Saturday, July 25, 2015

My own poem.

                             Bouquet in vase.

Flowers in vase,
Stay on the window
Were grown in the field,
On the ground and among green grass.

But once upon a time
A good boy,
Ripped off several beautiful flowers,
And made from them a bouquet.

His mother was so glad
For this gift.
Because boy decided to make
A surprise for his main woman.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Our dreams and goals.

Many people have their own dreams and even goals. But if simply think about something... Dreams will be still dreams.

You want become a good student in your school. You try to make good your homework you carefully listen your teacher during lesson, have a good behavior. You make all of it and believe in your own power. If suddenly you have some problems you still believe in youeself.

It was just one of the most example for dreams and goals. If you want to make something you must have a wish and power.

P.S. But better to have a real dreams and goals!

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Why we must read books?

Books and literature are very important for us. During all of our history people write and read something. But, especially books were princioal for human.

Literature has different types: poems, short stories, novels, fairy tales, and etc. All of them have real meaning in our life.

Example, fairy tales can be folk or written by author.

Novels describe life of characters during several years.

Short story has just several pages by may include funny moments.

Poems are written with rhyme.

Books can be in electronic and paper. Both of them good and important for us.

Read any literature!

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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Recipe of homemade fruit cake with raisins.


Flour-450 g
Sugar-300 g
Sour cream-100 g
Maionese-2 table spoons
Milk-50 g
Butter-100 g
Nuts-3 table spoons
Raisins-200 g
Salt-1/3 tea spoon
Baking powder-1 tea spoon

Mix sugar and butter in one bowl.

Add eggs. Mix foods. 

After add sour cream, maionese, salt, milk, and baking powder.

Wash the raisins in water and dry on the paper towl. After roll under flour.

Add the flour, raisins, and nuts. 

The dough should be like thick sour cream.

Form brush with oil.

Warm up oven 425 F. 400 F stay fruit cake on 30 minutes. After switch off oven on 5-6 hour in it.

Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


We were in this European country not too long but I can say something about it.

When we arrived in Vienna airport I could see blue sky and bright sun. I heard German speech... In shops there were magazines in different languages. I saw old Russian journals which I read many years ago. I remembered my teenager life and how I read them. Also in airport were cafe with food. But we had to go on our plane.

Stay in Vienna, Austria airport was better than in Riga, Latvia.

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Sunday, July 5, 2015

My own short story.

It was a simple day for her. She and her relatives were together again. Family was very big, millions or more members. They lived in different places, on medow, trees, land, cars, roof of the house, weeds which grow in the garden, new number of magazine, and even library books.

Their great travel began from sky and clouds. At the beginning they were simple nature weather phenomenon. For several hours family could see, many, many interesting things. How people running for bus, grannies walking with their grandchildren, fool kitten fear his own aflection in mirror, in window somebody watching with sadness eyes on this family.

Many of them vanish for great travel or staying on human feet with shoes. Family feeling stern stare of person, graciousnees voice of baby, where each had a personality vanished forever... Simple melt on March spring warm sun...

It was short story about last snowflake on one year.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Literature. Part four.

                          Toads and Diamonds by Charles Perrault.

Once upon a time lived a widow who had two daughters. The eldest was so much like mother in the face and temper. They were both so proud and disagreeable.

The youngest daughter was very pretty and sweetness of behavior, and beautiful.

Also, this poor child was forced twice a day to draw water above a mile, bring home a pitcher full of it.

One day there came a poor old woman to girl, who begged her drink some water (She was a fairy). Child scoopfulled some water from fountain and give it to a poor woman.

Fairy said to girl: "At every word you speak, there shall come out of your mouth either flowers or jewels.

When the youngest daughter came home and began to speak with her mother roses and pearls came out of her mouth.

Mother and sister were very surprised of it. Girl said them all truth.

Then Mom wanted that her eldest daughter thave roses and jewels too.

So she sent her to the fountain. Bad girl went to it with silver tankard.

Some time later she saw a lady most beautiful dressed. Who coming of the wood to her and asked to drink.

Bad girl say rude things and didn't give water this woman.

When she arrived home and began to speak with mother, toads and snakes came out of girl's mouth.

Mother striked her youngest daughter.

The poor child fled away in the forest. There she met king's son-prince. She said him about herself. He fell-in-love with girl. After a time they were married.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

"At the Royal Ballet School".

Judy is a pupil at the Royal Ballet School. She is in the second year class. There are about one hundred twenty children at the Royal School. Their ages are from 11 to 16. Judy learns: the English and French languages, Literature, History, Biology, Geography, Mathematics, Music, and Arts. Boys and girls have a special subject the History of ballet too. Also, pupils have an one hour ballet class five times a week.

Judy has the best friend Penny. They sit at the same desk, meet each other before and after classes.

Penny and Judy like dancing very much. Friends get up early in the morning at 7 o'clock. Dancing begins at 10:30 and finish at 11:30. Girls learn fast and easily in their dancing classes. They learn the positions for arms and feet. Judy and Penny also like to sing songs.

Judy's friend Penny has some problems with reading. She has been doing mistakes, example: real text "Buy a pet monkey today". But Judy read "Buy a pig money today".

Judy always helps Penny with her lessons. Now her reading is becoming better.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I was in this country for about twelve hours. My family and me stayed in Riga airport between our flights.

When we entered the airport we wanted to be in the other part of building but we couldn't go there. So my family and me stayed in small part of Riga airport. In cafe we ate food. Several hours later I felt tired.

In the evening cafe was closed. We slept on hard chairs without pillows and blankets. Also we walked in this airport. It seemed that we were in this place alone. But in airport were two men.

At early morning we flew  by plane. I was very hungry and tired. But now I know enough about Latvia.

Several years ago I read that Latvia was "the most unhappy country in the world". These words were partly true.

I think that I will remember hours in Riga for the rest of my life.

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