Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving is a holiday which celebrated at the end of November in the United States of America. This day became a holiday after an acquiring Independence.

Usually on this day different relatives come to visit. Pumpkin pie and turkey are very popular dishes on Thanksgiving Day. Also this holiday is celebrated in Canada.

The next day, Black Friday begins.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Day.

Today is a very important day in American history-Veteran's Day. People congratulate veterans, heroes of different wars. Some of them have awards and injuries.

On this day there are many parades in cities.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Great people: Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln was born on Februaury 12, 1809, Hondgenville, Kentucky. He was child of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln.

Young man liked reading many different books. Abraham Lincoln worked as a lawyer before he became a president.

In 1840 he met Mary Todd and married her two years later. Couple had four sons: Robert, Edward, William, and Thomas.

On election 1860 Lincoln was a presodential candidate from the Republican Party. He became the 16th president of the United States of America.

One year later American Civil War started. It was a very hard period in US history. North and South fought for four years. In the end slavery was abolished.

Abraham Lincoln was killed by actor John Wilkes Booth on Friday, April 15, 1865 Petersen House, Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tales from childhood: Don't do evil to others.

In a simple day Sophie and her classmates had to go to a doctor for vaccination. Young girl and her two best friends were very brave children.

But one boy named Alex from 1-"A" class (Sophie's class) cried during vaccination. Another boy named Johnny laughed at his situation.

Several minutes later Alex asked his classmate about his mother. Pupil of elementary school started crying. Johnny's mother died when he was a little baby. The child went to the elder sister for help. Twelve-year-old girl asked the brother who started it.

Boy seriously thought and understood that he is guilty. Next day John asked Alex for forgiveness. Teacher praised the little kids. This case was a good lesson for him.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Famous people and their quotes. Part six.

                                          George Washington.

Source of image:

Portrait of George Washington 1732-1899 by Thomas Sully. 1820.

“We should never despair, our situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new exertions and proportion our efforts to the exigency of the times.”

“True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.”

“I heard the bullets whistle, and, believe me, there is something charming in the sound.”

“Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all.”

“Be courteous to all, but intimate with few.”

“There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation.”

“I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is the best policy.”

Source of information:

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Recipe of homemade salad.


Cabbage-50 g
Lettuce-50 g

Cut all vegetables in one bowl and mix. If you want you can add salt and/or olive oil.

Bon Appetit!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Literature. Part twenty.

                                    Emil of Lonneberga by Astrid Lindgren.

Emil Svensson lives in Swedish village Lonneberga. He has parents Alma and Anton, younger sister Ida, and two servants Lina and Alfred.

Boy is very active. Emil does several pranks in a day. He is friends with Alfred. In winter Emil's best friend has blood poisoning. The boy takes him to the doctor in a snowfall.

So many people in village understand that Emil Svensson is a good boy.