Saturday, January 28, 2023

Tales from childhood: Timothy and people.

"How will I sleep?" thought Sophie's friend.

This boy had his own vision. He would be very emotional and impressionable.

Sophie was emotional, too, but she could sleep after scary shows. But Sophie was worried before important event, such as a trip to a new place.

Sophie's friend was an emotional person, but he never said anything superfluous about Timothy.

"I'm friends with you," Raymond said.

At this point, Timothy felt support.

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Thursday, January 26, 2023


Odysseus (Ὀδυσσεύς) (Ulysses) was a king of Ithaca in Greek mythology. His father was Laёrtes (Λαέρτης) and his mother was Anticlea (Ἀντίκλεια).

Odysseus participated in the Trojan War. He was one of the many participants in this event.

Palamedes (Παλαμήδης) was an enemy of Odysseus.

Also, Odysseus met with different characters.

Penelope (Πηνελόπεια) was his wife. They had several children.

There are many stories about Odysseus.

There is an epic poem named the Odyssey by Homer.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Tales from childhood: Sophie and her different friends.

Sophie had many different friends. One of them was a boy from the yard. They knew each other for a long time.

He studied well at school. Also, this boy attended several clubs of interest.

By his nature, he was very impressionable. If he watched some bright show, then he worried for a long time. This boy said about it.

"He just has that kind of personality" Sophie's mother said.

Sophie agreed with this, because he was always so emotional.

At the same time, other people reacted differently to such situations.

Sunday, January 15, 2023


Tundra is a biome with a cold climate. It's situated in the Northern Hemisphere.

In tundra there are many different plants and animals. Its adapted to the local weather.

Tundra is located near the Arctic.

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Saturday, January 14, 2023


Perse (Πέρση) or Perse, Persea. Perseis (Περσηίς) was one of the Oceanids in Greek myths and legends. Her parents were Oceanus and Tethys.

Helios, the god of the sun, married Perse. They had several children: Circe, Aeёtes, Pasiphaё, Perses, and Aloeus.

Also, Perse had many different siblings among Oceanids and Potamoi (Ποταμοί).

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Literature. Part ninety four.

                                                 “The Bell” by Hans Christian Andersen.

Once upon a time people heard ringing bells from the forest.

So, all people wanted to find the bell.

Among them was a rich young man. He met another poor young man.

They didn’t go together to look for the bell at first, but then the rich and the poor young men met again.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Recipe of homemade sugar topping.


Sugar-500 g

Water-150 mL

Lemon juice-1 table spoon

Mix and boil sugar and water about 5 minutes. Add  lemon juice at the end. Cold and whip the sugar topping.

You can spread the sugar topping on your desserts. Also, you can live your homemade sugar topping in refrigerator. 

Bon Appetit!

Monday, January 2, 2023

Famous people and their quotes. Part seventy nine.


“The painter must always seek the essence of things, always represent the essential characteristics and emotions of the person he is painting.”

“It is not bright colors but good drawing that makes figures beautiful.”

“From the example of the past, the man of the present acts prudently so as not to imperil the future.”

Source of information:,person%20he%20is%20painting... and

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Great people: Giorgione.

Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco was born in 1477, in Italy. He was a painter. Giorgione studied with Giovanni Bellini. He painted in High Renaissance style.

His notable works are: The Tempest (1508), Sleeping Venus (1510), Madonna and Child Between St. Francis and St. Nicasius, or  Castelfranco Madonna (1503/04), The Three Philosophers (1505-1509).

Giorgione died in 1510, in Italy.