Sunday, October 27, 2019

Tales from childhood: Important people for us.

Lara had a difficult temper. Sometimes she behaved like a crybaby. The child was loud. Lara fought and took away toys from other children. The girl walked in the yard with her grandfather. Lara's mother visited shops a this time.

One fine day Beth decided to tell about her father, Mr. Theodor. Sophie and her best friend Natalie wanted to listen.

"My father help me in hard situations. He remembered about my habits. Because he is my father." said Beth with pride in her voice.

Little Lara thought about her own father. He left her when she was almost three-years-old. Mother didn't talk about her husband. She found another man.

Lara imagined her father was military. Perhaps he died defending his Motherland. But little Lara couldn't find any military medals at home.

When grandfather and granddaughter returned from a walk, Lara asked,

"Where is my father? I know that Mr. Theodor is a good father for Beth and Johnny. But I don't have a father!" said Lara with a sad voice.

Granddad didn't know what to say to the child. Although he knew the whole truth.

"Your father... lives on the next street and has another wife and children," said grandfather.

Afterwards, old man covered his mouth with his hand. Gossip is true. Natalie saw Lara's father many times. Sophie and her family knew about it, too.

Maybe little Lara didn't understand anything. This situation influenced on her temper.

Grandfather regretted about his own words. But children can't be deceived.

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city street building houses architecture empty downtown road urban cityscape early morning sunrise horizontal banner flat

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Persephone was a goddess of the nature, springtime, and underworld. Her parents were Zeus and Demeter.

Goddess's symbols were pomegranate, torch, and  narcissus flower. Also, Persephone had a lot of siblings, like Ares, Athena, Hermes, and etc.

Her sisters Artemis and Athena grew up with Persephone. Hades stolen goddess of nature.

Persephone married Hades. They had children: Melinoe and Zagreus.

There are many myths and legends about this goddess. Artists and sculptures created paintings and statues of Persephone.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Naive art.

This type art is a part of primitivism. Naive art includes a lot of crafts, such as: architecture, sculptures, painting.

Primitivism appeared in XVIII century. There are graphics, applied arts, amateur performances in it.

Also, many works in naive art were created by self-taught artists.

In France this type of art appeared at the beginning of XX century. The Repast of the Lion (1907) by Henri Rousseau, is a painting of naive art.

This art exists in many countries.

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Naive art or cartoon illustration of people standing and sitting in the train, commuter line theme

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Original naive art acrylic painting of colorful rural village lifestyle in harmony with nature.

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Primitive cubism. The minimalist story in vivid colours. Modern pop art Made in oil on canvas in the style of Piet Mondrian. Suitable for the concept of interior design or wall poster.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Tales from childhood: Teacher.

Sophie was growing up. She understood many new difficult things. If before she didn't know something, now the child became wiser. The teacher helped little Sophie in it.

The teacher was born in a town. Her childhood wasn't easy. But the teacher knew that she want to teach children. She was a kind and sociable person, her sense of humor helped in many situations. Sophie and her classmates loved their teacher for these qualities.

The teacher managed to do many things. She had a good family. Her two adult sons and their father. Class teacher rarely talked about them. But sometimes young men appeared at school.

Usually class and teacher visited theatre during the holidays. The teacher talked about her work on the free lesson. She worked in many different schools.

Teacher's style was very shy. She wore strict dresses. Her only piece of jewelry was a matrimony ring.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Oedipus was a king of Thebes. His parents were Laius and Jocasta.

Laius wanted to kill his son. But Oedipus was saved by a shepherd. King Polybus raised Oedipus.

Also, the character saved the city of Thebes from Sphinx. So, Oedipus became the king of Thebes.

His story had a tragic end in Greek mythology.

There are many paintings and statues about Oedipus.

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Oedipus and the Sphinx, by Gustave Moreau, 1864, French Romantic/Symbolist painting, oil on canvas. Greek hero Oedipus and the Sphinx are outside Thebes, where he must solve her riddle to save the cit
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Death of Laius vintage illustration.

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oedipus and the sphinx riddle. greek mythology tale

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Great people: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756, Salzburg, the Holy Roman Empire.

Since early childhood composer played music. Also, he visited other countries of Europe. Mozart wrote many famous compositions, such as: Don Giovvanni, Ckarinet Concerto, Piano Sonata № 16. This music became classical.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died on December 5, 1791, in Vienna, the Holy Roman Empire.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Literature. Part fifty five.

                                             "The Little Mermaid" by Hans Christian Andersen.

Once upon a time in the sea was a kingdom with princesses. These princesses were mermaids. Then they became fifteen-yearsold the girls could see the surface and people.

So, one mermaid noticed ship in the sea. There was a prince. She saved him after an accident.

The mermaid understood that she fell in love with him. She decided go to the witch. She gave the little mermaid legs, but took her voice.

Young girl met the prince. They were in the palace. But the mermaid couldn't talk.

The prince didn't know that she saved his life. He met another girl with mermaid's voice. Young man wanted to marry her.

On the ship were mermaid, prince, and his bride. The little mermaid was very sad.

Other mermaid princesses told about the witch. Before evening the little mermaid must kill the prince. Or she becomes sea foam.

But she saved the prince again. The poor girl decided to become sea foam.

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Cute mermaid with little fishes vector illustration

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Famous people and their quotes. Part forty one.

                                  Brothers Grimm.

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Grimm Brothers - inscription of the famous literary monument in Hanau city, Germany, sculpted by Syrius Eberle

“One feather is of no use to me, I must have the whole bird.”

“How often when we are comfortable, we begin to long for something new! ”

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