Friday, March 29, 2024

Tales from childhood: Needed people in our life.

"Do we know each other?" the lady in red asked Mr. Theodor.

"Have I seen you somewhere? Maybe yes. You were very young then," Mr. Theodor answered.

"Yes, yes" the woman answered.

Her work was very interesting. The lady in red talked with people on the phone. She supported them during difficult time.

"These people very necessary for our society" Sophie's granny said.

Sophie understood her grandmother.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Tales from childhood: Angela and her parents.

Raymond wanted to support Angela in difficult situations. She valued this help very much.

"It's important for Angela now" Raymond said.

"Yes, of course," Maria said.

Mr. Theodor listened and supported his children Beth and Johnny.

Sophie was very glad when parents cared for their children.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Tales from childhood: Real friend?

“Our daughter often talks about a certain person. Allegedly, he lost his face in an accident and his wife left him with their child. Then he had surgery to reconstruct his face.” Angela’s mother said.

“I haven’t heard anything about him. Also, I haven’t anything know about this story.” Angela’s father said.

“Maybe it’s better for such people to be as quiet as possible and not to show themselves.” the wife said.

“Yes, let such strange people roam other places. For example, in forest.” the husband said.

“It’s good that Angela now lives with Raymond and Maria, I think she’s better off there.” the woman said.

“I think so, too.” the man said.

Angela knew how to notice what others couldn’t understand, but at the same time she found like-minded people in her new family. Timothy lived with them in the same house and they treated everything calmly.

Source of image:

Monday, March 18, 2024


Cepheus (Κηφεύς) (Kepheús) was a king of Aethiopia in Greek myths. His parents were Belus (Βῆλος) (Bêlos) and Achiroe (Ἀχιρόη).

Cassiopiea was his wife. Princess Andromeda was their daughter.

There is a legend that Cepheus was turned into a constellation.

Friday, March 15, 2024

The stars.

In the sky there are many different stars.

Stars are celestial bodies that consist of gas and plasma. The sun is a star, too.

There are very different stars in space.

Constellations are made up of stars.

Source of image:

Monday, March 11, 2024


Aeёtes (Αἰήτης) (Aiḗtēs) was a king of Colchis in Greek mythology and legends. His name αἰετός aietós means "eagle".

Helios (Helius) was his father. Perse (Pérsē) was his mother. 

Indyia (Ἰδυῖα) (Idyîa) was the wife of Aeёtes. Circe (Kírkē), Medea (Mḗdeia), Absyrtus (Ἄψυρτος), and Chalciope (Χαλκιόπη) (Khalkiópē).

Aeёtes met with the Argonauts (Argonaũtai). He had the Golden Fleece (Khrysómallon déras). Aeёtes gave tasks to Jason (Iásōn).

Also, Hephaestus (Hḗphaistos) made Khalkotauroi (Χαλκόταυροι) (khalkótauroi) for him.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Recipe of homemade caramel spread.


Sugar-200 g

Cream-100 mL

Boiled condensed milk-200 g

Peanuts-100 g


Mix sugar and cream in one bowl. Boil over low heat about 2 hours and mix. After add peanuts. 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Famous people and their quotes. Part ninety three.

                                                     Edgar Allan Poe.

Source of image:

“We loved with a love that was more than love.”

“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.”

“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”

“There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion.”

“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”

Source of information: 

Great people: Eleanor H. Porter.

Eleanor Emily Hodgman Porter was born on December 19, 1868, in Littleton, New Hampshire, USA.

She was an American writer. Eleanor H. Porter wrote books for children. Pollyanna (1913) and Pollyanna Grows Up (1915) are her famous novels.

Porter died on May 21, 1920, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Literature. Part hundred eight.

                                                    Emma by Jane Austen.

Emma Woodhouse is the main character of this novel. She is a young woman. Emma is a matchmaker. But she is herself isn't married.

She created different marriages between different people. 

George Knightley is Emma's friend. He is critics her sometimes.