Saturday, January 30, 2016


Surrealism appeared in Europe in the beginning of 1920s. This epoch of art has a lot of strange works.

In XX century, when there were many technological discoveries, art changed too. Artists drew fantastic pictures with strange creatures. For example, The Elephant Celebes by Max Ernst.

Despite the fact that pictures were unusual at the time, they were very nice. Pepresentatives of surrealism were: Pablo Picasso, Rene Magritte, Salvador Dali, Marcel Duchamp, Joan Miro.

Technical progress has given people new views at old things. Pictures became brighter. Many of them are considered classics. In the beginning of XX century, cinema appeared. Surrealism is one many parts of art where films were included.

P.S. Surrealism is a modern type of art and its history continues now. Soon, there will be next.

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Saturday, January 23, 2016


Modernism is a part of arts which was around from XIX until XX centuries. It manifested in many forms of arts, such arts literature, painting, architecture.

Modernism is different from other arts. This type of art has featured of several species of arts, photography appeared.

But then paintings were also popular. Representatives of the time were: Edouard Manet, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh. Many paintings have become classics. For example, The Scream by Edvard Munch.

Modernist literature wrote about wars and history. Writers: Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Andrei Bely. Many of them are now studied in schools and colleges.

Architecture began to build high-rise buildings in big cities. For example, The Robie House, in Chicago, Illinois.

P.S. Modernism is an art which history didn't end, but is still in progress.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Literature. Part ten.

                   The Red Shoes by Hans Christian Andersen.

Karen was a poor girl. She was so poor that she walked barefoot in summer. But one day the old woman made the red shoes for Karen.

Girl wore new shoes on the day of the funeral of her mother. Although the red color was very bright for this event.

Some time after in the coach drove the old lady. She felt sorry for Karen and took her. Girl has decided that all this is because she wore new shoes. But the old lady had her own opinion about shoes. She asked to burned them.

So Karen began to live with the old lady. Girl lived with her well. Karen grew up and needed new shoes. The shoemaker sold beautiful bright red shoes for girl. But the old lady didn't know about color of shoes.

Girl went to the church with the red shoes. The old lady didn't approve of this. All people looked at new red shoes. Karen wore them again in the church.

The old lady had poor eyesight. Then she learned about the antics of Karen. The girl doesn't listen to the old lady.

One day the old lady fell seriously ill. Girl didn't take care of her. Karen wore the red shoes and went to dance at the ball.

Suddenly her legs carried girl to the forest. Karen realized that she couldn't take off the red shoes. At night when she danced to the cemetery. In the doors of church Karen saw the angel. He said that she will dance and dance.

In the morning Karen saw coffin with body of the old lady. After she asked the executioner to cut off her legs with the red shoes. He did it. Girl repented of her sin.

She started to live with the family priest. At last Karen saw the angel again and her soul flew to the sky.

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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Rcipe of homemade yogurt.


Milk-8 oz (680 g)
Sour cream-3 table spoons
Plain Greek yogurt-1 table spoon

Heat up milk until 97 F (37 C). Mix all ingridients in a glass jar and wrap in a warm towel. Stay about 30 hours in a warm place.

Yogurt turns slimy and drawling. It's normal.

You could dressing in salads, eat with pancakes, add in a bakery, or eat simple. If you like you could eat with dry fruit, fresh fruit, berries or like smoothies. Sugar is add at the end.

Very healthy, tasty, and simple for human organism.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

History of Canada.

Canada is a country of the New World, in the North America. Until Europeans discovered the New World there were living native people.

The name translates as "villiage". After Christopher Columbus found American continent people from Great Britain and France began to move to a new land. That's why in Canada there are two official languages English and French.

Until XIX century country depended from Europe and had close ties. Europeans found here many new things. For example, native people engaged in hunting and argiculture. On July1, 1867 the country was named Canada.

Now the country is the world's second biggest in size. Canada participated in the World Wars. In 1965 there was a modern Canadian flag. With two vertical lines and red maple leaf.

In the south, country borders with the United States of America. Canada has cold climate. History of country continue today too.

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Saturday, January 9, 2016


Romanticism was popular in the world from XVIII until XIX centuries. This type of art extend in such things as painting, literature, and music.

Also Romanticism appeared in Industtrial Revolution, when there were trains,factory machines, photography, and human values.

Painting during this period had something in common with Gothic. Example, Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich.

In Romantic literature poetry was popular. Pepresentatives: Alexander Pushkin, Adam Mickiewicz, Gord Byron. Now many works of this writers are studied in schools by students.

Music in that period emphasized the inner world. Many classic music was written during that time. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Joseph Haydn, Frederic Chopin.

Romanticism has mixed parts of previous arts, including Classicism, Gothic, and Renaissance. This suggests that humanity remembers its own past.

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