Saturday, February 26, 2022

Tales from childhood: Relationship between people in the family.

Mrs. M. had different pupils. One of them was the girl from the second grade. She was a good pupil. But her family was strange for many people.

Parents didn't pay attention to their daughter. The uncle was in charge of raising the child.

"This year we'll go on vacation together with you," the man said.

"Great idea, dear!" the woman said.

The daughter of these people at that time was walking in the yard. Also, the child lived with the uncle when the husband and wife were on vacation at sea.

"I think this is all very strange," Sophie said.

"The main thing is that people are happy. The girl is very lucky to have such an uncle." Sophie's mother said.

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Sunday, February 20, 2022


Minos (Μίνως) was a King of Crete in Greek myths and legends. His father was Zeus, his mother was Europa.

He ruled on an island. Minos met many different characters of Greek mythology, such as: Daedalus, Poseidon, Minotaur, and etc.

King of Crete asked King Aegeus for seven boys and seven girls. they were needed for Daedalus' labyrinth, these boys and girls were eaten by the Minotaur .

Theseus, the Athenian hero, killed this creature.

Pasiphaё was Minos' wife. They had several children: Ariadne, Phaedra, Androgeus, Deucalion, Gkaucus, Catreus, Acacallis, and Xenodice.

He died in Sicily. After the death, Minos became an judge in the underworld.

This character was popular in arts and culture.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Romulus and Remus.

Romulus and Remus (Romulus et Remus) were twin brothers in Roman myths and legends. Their parents were the god Mars and Rhea Silvia.

Romulus and Remus were abandoned as babies and fed by a she-wolf. Then they were picked up and raised by shepherd named Faustulus.

The brothers had plans together.

Romulus killed Remus because he interfered with his work. Romulus built the country himself. "Rome" was named after Romulus.

So, they founded home.

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Saturday, February 12, 2022

Tale from childhood: Study of wisdom.

Little Sophie and her friends liked to listen to stories of neighboring old men and women. They told interesting life moments.

There was a very wise old woman in the yard. Her name was Mrs. Anne. She raised three children, worked as a doctor for fifty years; this elderly woman had a lot of life experience. Also, she supported people in difficult situations. For example, if somebody was ill. Then the old worried for this person, like her relative. She helped Sophie, they found her toy together, and it was her plastic doll with auburn hair.

Her daughter looked like her mother. She helped people in need. This woman knew how to pack quickly.

Mrs. Anne was one of those who couldn't understand the act of Lara's father.

Sophie was friends with her grandson; he was a four year old boy. He liked to play active games.

"Mrs. Anne really says wise things," Sophie thought.

Sunday, February 6, 2022


Ariadne (Ἀριάδνη) was known as a Cretan princess in Greek mythology. Her parents were Minos (Μίνως) and Pasiphaё (Πασιφάη). Ariadne's siblings were: Glaucus, the Minotaur (Μῑνώταυρος), Phaedra, Catreus, Deucalion, and Androgeus.

She had her own symbols, such as: bull, string or thread, and serpent. 

Ariadne was a wife of Dionysus (Δῐόνῡσος) and Theseus (Θησεύς).

She helped the Minotaur with her thread the labyrinth. Daedalus had taught Ariadne that.

Also, she was on the island Naxos. Ariadne gave birth to her children: Oenopion, Staphylus, and Thoas.

She met with other gods and goddesses.

There are many myths and legends about this weaving goddess.

Ariadne became popular in arts and culture. There are different paintings and sculptures about her.

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Friday, February 4, 2022

Great people: Blaise Pascal.

Blaise Pascal was a French philosopher, writer, scientist, and inventor. He was born on June 19, 1623. His parents were Étienne Pascal and Antoinette Begon.

Pascal was interested in mathematics, physics, and western philosophy. He had his own notable ideas.

Blaise Pascal influenced other philosophers.

He died on August 19, 1662.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Literature. Part eighty three.

                                                “Cat and Mouse in Partnership” by the Brothers Grimm.

Once upon a time there were cat and mouse. The animals were friends.

The cat and the mouse prepared a pot with fat for winter.

Suddenly the cat said that her cousin brought a son, and asked her to be a godmother. The mouse stayed at home.

At this time, the cat went to lick the fat in the pot.

The cat went like this two more times, until the fat in the pot ran out.

She said that her cousin’s children’s names are: “Top-off”, “Half-done”, and “All-gone”.

When winter came, the cat and the mouse went for a pot of fat.

The mouse realized that the cat had eaten all fat in the pot.

The cat immediately ate the mouse.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Recipe of homemade fried potatoes.



Oil-3 table spoons

Salt-1 tea spoon

Black pepper-pinch

Italian seasoning-taste

Clean and cut potatoes thin.

Fry potatoes with the oil during 10-15 minutes. Add salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning in the dish.

Also, you can add meat for your fried potatoes.

Bon Appetit!

Famous people and their quotes. Part sixty eight.

                                                      Baruch Spinoza.

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“The more you struggle to live, the less you live. Give up the notion that you must be sure of what you are doing. Instead, surrender to what is real within you, for that alone is are above everything distressing.”

“The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free.”

“I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand them.”

“The endeavor to understand is the first and only basis of virtue.”

“There can be no hope without fear, and no fear without hope.”

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