Sunday, June 28, 2015

"The White House".

In the capital of the United States Washington, DC, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is a very individual address. It is the White House, the home of the president of the USA.

At the beginning the White House was grey and called the Presidental Palace. It was built during eight years (from 1792-1800). At that time, the capital Washington, was built too.

The first president of America George Washington never lived in the Presidental Palace. The first president who lives there was John Adams, the second president USA president. His wife Mrs. Adams didn't really like her new house. She often complained about the cold. Fifty fireplaces were not enough to keep the house warm.

In 1812 the USA and Britain went on war. In 1814 the British invaded to Washington. They distroyed the Presidental Palace.

After the war, the architect, rebuilt the president's home. It was painted in white.

In 1901 this building became known as the "White House".

Today it has reception and dining room, for the president and his family.

Tourists can visited the White House only in several rooms. Because they don't want to disturb the president.

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Recipe of homemade cookies.


Flour-0.5 kg
Sugar-200 g
Butter-100 g
Sour cream-80 g
Maionese-80 g
Milk-50 g
Salt-1/3 tea spoon
Baking powder-1 tea spoon

Mix 100 g of sugar with butter.

Add eggs and mix.

Add sour cream and maionese. After salt and bake powder.

Add flour and mix.

After roll out the dough 1 cm thickness.

Spread sugar on it.

Make roll. Cut roll thickness 1 cm.

Dipped in sugar.

Bake in oven. (392 F)


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day.

On the third Sunday of June (June 21st this year) the USA celebrates Father's Day. At first this holiday was celebrated in 1910.

On this day, families which have dads congratulate male parents. Also in shops, appear cards with pictures of tie. On them, kind words about Fathers are written.

Mother and Father are both very important parents for children. So, calendar has two great holidays Mother's and Father's Day.

On this holiday you can make cards or/and write good poem about your daddy. Talk with him. Spend your free time in cinema on your and your Father's favourite movie. Help him in hard work.

Other countries also celebrate Father's Day but somewhere in other dates. Example, in Russia Father's Day is celebrated on February 23. This holiday is also called Defender of the Fatherland Day. Children congratulate dads and other men and boys.

But you must remember that you always must love your parents independent from day in calendar.

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Cyprus Island.

I like the Mediterranean Sea in September or October. So last two years my family and me had summer holiday on Cyprus, in Paphos city. It is Greek part of Cyprus island. Moon landscape, blue sky, hot weather, people with smiles, warm Mediterranean Sea...

Also on this nice island many people are talking on Russian language, even some natives. Paphos city has Russian shops where there are buckwheat, magazines, and other Russians goods. In villiages there are houses with commom swimming pools. On the tree growing different fruit granatium, oranges, and etc. Its very tasty!

On Cyprus as well there are many British people. Because in Great Britain often grey sky and rains. English shops also popular on Cyprus island, English magazines are interesting. So Russian and English speech are often heard in Greek part of Cyprus.

Native people talking on Greek language to each other, but international English they know too.

Country has two airports in Paphos and Larnaca. In Larnaca airport more bigger than Paphos. Island doesn't have railroads, just buses and cars.

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Sunday, June 14, 2015


Since early childhood I wanted to live in Scandinavian country-Findland. Really, this place is good. Clean streets, there are ho homeless animals, and safety.

Also in Findland many people have blonde hair and blue eyes. Especially attention for children. In trains don't ask how old to child even though he or she looks like elder. I think that Findland is a country of bicycles. Many people have bicycles and ride even little children. Near with Baltic Sea there are different birds especially seagulls. These birds are very noisy...

In country two official languages finnish and swedish. But many people can speak English language if its needed.

But weather... is bad. Grey sky often rains in any seasons, winds from Baltic Sea. About one week sun can't appear. At spring on the lawn there are many beautiful snowdrops. Also in some places there are green landscapes, wherein it is always clean and accurate.

I'm so glad that we lived in this good country, now I know almost everything about Findland.

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Saturday, June 13, 2015


Malta is an island in the Mediterranean Sea. It stays between Italy and North Africa. Malta is the first country where I was abroad. After the end of my elementary school we travelled to Malta to study English language.

The Mediterranean Sea is the first sea which I saw. I was just ten years old. I have very good memoried about it!

Spring and summer on island are warm. People can swim in the sea or in pool. At the beginning fall there was also hot weather. Blue sky and bright sun can make your mood better.

