Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tales from childhood: First we don’t appreciate things, then we feel regret about it.

Sometimes Sophie was a moody child. She didn’t value simple but important things around her.

On the windowsill little Sophie had a pot with flowers. Her grandmother bought it for Sophie, at the end of third grade. This plant was unusual for granny.

“Your flower had many green leaves and bright petals. But color of it is pink,” grandmother said to Sophie.

“This is a simple plant. My flower requires a lot of troubles. Similar weeds grow in the garden, too.” little Sophie said with a smirk.

But the home flower gave a wonderful aroma. Sophie’s granny regularly watered it. Sophie didn’t like this deal. She was afraid to pour water on the carpet.

Also, Sophie thought that the beautiful flower has more problems than it was worth. The petals often fell on the windowsill and carpet.

“Oh! Today my room is full of garbage again!” Sophie wailed when she found pink petal or green stalk from her flower.

Despite this, somewhere deep down Sophie loved this flower.

After watering the ground in the pot became wet. Then little Sophie felt the smell of nature. It smelled like a light summer air.

But unfortunately flower wilted. Sophie and her grandmother tried to save their plant. They transplanted flower. It didn’t help. In Sophie’s room there was no longer a pleasant aroma and a beautiful plant.

Just now she did realize how was important the flower was for her. Sophie had a simple windowsill. Lacking only aroma and beauty.

“I miss my flower!” Sophie thought.

Now little Sophie tried to value things which were near.

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Colorful  cyclamen flowers in rectangular pot isolated on white

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Asclepius (Ἀσκληπιός) was a god of medicine in ancient Greek myths and legends. His father was Apollo, his mother was Coronis.

He met with other gods and goddesses, such as: Hermes, Heracles, Artemis, and etc. Centaur Chiron tought Asclepius hunting and medicine.

God Asclepius not only cured the sick, but resurrected the dead. He used magical blood of Medusa Gorgon. Also, Asclepius treated Heracles after his battle with Hippocoon of Sparta.

He had his own symbol, the rod of Asclepius, a staff with snake. It's a symbol of medicine.

Asclepius had a wife named Epione. Their children were: Hygeia, Aceso, Aglaea, Iaso, Panacea, Machaon, Telesphoros, Aratus, Podalirius.

There are many interesting stories about Asclepius. Artists and sculptors created paintings and sculptures of this god.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tales from childhood: Strange thoughts.

Sophie was a good person. But she had strange aspects in her temper. Little Sophie couldn't listen to other people. She made conclusions very quickly.

It was a simple school day. Teacher said important words for students.

"You must listen to me with attention. Don't lose it!" she said.

On this day Sophie had a strange behavior. She was very tired. Little Sophie thought about her own things.

"Children, please bring some paper for handmade flowers," the school teacher said.

Sophie still thought about her dreams. She didn't pay attention to the teacher's speech.

"We will create beautiful paper roses and other flowers," the school teacher said.

But Sophie didn't listen to her words. She didn't understand entirely the teacher's words.

"You must create paper flowers at home. And bring your works," Sophie heard.

Little Sophie was very worried about it. During her way to home she thought for a long time.

"We must create paper flowers at home," Sophie said to her grandmother.

"You didn't understand your teacher. You must bring paper for handmade flowers. You'll create paper roses and other flowers in school," granny said.

Sophie was still worried. She decided to create a flower. Little Sophie didn't know that her grandmother called Johnny. He told her the truth.

Next day Sophie brought paper and one paper flower. She and her classmates created many beautiful works. The teacher praised Sophie for the paper flower made at home.

Now Sophie tried to listen carefully to other people's words. Because correct understanding is very important.

Saturday, April 11, 2020


Geography (γεωγραφία) is a field of study. It means "earth description" from Greek language. There are two parts of this science: physical geography and human geography.

Physical geography studies about nature and the climate of our planet Earth. Oceans, forests, mountains are different. Somewhere there are volcanoes and hot weather. Somewhere there are plains and fields.

Also, science about Earth explained structure of the planet. Atmosphere, asthenosphere, hydrosphere, crust, rigid mantle, stiffer mantle, outer core, and inner core are parts of Earth.

Human geography is another part of the science about our planet. It studies about people and their countries. Population, economics, culture, politics, languages, territory are show human geography. Name of capitals and other cities of specific country.

Students study different parts of geography during school lessons. Maps and globes help with it. These subjects can be for physical and human geography.

This science is interesting.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Cilix (Κίλιξ) was a character in Greek mythology. His parents were Agenor and Telephassa. Cilix's siblings were, Europa, Cadmus, and Phoenix.

He wanted to find his sister Europa. But Cilix was an unsuccessful.

Cilix had two children named Thasus and Thebe.

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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Great people: Cleopatra.

Cleopatra VII Philopator (Κλεοπᾰ́τρᾱ Φιλοπάτωρ) was born in 69 B. C., in Alexandria. Her father was Ptolemy XII Auletes and her mother was Cleopatra VI Tryphaena.

Cleapatra was known as a queen of Ptolemaic kingdom, Ancient Egypt. She had relationships with other famous ancient rulers.

Queen Cleopatra had several children. During her reign there were battles and conflicts.

Cleopatra died in 30 B. C., in Alexandria, Egypt.

There are many paintings and sculptures about Cleopatra. Writers used Cleopatra's character in literary works. Her style became popular in movies.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Literature. Part sixty one.

                                                                          Dwarf Nose by Wilhelm Hauff.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Jacob. His mother was Hanne. She sold fruit and vegetables at the market.

In a nice day they met an old woman. She was a witch. The old woman criticized fruit and vegetables. Jacob became angry. After that, she bewitched the boy.

He lived with a witch. She cooked soup for Jacob. He ate and worked in the witch's house for seven years. Also, she turned Jacob into an ugly dwarf with a big nose.

Seven years later his mother didn't recognize her own son. It was very sad for him.

Jacob became the duke's cook. He knew his craft. People liked his dishes. So, the dwarf nose worked there.

One day he met a female goose named Mimi. She was bewitched, too. They found the magical grass together. It helped Jacob, he became handsome again.

Mimi and Jacob went to her father, wizard Weatherbuck. He uncursed his daughter.

Jacob returned to his mother. She was very glad.

There are many different movies and cartoons about this fairy tale.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Famous people and their quotes. Part forty six.

                                                Hans Christian Andersen.

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Andersen's fairy tales

“When the bird of the heart begins to sing, too often will reason stop up her ears.”

“Every man's life is a fairy tale, written by God's fingers.”

“To be of use to the world is the only way to be happy. ”

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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Recipe of homemade green tea.


Green tea-1/2 tea spoon
Hot water-1 cup
Honey-on taste

Lay the leaves in the cup.

Add hot water to the beverage.

Also, you can add honey, if you want.