Monday, February 29, 2016

29 February.

Today is February 29, 2016. It happens only once every four years. Congratulations!

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

One year later.

I started writing my blog on February 23, 2015. So, five days ago was one year my blog. Congratulations!

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Friday, February 26, 2016

Fairy tale.

Fairy tale is one of the types of literature. There are folk tales, who were made by the people. In ancient times, when there was no technology, people told each other stories. So, these fairy tales were saved for us in books.

Also, there are fairy tales written by authors. Folk tales and tales written by authors have similar things. In these type of literature animals can behave like people. Or people and animals talk to each other. The magic often happens in fairy tales. Princes and princesses, kings and queens, fairy godmothers, those are the main characters of many fairy tales.

Often good triumphs over evil. Fairy tales are instructive. In modern books, there are fairy tales with beautiful illustrations. Tales are make into films and cartoons. Popular heroes of fairy tales sometimes become heroes of jokes.

Popular authors of fairy tales: Charles Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, Alan Alexander Milne, J.M. Barrie. Their works are very famous in all world. Little children know their characters since early age.

P.S. This is fairy tale. One type of literature. Next time will be another part.

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Saturday, February 20, 2016


Essay is one of the types of proze. Students often write it on classes. Essay can be on any topic; autobiography, finished book, picture, experience from life. Articles in newspapers and magazines are also essays.

Today, when we live in the Internet age, you can find a lot of essays on websites. But not all of them are true. It's very important to be able to write it. Through essays, we learn to express our thoughts in writing.

Many of the great and classical novels begin with simple works. Then these books were filmed into movies. It doesn't always work well to write for the first time. So, many writers and screenwriters rewrite their essays. Patience in writing is the importance of quality. Essay can be written by hand or typed on the computer.

At schools and colleges teachers often tell pupils and students how to write an essay. How many words and pages should be written.

P.S. The ability to write an essayis useful even for writing a simple letter.

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Literature. Part eleven.

                     The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.

Anne Frank was a jewish girl who wrote the diary during World War II in Europe. She was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt. Anne was the second child and the youngest daughter of Otto and Edith Frank. Girl had older sister Margot.

She wrote to an imaginary friend Kitty. Anne Frank discribes her hard life during war. Courage, glad, fear. All about it is written in this book. She lived just fifteen years. Mother Edith and sister Margot died during war, too. Just Anne's father survived and died at old age.

The Diary of a Young Girl was translated in many languages. We save our history in this book. Anne Frank's diary read by many people. Also we know many different facts about war from this diary.

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Saturday, February 13, 2016


Postmodernism is the last type of art. It was started in XX century. Postmodernism was manifested in things like: philosophy, music, literature, architecture, paintings. This type of art has many bright colors.

Prior art forms are often found in postmodernism. For example, furniture has mix types such as avant-garde, baroque, gothic. It looks very interesting!

Literature of that period was a wide variety of generes. Irony and humor were popular in books. Postmodern and modern literature have many similar things. For example, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez was one of these books.

Postmodern philosophy is one of important parts of art. In XX century logic and realism were popular. People were very interested in science. So, their views were coincided with it. Representatives of that time: Michel Foucault, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Jean Baudrillard.

Postmodernism still continuous in XXI century. May be soon a new type of art will appear.

P.S. Types of art are finished now. But don't be upset. There are other interesting things. I will talk about them next time.

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Thursday, February 11, 2016


(This is short story by my brother).
One day, in a gloomy, snowy, forest, two little wolves were born. At first, they couldn't do anything so their mother took care of them both. But, when some time passed, and they grew up a little, it was time to leave their shelter with their mother and start learning about basics of life.

In the beginning, their "trip" around the forest was nothing special. Their mother showed them how to hunt, showed their territory, ect. But then, suddenly, it started snowing. The snow and wind escalated very quickly, and soon it turned into a storm. The mother wolf picked up her cubs and started running towards the direction where their shelter was. All the animals in the forest did the same. No one wanted to freeze. The two little wolves felt colder and colder. Their mother was rushing as fast as she could. The cubs start to fall asleep from the cold.

The little wolves open their eyes. The weather is sunny, they are in their shelter, their mother is near them. She managed to get to their home in time. This is how the little wolves experienced their first day outside. The second one begins now.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Recipe of homemade salmon with onion and cheese.


Fish-5 pieces (fresh or freeze)
Mayonnaise-3 table spoons
Cheese-1 cup
Salt-1/2 tea spoon
Black pepper and Italian seasoning-1/3 tea spoon

Pepper, salt, and add Italian seasoning to the fish. Sprinkle with lemon juice and smear fish.

Chopped the onion rings. Fry it a little in vegetable oil. About two minutes.

Add one table spoon of vegetable oil to the baking form and put on the fish. After put on top of onion rings. (So, fish will be wet).

Heat up the oven until 425 F (218 C). Bake the fish covered in the oven about 30-35 minutes (315 F-176 C).

Eat with boiled potatoes or stewed vegetables.

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Avant-garde is a type of european arts that appeared in XIX and XX centuries. It has many similar things with surrealism and modernism. Avant-garde includes many types of art. Such as: music, literature, cinema, painting, theatre.

Pictures of this time were bright and strange, works had a lot of mysteries. In avant-garde literature, dramas and poems were popular. Representatives of the time: The Picture of Dprian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov, Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett.

Movies were black-and-white because cinema just appeared at the beginning of XX century. For example, Sur un air de Charleston by Jean Renoir.

Many kinds of art created classical things which are studied in schools by students. One art form depends on another. So, avant-garde is important for others.

P.S. This is one of the latest types of art. But not the last.

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