Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Tales from childhood: Favorite color.

"What's your favorite color?" the man asked lady in red.

"My favorite color is red." she answered. 

In really this lady had many different things with red color.

"Different people like different colors." Sophie's grandmother said.

"I realized that this woman loves red." Sophie thought.

This color reflected the character of the lady.

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Saturday, June 24, 2023


Delphi (Δελφοί) or Pytho (Πυθώ) was a town in Ancient Greece. 

There are myths and legends about this place. 

Different parts of Delphi belonged to different gods and goddesses.

Gaia gave her share to Themis. Then Themis gave Apollo. In Delphi there were Apollo's temples.

Also, there were works of Hephaestus (Ἥφαιστος).

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Tales from childhood: Maria's childhood.

Maria was a kind child. When she was three years old, she lived in boarding school. Maria liked it there and had a good relationship with the teachers and students.

There she received a good education. It was very important for Maria's future.

"I'm glad that I studied in it." Maria said many years later.

Indeed, in this place she was able to find her friends.

Sunday, June 11, 2023


Photosynthesis (Φωτοσύνθεση) is a biological process. It is used by plants and other organisms.

During this process plants absorb the energy of the sun. Photosynthesis converts this energy into other forms of energy.

This is important for organisms.

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Saturday, June 10, 2023

Herse of Athens.

Herse (Ἕρση) means "dew". She was the Athenian princess in Greek mythology. Her parents were Cecrops I (Κέκροψ) and Agraulus (Ἄγραυλος). Also, Herse had siblings: Aglaurus (Ἄγλαυρος), Pandrarosus (Πάνδροσος), and Erysichthon (Ἐρυσίχθων).

Hermes was her husband. They had son named Cephalus (Κέφαλος).

There are different stories about this character.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Literature. Part ninety nine.

                                         "The Young King" by Oscar Wilde.

Once upon a time there was a young King. Soon, his coronation will take place. The young King admired wealthy things.

Suddenly during sleep he dreamed how people created these things. They worked very hard for wealthy and beautiful decorations. The young King understood that their work is very hard.

He decided to go to the coronation in simple clothes. 

At the end King's simple things became with leaves and flowers.

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Saturday, June 3, 2023

Great people: Victor Hugo.

Victor-Marie Hugo was a French writer. He was born on February 26, 1802, in France.

Hugo's genre was novel. Victor Hugo's movement was Romanticism.

His famous works: Les Misérables (1862), The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831), Ruy Blas (1839).

Victor Hugo married and had five children.

He died on May 22, 1885, in France.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Recipe of homemade dough for fruit cake.


Flour-450 g

Sugar-300 g


Sour cream-100 g

Mayonnaise-2 table spoons 

Milk-50 g

Butter-100 g

Salt-1/3 tea spoon

Baking powder-1 tea spoon

Mix sugar and butter in one bowl.

Add eggs. Mix foods.

After add sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, milk, and baking powder.

Add the flour.

The dough should be like thick sour cream.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Famous people and their quotes. Part eighty four.

                                                           Astrid Lindgren.
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“If I have managed to brighten up even one gloomy childhood – then I’m satisfied.”

“A childhood without books – that would be no childhood. That would be like being shut out from the enchanted place where you can go and find the rarest kind of joy.”

“I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.”