Friday, March 25, 2016


Play is one type of literature. It has to do with the theatre. Screenwriters write plays, actors memorize words, it turns into theatrical production. Play can be of any genre: drama, comedy, tragedy. In this type of literature, everything is written by roles.

Writers write plays, too. Many of them are interesting and instructive. These works are read and written essays on by students in schools.

On holidays, such as Christmas and New Year, performances are carried out in theatres tales. Actors play famous characters of fairy tales. Also, there is a puppet theatre, where actors rule toys and talk to them. It's beautiful!

For example, Hamlet by William Shakespeare is one of famous plays.

It appeared in ancient times. In Ancient Greece actors wore masks for their roles. Famous genres such as comedy and tragedy appreared there.

Theatre is a part of our life. Many actors began their work from theatre movies.

P.S. Another part of the literature is over. Soon will be other.

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Friday, March 18, 2016


Novel is a prose type of literature. Essays and novels have similar and different features. Essays describe real story about people. Often they use facts from their biographies. Novels describe life of fictional people during several years.

This type of literature appeared in ancient times. Long stories were found in Ancient Greece and Rome. So, novel has long and interesting history.

Usually novels are written in a few years. Many chapters are overwritten several times. Sometimes such stories are made into films. Characters of novels become popular in many countries. Actors who played their roles also become popular.

For example, Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Her only novel, written in two volumes.

P.S. Novel, one of the longest types of literature. Today I told about it. Next time will be another.

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Friday, March 11, 2016

Short story.

Short story is one part of literature. It fits into several pages. The story is usually written in prose. Writers write short stories about anything: people, animals, real situations, fantasies.

There are different short stories, which became classics. For example, "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry. Some are simple short stories from magazines, which are written by students.

History of the short story as well as all literature began in ancient times. Some of them are still studied by scientists.

In this genre, humor, irony, metaphors can be used. Also the short story can be told in the first or third person.

Today, this type of literature is written on computers. Students in schools can write essays on short stories. Spoken retelling is possible, too.

P.S. This is one of the few type of literature. Soon will be next. Having similar and different features.

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Monday, March 7, 2016

Recipe of homemade honey cake.


Flour-500-600 g
Sugar-300 g
Sweet cream butter-50 g
Honey-150 g
Salt-1/3 tea spoon
Baking powder-1 tea spoon

Ingredients for cream:

Condensed milk-1 or less can
Sweet cream butter-200 g
Sour cream-500 g
Sugar-300 g

Mix sugar, eggs, and salt in one bowl. Add sweet cream butter, honey, and mix on water bath. Mix the flour knead the dough. Divide in into several pieces. After that, roll out each ball on pancake. Poke a fork. Bake each pancake in oven 356 F (180 C).

Cream. Mix sweet cream butter, condensed milk, sour cream, and sugar. Leave it in refrigerator about 2-3 hours. Spread each pancake with cream. Leave the cake on night in refrigerator.

Bon appetite!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Literature. Part twelve.

             The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins.

This is long detective novel. There are many characters in this book. XIX century. Walter Hartright is a painter. Anne Catherick likes to wear white clothes. Woman whom daughter of Frederick Fairlie. Laura Fairlie is a niece of Mr. Fairlie. She is a fiencee and wife of Sir Percival Glyde.

Laura and Anne look alike. Anne has a mother Jane. Laura has an elder sister Marian Halcombe. Characters are changed.

Ills, death, and marriage, all of it you find in this novel. All these events occur in a few years. There are many films on this book.

Friday, March 4, 2016


Poetry is one type of literature. Rhyme is very important there. Poems first appeared in ancient times. Writers wrote poetry by hands on paper. Verses are memorized easier than prose. Poetry has genres. Sad or happy, long or short. Poems are usually divided into couplets. The school teacher can ask to learn a poem.

Writing beautiful poetry works is not given to everyone. It It requires talent and insparation. Representatives of this type of literature. Alexander Pushkin, Lord Byron, William Shakespeare.

Poetry can be about anything. About people, about things, about love. For example, Ruslan and Ludmila by Alexander Pushkin a long and beautiful poem.

Verses have much common with songs. They both have rhyme and couplets.

There are modern poets too. They type their works on computer.

P.S. Poetry is needed to us, so we can feel the beauty of any language in rhyme.

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