Monday, February 27, 2023

Tales from childhood: Angela.

Raymond's niece was Angela. Angela was a shy and silent child. The family in which she was born was a little strange.

That's why Angela grew up so quiet, she also often noticed things that others don't notice.

Raymond was even often surprised by Angela's reasoning. He was glad that she was brave and independent.

Angela always made her homework by herself. She cooked dishes and cleaned her room, too. 

"We must accept different people." Raymond often said to his niece.

Also, he understood his wife's brother, Raymond noticed Timothy's charisma and kind heart. Maria understood this, too.

Angela decided that she needed to support Timothy, so she introduced him to people like him.

The little girl was very sensitive and noticed people with different problems.

Sophie was very happy about this.

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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Tales from childhood: New meeting.

It was an evening, or even night. Timothy decided to walk on the street. He wasn't afraid of this late time. Timothy was afraid of people who can't accept and understand him.

Also, Timothy wore an iron mask, just in case anyone noticed him.

Timothy went for a walk away from residential buildings and public places. He went to an abandoned railroad.

There was no one there but only a young man of twenty-six. It was Timothy.

"I know one woman whom you can call and tell your situation. She will understand and listen to you." Raymond said.

"Yes, I need that kind of support." Timothy agreed.

At home, he called a woman with a pleasant voice.

Timothy told her about what happened to him at work, about how his wife left him with their baby daughter, about how some people didn't understand his new appearance. The woman listened with pleasure and supported the young man.

Then she herself came to visit him and they discussed everything one on one. Timothy even more felt the support of this woman.

"Good thing, Timothy is happy!" Sophie's mother said.

"Yes, it's important for him." Sophie said.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Iphimedeia (Ἰφιμέδεια) or Iphimede (Ἰφιμέδη) was a Thessalian princess in Greek mythology. Her parents were Triopas and Hiscilla.

Poseidon and Aloeus (Ἀλωεύς) were her husbands.

Aloadae (Otus and Ephialtes) were Iphimedeia's sons.

Paneratis was her daughter, too.

Iphimedeia had relations with other characters.

There are myths and legends about her.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Tales from childhood: Timothy and his mood.

“Hi! How are you?” Raymond asked Timothy.

“So, so, I have difficult moments in my life. Not all people can understand me.” Timothy answered.

“I can understand and accept you.” Raymond said.

“Thank you very much! You’re real friend!” Timothy said.

In general, some people noticed that Timothy really behaved in a strange way. He didn’t always understand where he was or didn’t remember what time it was.

Perhaps this was due to a misunderstanding of the surrounding people. Timothy was hard to hear the words about his appearance.

“Need to guide Timothy on the right path in life,” the wise Mrs. Anne thought.

“I hope that Timothy won’t behave like this anymore,” Sophie said.

Raymond’s niece also worried about Timothy’s behavior because she was a very sensitive child.

Saturday, February 18, 2023


The Iliad (Ἰλιάς ) (Iliás) is an epic poem written by Homer. This literary work describes many different events from Greek myths and legends. Also, there are gods, goddesses, and characters.

The Trojan War is described in the Iliad. Helen of Troy, Paris, Peleus, Eris, Aphrodite, Hera, Athena, Achilles, and many other gods, goddesses are characters of the Iliad.

This poem is important for history and mythology.

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Source of image:

Source of image:

Saturday, February 11, 2023


Aloadae or Aloads (Ἀλωάδαι) (Aloadai) were twin brothers in Greek myths and legends. Their names were Otus (Otos) (Ὦτος) and Ephialtes (Ἐφιάλτης). Poseidon or Aloeus (Αλωέας) was Aloadae father; Iphimedeia (Ἰφιμέδεια) was their mother.

Otus (Otos) and Ephialtes were giants.

The Aloadae visited different places, including Mount Olympus.

Otus (Otos) and Ephialtes met other gods and goddesses, such as: Ares, Artemis, Hera, and etc.

There are stories in Greek mythology about these characters.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Recipe of homemade caramelized apples.


Apples-2 big or 3 little (desirable sour)

Sugar and sweet cream butter-50 g for frosting

Peel apples and cut them into cubes.

Put 50 g sweet cream butter, sugar, and apples. Fry them in a pan about 5 min and stirring.

You can add this apple filling to your pastries and desserts.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Great people: Jan van Eyck.

Jan van Eyck was a Dutch painter. He was born in 1380, in Holy Roman Empire.

Jan van Eyck was a part of the Renaissance movement.

His famous works: The Arnolfini Portrait (1434) Madonna in the Church (1438-1440) Madonna of Chancellaor (1435) Rolin Gjent Atarpiece (1432), and etc.

Jan van Eyck died on July 9, 1441, in Netherlands.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Literature. Part ninety five.

                                                    “The Nightingale and the Rose” by Oscar Wilde.

Once upon a time there was a young man. He was a student. The student was in love with a young girl.

He wanted to give her a red rose. But this flower wasn’t in his garden.

Nightingale decided to help the student with a red rose. For this he sang, but then the bird died.

The student took the flower and went to the girl. But she rejected the rose and the student.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Famous people and their quotes. Part eighty.


“You can never do too much drawing.”

“Beautiful colours can be bought in the shops on the Riato, but good drawing can only be bought from the casket of the artist's talent with patient study and nights without sleep.”

“Grant me paradise in this world; I'm not so sure I'll reach it in the next.”

Source of information:,reach%20it%20in%20the%20next.