. Julia went to a date with Anton. After she studied in a musical college.

Anton understood that he was in love with Julia. Even his friends guessed about it. They somehow wanted to discuss the situation. Anton told every thing himself.

Then he confessed his love to Julia. She answered him in return.

"I want to go a date with you," Anton said.

"Yes, I want to date you, too," Julia said.

A long friendship has grown into a deeper feeling.

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вектор любви сердца концепции. Плоская иллюстрация свадебной любовью. романтическая любовь изолирована на белом фоне. Знак валенти. значок любви

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Apple of Discord.

 Apple of Discord is also known as Golden Apple of Discord (μῆλον τῆς Ἔριδος). It created a dispute between three goddesses.

Eris wasn't invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. She became angry.

So, she decided to give them the Apple of Discord. Eris wanted to make the goddesses quarrel. 

Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera saw the Golden Apple of Discord. It was written "to the most beautiful" (τῇ καλλίστῃ). The goddesses began to argue about it.

Paris judged Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera. He gave the Apple of Discord. She helped him steal Helen of Troy. Later the Trojan War started.

This legend became famous in Ancient Greece. Also, the phrase "apple of discord" means that small quarrels can turn into big conflicts.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Tales from childhood: Grandfather's life.

 Lara had a good granddad. He was a war veteran. Grandfather had difficult moments in his life. During the war he was a young boy. This event was important for him. But now he decided to talk about other things.

"I want to talk with you about life after war," Lara's grandfather said.

Little Sophie and her best friend Natalie liked his stories. Old man talked about interesting things.

"After war our country had a difficult period," he said.

Sophie watched around. She remembered veterans in her school. They talked about work after war. These people helped their Motherland.

"I became a builder. My colleagues and I have built many houses. We took care of your future," the old man said.

Lara didn't understand granddad's words. She was a child. But Sophie and Natalie listened very carefully. They knew many tragic events. It was a serious talk.

Grandfather married a beautiful young woman. She worked in a factory. Her profession was a baker.

Also, old man built many hospitals and schools. His daughter, Lara's mother was very proud. Granddaughter will be proud, too.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Public relations.

 Public relations or PR is a relationship with many people and things. Media and special organizations create advertising for something or somebody.

Television, newspapers, magazines, books, movies, and radio are main sources for PR. Different brands and marketing communications are important for it. Some people make a business with public relations.

A new book or movie can help make a writer and actors/actresses popular. Good and frequent ads can impress someone and/or different people at the same time.

Many celebrities became famous for their talent and PR. Great events and relationship with the necessary people can help, too. Public relations give a lot or little glory.

A person can speak to an audience. Appear on television, write books and articles, and give interviews. Other people can listen to such a person.

PR sometimes says one thing, but mean something different. Sociology is influenced by it. Also, public opinion is needed for a PR company.

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Связи с общественностью. Векторный мегафон. Целевая аудитория. Логотип коммуникации Icon PR.

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Media conducting a press interview with a businessman answering questions or giving a presentation to a row of hands holding microphones  vector illustration

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Smiling business woman public speaker staying in the pulpit on conference

Thursday, August 6, 2020


Thetis (Θέτις) was a nymph and a goddess in Greek mythology. Her parents were Nereus and Doris. Or maybe she was a daughter of centaur Chiorn.

She was known as the wife of Peleus and mother of Achilles. Peleus and Thetis had a great wedding. Later the Trojan War started.

Thetis wanted to protect her son. She dipped Achilles in river Styx. But Thetis forgot about his heel. She held his heel.

Also, Thetis had relationships with other gods and goddesses. Themis, Dionysus, Hera, centaur Chiron, and Zeus. Some of them predicted early death of Achilles.

During the Trojan War Achilles was killed by Paris. 

This legend became popular in mythology.

There are many paintings and statues about this goddess.

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A large set of ancient Greek vases and plates on a white background. On vases and plates image heroes of Greek mythology. Achilles, Thetis, Athena, Poseidon and the other gods.

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orange and black figures pottery amphora painting of troy war with achilles fighting

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Statue of nymph Thetis in Trieste, Italy

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Great people: George Bernard Shaw.

George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26, 1856 in Dublin, Ireland. His parents were George Carr Shaw and Lucinda Elizabeth Shaw. Also, he had two older sisters.

Shaw became a playwright and critic. He wrote many novels and plays. Cashel Byron's Profession (1882), Caesar and Cleopatra (1898), Pygmalion (1913).

George Bernard Shaw visited different cities and countries. He had Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925, as well as Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay in 1939.

George Shaw married in 1898 to Charlotte Payne-Townshend.

Shaw's quotes and aphorisms became famous, too.

George Bernard Shaw died on November 2, 1950 in England.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Famous people and their quotes. Part fifty.


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“What has been affirmed without proof can also be denied without proof.”

“The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God.”

“Handwriting is a spiritual designing, even though it appears by means of a material instrument.”

Source of information:

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Literature. Part sixty five.

                               Oliver Twist; or, the Parish Boy's Progress by Charles Dickens.

This novel was written and published in the XIX century.

The main character is the boy named Oliver Twist. He is an orphan. Oliver lived in poverty. Also, he had problems with other children.

Later Oliver Twist ran into the street. He left orphanage. In London Oliver met criminals. They wanted to teach him about crimes.

But Oliver Twist found friends and salvation. Good and evil people were in his way. Twist handled all the difficulties.

The story tells about children and their problems in that period. Hard life and attitude of society described in this famous novel.

Artists created many illustrations to this book. The novel was translated to different languages.

There are movies and cartoons about this story.

Source of image:

UNITED KINGDOM, CIRCA 1970: A vintage British postage stamp commemorating the works of famous English novelist Charles Dickens, circa 1970.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Recipe of homemade sandwich with ham.


Bread-1 slice
Ham-1 slice

Lay your ham on a bread slice.

                                                  Bon appetit!