Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Tale from childhood: Disappointment.

Sophie liked to watch TV. One show was her favorite. It was TV show about many different people and things. There were stupid jokes, but Sophie was sure that it's very funny.

"In this TV show there are silly moments!" Sophie's mother said.

"I think that this journalist is very talented! It's my opinion." Sophie said with admiration.

For several months, she continued to respect the creators of this television program.

But then Sophie saw a concert with this journalist, she realized that this is very boring!

Source of image:


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Trojan Horse.

The Trojan Horse (Δούρειος Ίππος) was created during the Trojan War. It was a wooden horse used by warriors.

Odysseus (Ὀδυσσεύς) invented the Trojan Horse, Epeus (Ἐπειός) built it.

Laocoön (Λᾱοκόων) threw a spear at a wooden horse and was killed by sea serpents.

There were people sitting inside the Trojan Horse. Then they came out of it and took possession of Troy.

Also, the "Trojan Horse" is a metaphor. This means when someone is lured in an insidious way under the guise of a gift.

Saturday, November 18, 2023


Wind is a natural phenomenon. The wind blows outside because warm and cold air meet.

When the weather changes the wind can blow.

Also, the wind can be artificial.

Source of image:


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Tales from childhood: Timothy's secrets.

"I want to talk you about my favorite color." Timothy said.

"What's your favorite color?" the lady in red asked.

"I like white color." he said.

"I have some white jewels." she said.

"It's very beautiful!" Timothy said.

The young man had white things in his house. This color symbolized silence for him. Timothy liked snow and white flowers.

Sophie and Angela sometimes told about their secrets, too.

Thursday, November 9, 2023


Cybele (Κυβέλη) was a mother goddess in Ancient Greece. She was an adopted mother of Midas.

Similar goddesses were in other cultures, too.

Nature was the sphere of influence of Cybele.

She had related with other goddesses, such as: Rhea, Demeter, and Persephone.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Recipe of rice with meat.


Rice-200 g

Water-400 mL

Meat-200 g


Vegetable oil-two table spoons

Salt, paper, and/or other spices-on taste

Boil rice. Cut meat and onion. Fry meat and onion. Mix meat and rice. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Famous people and their quotes. Part eighty nine.


“We can speak and think only of what exists. And what exists is uncreated and imperishable for it is whole and unchanging and complete. It was not or nor shall be different since it is now, all at once, one and continuous.”

“To be and to have meaning are the same.”

“Wherefore all these things are but the names which mortals have given, believing them to be true”

Source of information:


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Great people: Alan Milne.

Alan Alexander Milne was an English writer. He was born on January 18, 1882, in London, England.

Winne-the-Pooh was Milne’s famous work. This book was published in 1926.

Alan Milne had wife and child. His son’s name was in the book about the teddy bear.

Alan Alexander Milne died on January 31. 1956, in Hartfield, England.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Literature. Part hundred four.

                                                             Shirley, A Tale by Charlotte Brontё.

This social novel was written in the XIX century.

The characters are different. In this story there are generation conflicts, too.

People have love.