Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tales from childhood: Different examples.

Sophie liked her family. Her grandmother was a good example for her. She had important qualities: grandma explained many things to little Sophie. Also, she taught her daughter.

Sophie's mother taught her little child. It had good results. They showed a good example to each other.

Granny often cooked delicious pancakes with cottage cheese. Mother washed the dishes after dinner. Sophie wanted to do it, too.

"Today I will cook our favorite pancakes with cottage cheese," Sophie said to grandmother.

"Yes, of course! I'm glad!" granny said with smile.

Little Sophie cooked pancakes with cottage cheese. She used flour, eggs, and sour cream. Sophie's dishes had strange forms but they were delicious.

"Well done!" said Sophie's mother after a hard day at work.

Her daughter was very proud of herself.

Sophie decided to try washing the dishes. Mother and grandmother were glad to see how Sophie chore at home.

Source of image:

Cottage cheese pancakes with honey and blueberry on white background, breakfast or lunch

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Europa (Εὐρώπη) was a daughter of Agenor and Telephassa. The goddess was a Phoenician princess. She was the Cretan moon goddess. Europa was known for her abduction. She had several siblings: Phoenix, Cadmus, and Cilix.

God Zeus kidnapped Europa when she played with her friends on the shore. He became a bull and abducted Europa.

Also, Europa had several children: Minos, Rhadamanthys, Crete, Sarpedon, Alagonia, and Carnus. Europa's husband was Asterion.

There are many paintings and statues about Europa.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Tales from childhood: Day with friends.

Natalie moved to a different place. But Sophie and Natalie were the best friends, despite of that fact. Sophie's friend often visited the old yard. They played together very well!

So, Sophie and Natalie decided to spent the Sunday morning in the sports ground. Sophie's best friend went to the place on schedule.

"Hi! Sophie, how are you?" Natalie asked Sophie.

"Good Morning, Natalie! I'm fine on this Sunday. And you?" little Sophie said.

"I have many emotions now. I waited for this day for so long. I want to play here," Natalie said.

They started playing hide-and-seek together, friends ran, riding on scooters, roll on skates. Sophie and Natalie used helmets and other protections.

Several minutes later in the sports ground other children appeared. But little Sophie and her friend didn't know them. They played with big red ball.

When Sophie and Natalie finished together, they went home. On the way Sophie understood important things: even if your friend is in a different place you can meet with them.

Source of image:

Muchacha adolescente sonriente con traje de salto con casco y rodillas saltando y rodando con hojas de rodillo. Ilustración vectorial de estilo plano aislada en fondo blanco.

Sunday, February 9, 2020


Philosophy (φιλοσοφία) is a study about knowledge and the mind. The word means "a love of wisdom" from Greek language.

Many different scientists of periods were interested in philosophy. Countries had unique views about world. Plato, Socrates, and Confucius were philosophers.

Also, philosophy created many other sciences, such as: sociology, ethics, aesthetics, psychology, and etc. People studied something with philosophical views.

This science can help make logical conclusions. Many religions have philosophical aspects.

Since ancient times people wanted to ask questions about life and the universe. Philosophical views have changed throughout history.

This science has influenced art and architecture in the countries. Philosophers wrote books, created paintings.

Students study philosophy during school lessons or in university.

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El universo interior. La silueta de un hombre con el espacio como cerebro. El concepto sobre temas científicos y filosóficos. Elementos de esta imagen amueblada por la NASA.

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Philosophy - words from wooden blocks with letters, love of wisdom philosophy concept, white background

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ROME, ITALY - APRIL 8, 2016: The School of Athens, Raphael room's in Museums of Vatican.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Hypnos (Ὕπνος,) was a god of sleep in Ancient Greece. His father was Erebus, god of darkness, his mother was Nyx, goddess of night. Also, Hypnos had severa siblings, such as: Thanatos, Nemesis, Keres, and etc.

His symbols were poppy and Cottonwood. Hypnos lived in the underworld. His spouse was Pasithea. They had several children. Morpheus was a relative of Hypnos.

In Greek mythology there are many myths and legends about this god. Artists and sculptors created different paintings and statues of a Greek god of sleep.

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hypnos and thanatos twin greek mythology gods

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Hypnos vintage engraved illustration drawing.

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Floor mosaic of colored stones with the god of sleep Hypnos - young man with wings, lying on pillow, museum "Roman mosaics", Risana, Boca-kotor bay, Montenegro

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Famous people and their quotes. Part forty four.


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Retrato del antiguo matemático griego Pitágoras.

“It is better to be silent, than to dispute with the Ignorant.

“Friendship is one soul in two bodies.”

“Know thyself and thou wilt know the universe.”

Source of information:

Monday, February 3, 2020

Great people: Raphael.

Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino was born on April 6, 1483, in Italy. His parents died when he was a child.

Raphael was known as an Italian artist and architect. He created many famous paintings, such as: Portrait of a Man (1502), Madonna and Child with the Book (1503), Self-Portrait (1503), the Conestabile Madonna (1504), Three Graces (1504).

The artist works were important for the Renaissance period. Raffaello Santi drew different people.

His paint the Sistine Madonna (1512) is one of the most popular works in the world.

Raphael Santi died on April 6, 1520, in Rome, Italy.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Literature. Part fifty nine.

                                               Cabbages and Kings by O. Henry.

This novel was written in 1904. The story's genre is satire. Cabbages and Kings has eighteen chapters. They are like short stories.

Events happened in a fictional country named the Republic of Anchuria. Author described many situations in this place.

Chapters of the novel:

I. "Fox-in-the-Morning"
II. The Lotus and the Bottle
III. Smith
IV. Caught
V. Cupid's Exile Number Two
VI. The Phonograph and the Graft
VII. Money Maze
VIII. The Admiral
IX. The Flag Paramount
X. The Shamrock and the Palm
XI. The Remnants of the Code
XII. Shoes
XIII. Ships
XIV. Masters of Arts
XV. Dicky
XVI. Rouge et Noir
XVII. Two Recalls
XVIII. The Vitagraphoscope

There are different adaptations of this novel, such as: movies and theatrical plays. This book was translated to other languages.

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Cool King of kohlrab on cartoon character style

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Recipe of homemade sandwich with pate.


Bread-1 slice
Pate-3 tea spoons

Lay pate on the bread slice and spread it.

                                             Bon Appetit!