Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tales from childhood: Mrs. Anne and worries.

Mrs. Anne was a good old woman. She never took offense at anyone. Also, Mrs. Anne forgave everything. It was her age wisdom.

This old woman often worried about those who were suffering. Mrs. Anne felt how unhappy other people were and tried to support them.

For example, once a boy had a toothache, and he treated it for a very long time. Then she talked about it more than anyone else, some children didn’t even understand why the old woman was so worried.

“It’s good that there are, such kind, people as Mrs. Anne, such people are needed by society,” Sophie’s mother said.  

At that moment, Sophie began to understand the wisdom of the old woman.

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Saturday, April 23, 2022


Narcissus (Νάρκισσος) was a hunter in Greek myths and legends. His parents were Cephissus (Κηφισός) and Liriope (Λιριόπη).

The young man was very beautiful person. Many different people were in love with him, but Narcissus rejected them all. He loved himself very much.

Echo (Ἠχώ) was a mountain nymph, an Oread (Ὀρειάς). She met Narcissus in the forest, Echo fell in love with him, but Narcissus didn't love Echo. So, all that was left of her was Echo's voice.

Narcissus admired his reflection in the river and drowned in it. In place of his body, a narcissus flower grew.

There are paintings about this story.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Tales from childhood: The sea cruise.

Sophie, Beth, and Johnny decided to spend their spring holidays on the seashore. Several other children went with them, too.

When they arrived in the place, the children were in for a surprise. Friends found out they were going on a cruise soon.

“I always wanted this!” Sophie thought.

The children really enjoyed riding on the ship. They saw new places.

“I liked this type of holiday!” Beth said.

“It’s wonderful voyage!” some girl said.

Little Sophie was very pleased that she went on a cruise.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Homo habilis.

Homo habilis or "handy man" is a species who, lived in Early Pleistoncene, in Africa.

This type of human had their own anatomy of the body.

Also, Homo habilis had society between each other.

They used stone tools for their life. These people ate meat and fruit.

Homo habilis was different from other types, primitive people.

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Sunday, April 10, 2022


 Electra (Ἠλέκτρα) was a daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra. Her siblings were Orestes, Iphigenea, and Chrysothemis.

Electra killed her mother Clytemnestra out of revenge.

Pylades was Electra’s husband.

There are many different myths and legends about this character.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Great people: Baruch Spinoza.

 Baruch Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher of Jewish origin. He was born on November 24, 1632, in Amsterdam.

Spinoza’s parents were Miguel Spinoza and Ana Débora.

His interests were metaphysics, Hebrew Bible, and ethics.

Baruch Spinoza had an education. He studied in Talmud Torah of Amsterdam and University of Leiden.

Also, Spinoza had his own ideas, such as: Spinozism, Spinoza’s theory of the emotions, Spinozistic ethics, and etc.

He died on February 21, 1677, in The Hague.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Famous people and their quotes. Part seventy.

                                          Immanuel Kant.

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“Look closely. The beautiful may be small.”

“One who makes himself a worm cannot complain afterwards if people step on him.”

“Rules for happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.”

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Saturday, April 2, 2022

Recipe of homemade mascarpone.


Milk-500 ml

Greek yogurt-500 ml

Cream-500 ml

Mix and heat milk and cream in one saucepan until 38-40 °C. After add natural Greek yogurt. (Greek yogurt without sugar) Leave your mass in a warm place and/or wrap in a towel. Leave it for 24 hours. Then pour the mixture into a tight cotton bag and hang it somewhere. Place a saucepan underneath. The liquid will drain. Leave it for a day (24 hours). 

So, you have about 300-400 g of homemade mascarpone. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Literature. Part eighty five.

                                   The Six Bullerby Children by Astrid Lindgren.

In Swedish little village there are three houses. Here children live with their parents. There are only six children.

Lisa is a character and narrator. She tells about different life moments and adventures.

Lisa has two older brothers named Lasse and Bosse. Also, in the village, there are two sisters Britta and Anna. And boy Olle and his younger sister Kerstin.

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