On Malta I began learning English and understand mathematics. But in that time I learned in Russian school. I found new friends and good teachers. It was very good practice for me. Just we missed our usual things such as food and weather.

My first fly by plane was on Malta. We lived there for eight months. It was really nice!

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

"The story of Dick."

Dick was a boy. He was an orphan. Dick's parents died. Boy was very poor and had only one friend: his cat. Dick loved it very dearly.

Once he heard that lofe in London was very good. That the streets of city were full of gold.

When Dick and his friend cat came to British capital, they certainly didn't see the gold. Also friends didn't see people who wanted to help them.

At last boy found a job on the ship.

"May I take my pet with me?" he asked the captain of the ship.

"Yes, of cause" said the captain.

He was an old kind man. The captain often told Dick many stories about strange countries and strange people.

One day when was a storm in the sea, the ship was driven onto a strange country. There lived people with red skins.

The captain of the ship. sent many beautiful presents to the king and to the Queen of that kingdom. Then royal couple invided them to their palace.

It was a pretty place. There were a lot of foods for the masters and guests. But hundreds of rats entered into the palace and began to eat all foods.

King said, that nobody can help them.

Then Dick's cat saw rats and soon all of them were dead.

Monarchs were so pleased that gave the boy twelve bags of gold.

When he came to London, he was very rich. He married a girl. They three lived forever together.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

My advises for travels.

1. If you must wake up early you need an alarm clock.

2. When you are in transport you can read a book or madazine, watch a movie.

3. In big city you can go to eat in cafe. If your way is about one hour or more. Also you can go shopping in big shops.

4. In plane or in train better eat food even if you think that you're not hungry. If you want to drink you can ask for a glass of water.

5. Study history and facts about country in which you travel or simply stay. It's very important for you.

6. If your way-is very, very long you can stay in motel for one night or more. Because rest is needed for human organism.

7. After travels you can be very tired so your sleep should be good.

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Literature. Part three.

          The master cat; or puss in boots by Charles Perrault.

Once upon a time lived a miller who left an inheritence to the three sons. He had his mill, an ass, and a cat. The partition was soon made. The eldest had the mill, the second the ass, and the youngest the cat.

The poor fellow was very grief because he had only cat. Then cat said: "Give me a pair of boots and bag." Cat's master give its his pet; the youngest son knew the cat enough cunning.

Cat went to the hunt and caught a rabbit. A take, cat give it to the king. King said: "Say thank you for your master." Cat said: "His name the Marquis of Carabas." Next time a take was brace of partridges. So cat went to the king for two or three months.

Marquis of Carabas wanted to make the acquaintance of the king and his daughter princess.

Cat gave an advise his master: "You can wash in river and cry "Help, me!""

One day, when king and his daughter took the air along the river-side they heared: "Help, me! I'm sinking!" It was the Marquis of Carabas. He was escaped.

The king immediately commanded the officer off his wardrobe to run and fetch one of his suit for the Marquis of Carabas. They three together drow in carriage. (King thought that the Lord Marquis of Carabas had a castle).

Cat who went still before, met reapers and said to them: "Good people, if you don't tell the king that all this corn belongs to the Marquis of Carabas, you shall be chopped as small as herbs for the corn."

When king, his daughter and the Lorn Marquis of Carabas asked reapers that are fields. They said: "Its fields Marquis of Carabas."

In castle lived a big orge. Puss in boots asked him: "Can you turn into a lion?" So orge became a big evil lion. Cat was very afraid.

But next, cat asked him turn into a little animal, example mouse. A Big ogre became a mouse and cat suddenly ate it.

On next day in castle was a wedding. Marquis of Carabas and princess married and lived long and happily.

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Monday, June 1, 2015

Long-awaited summer.

Congratulations-today is June 1st. The first day of summer. New season, new month, new week, and new day. For pupil and students long-awaited holidays!

Also today is very important holiday-International Children's Day. On this year this holiday celebrates jubilee sixty-five years (since 1950).

Somebody like sleep until noon, travels around the world or in a neighboring town, long days and short nights... Bright sun will be hear our bodies so we became sunburned.

Sea-is one part of summer for many people. I like feeling when arrive on a plane from a cold climate to a warm. Summer clothes such as swimming suit (bright and beautiful), light dress, sunglasses, shawl, and cap (in very hot weather) became usual on this season.

But if you haven't got a warm sea in your city or a chance for travel-don't be sad you can find many interesting things in your place! Go in cafe for ice cream, watching movies in cinema with friends, have a great shopping.

All good luck and good summer!