Saturday, May 28, 2016


Physics is one of the hardest school subjects and sciences. Therefore this subject is taught in high schools.

Some laws of phycics have been discovered in ancient times. There are complex physical formulas. Atoms and molecules are an important part of this hard science. Light and electricity work by the laws of physics.

Astronauts must know physics for their work. Ordinary people also should know that science. For example, water is a good conductor of electricity. Electrical items can not be touched by wet hands.

Famous scientists who studied physics: Aristotle, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein. Today scientists study this science too.

Perhaps physics is more difficult than mathematics. If math is necessary to understand, for physics than physics is more difficult. There is a common subject on physics-chemestry. This science also has complicated formulas.

It was an essay about one of the most complex subjects. Next time will be another.

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Friday, May 20, 2016

Language Arts.

Language Arts is one of the most important school subjects for students. Knowledge of the native language is very needed. Literature is a part of Language Arts. Grammar and word game is what this science studies.

Little children in Elementary School, begin by studying letters and sounds. Then they can read abd write in their native language. Some children can have difficulties with it. Teachers need a lot of patience.

Several years later these students can write essays on the books they have read.

Also, in schools foreign languages are studied. When children can read and write in their native language, another language is added to them. Students learn to speak, read, and understand the new language. Sometimes a second language gives more options for the future of education.

There are people who can speak several languages. It is good for travels because not all people know English.

Over time, you can forget even the native language, if you don not support it.

Learning languages is important.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Why do I like Summer?

I like this warm season because weather is sunny, sky is blue, and grass is green. Short nights and long days. All people have holidays, especially pupils and students. Many ice creams and warm air.

Somebody likes warm sea and hot sun.

I prefer walking in beautiful clothes.

Friday, May 13, 2016


Mathematics is one of the most complex and difficult sciences. It can be easy if you understand this subject.

It appeared in ancient times. Scientists studied numbers numbers and solved the problems.

Many years later people invented calculator and made mathematics easier. Math is divided into two parts: Algebra and Geometry. In the first, there are more numbers, in the second, there are more figures.

In school, children start studying this science from addition and subtraction. Then follows the multiplication table, and finally Algebra and Geometry.

If mathematics is not clear to you than it is useless to go further.

Some ancient theorems are still relevant. For example, the Pythagorean theorem or Pythagors' theorem:

In this essay I told about one of many sciences. Next time I will write about another science and its history.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Literature. Part fourteen.

                  The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss.

A family. Father-William, mother-Elizabeth, son Fritz-15, son Ernest-13, son Jack-11, and son Franz-8. Family of Robinsons were in a storm and their ship was wrecked. They were on an island in an ocean.

Family survived on the island. Elder boys and father studied this place at the beginning. They found food and built some shelters for themselves. Book takes place during two years.

There are movies about this story.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Horror fiction.

Horror fiction is one of the most popular genres in literature. This genre appeared just in XVIII century. After that, it began to grow fast. At the beginning of XIX centure, a fomous novel in the style of horror was written: Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelly.

In these books, you can find the description of the terrible. However, not all of them end badly. Such novels are made into films. Also this genre is studied in schools by students.

Characters from fairy tales often appear in horror fiction, such as ghosts and vampires.

These literature works are drawn beautifully and have fantastic pictures.

It was the last type of literature genre. Next time I will write about another them.

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Monday, May 2, 2016

Recipe of homemade cheesecake.

Ingredients for the base:

Flour-300 g
Sugar-100 g
Sweet cream butter-100 g
Sour cream-2 table spoons
Mayonnaise-2 table spoons
Salt-1/2 tea spoon
Baking powder-1/2 tea spoon

Mix all ingredients in one bowl and make a dough. Warm up the oven 400 F. Put the dough in a baking form and poke a fork base. Put the dough in the oven and bake 300 F about 20 min.

Ingredients for the cream:

Cream cheese "Philadelphia"-700 g
Sugar-300 g
Heavy whipping cream-50 ml

Mix all ingredients in one bowl or mixer and make cream. When base finish bake put the cream in the base. After bake base and cream together about 30 min. Warm up the oven 350 F and bake 300 F. Switch off the oven and leave cheesecake there about 5 hours. After 12 hours you can eat this dessert.

Bon Appetit!