Thursday, March 30, 2023

Tales from childhood: Wise person.

It was a simple day. Mrs. Anne decided to talk with Timothy.

"Good afternoon!" Timothy said.

"Hello, Timothy!" Mrs. Anne said.

Then they started talking about everything. The old woman shared her life experience with the young man.

"I saw many different things in my life. Tell me about yourself." Mrs. Anne said.

"I'm a kind young man. My sister Maria and her husband Raymond are my family." Timothy said.

"Very good! These people support you. It's important." Mrs. Anne said with smile.

Later Mrs. Anne's daughter started talking with them, too.

"You're a very charming person." she said.

Sophie and Angela understood about surprise for Timothy. Mrs. Anne decided to be kind with him.

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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tales from childhood: Friendship.

Sophie noticed that there are people who said bad words about Timothy. But they even didn't know him! These people just judged him by his appearance.

Because of this, the young man became more and more afraid of people on the street. After all, as soon as Timothy went into a public place, there was always someone who expressed his own opinion about his disfigured face.

"Grandma, why do people act like this around Timothy?" Sophie asked.

"Probably no one explained to them that others can't despise a person for his appearance." grandmother answered.

Timothy himself from all became shy and quiet during day. The disfigured man began to go outside only during at night.

Timothy visited some night places, everyone got used to him there.

Also, Raymond noticed that his wife's brother was very cheerful. He realized that the conversations with Timothy needed to be carried out again.

Sunday, March 26, 2023


Hiscilla (Ἴσχυλλα) (Ischylla) was a daughter of Myrmidon and Pisidice. She had several siblings.

Hiscilla married Tropias and they had three children; Iphimedia, Phorbas, and Erysichthon.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Tales from childhood: Timothy's events.

Timothy loved alone in the apartment. His wife left left him there, after what happened to him. Timothy lived in this apartment, and his sister lived on the next street.

He enjoyed the freedom in this place, he did what he wanted, invited different people, came when it was convenient for him.

"You're so funny again!" Raymond said.

"Yesterday I had a good rest. I invited guests who accepted my appearance, they were cheerful women." Timothy said.

"You be careful with them. And with fun, too." Raymond said.

"Yes, sometimes I laugh too loudly." Timothy said.

Once Timothy came to visit Raymond and decided to stay there for a few days.

Raymond and Maria had a serious talk with him during those days.

Timothy complained about other things they might never understand.

"I hope Timothy is doing well." Mrs. Anne said.

"I hope for this, too." Sophie's granny said.

Sunday, March 19, 2023


A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. It's related to physics.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet are colors of rainbow. These seven colors are in this phenomenon.

A rainbow may appear after rain. Or in the fog. A rainbow can be double.

At night, people may see the lunar rainbow or moonbow.

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Saturday, March 18, 2023

Tales from childhood: Angela and her friends.

Angela was a shy child and sensible person. So, she had just several friends. Sophie was among of them.

These girls had different moments. They could talk about their own thoughts.

"Sometimes I think about people around us," Angela said.

"Yes, there are different people in the world." Sophie said.

"My uncle is friends with Timothy instead he isn't as many people, he is different. He supports Timothy." Angela said.

"It's good. I think that other people must understand him, too." Sophie said.

"Mrs. Anne and her daughter want to make a surprise for Timothy. I want to help them." Angela said.

Then the girls found out about the surprise that Mrs. Ann and her daughter had prepared for Timothy. They decided that they wanted to take part in this.

Saturday, March 11, 2023


Daphne (Δάφνη) (Dáphnē) means 'laurel'. She was nymph in Greek myths and legends. Her father was Peneus or Ladon. Her mother was Creusa or Gaia.

Daphne met with Apollo. Also, she was turned into a laurel.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Famous people and their quotes. Part eighty one.

                                                        Victor Hugo.

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“When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes.”

“An intelligent hell would be better than a stupid paradise.”

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Friday, March 3, 2023

Literature. Part ninety six.

                           “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” by Robert Southey.

Once upon a time there was a family of three bears. Big father bear, middle-size mother bear, and a little baby bear.

They had a house in the forest.

In the morning this family decided to walk in the forest.

The girl named Goldilocks found their house in the forest.

Goldilocks used things in the house. She ate their food. Also, Goldilocks slept in their beds.

When the bears returned to their house they were angry. Goldilocks went through the window.

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Thursday, March 2, 2023

Great people: Frances Hodgson Burnett.

 Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett was born on November 14, 1849, in England. 

She wrote famous children’s books, such as: A Little Princess (1905), The Secret Garden (1911), Robin (1922), and etc.

Burnett was married and had two children.

Frances Hodgson Burnett died on October 29, 1924, in the USA.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Recipe of homemade plum pie.

Ingredients for dough:

Flour-500 g

Sugar-50 g


Butter-50 g

Warm milk-15 mL

Salt-1/3 tea spoon

Baking powder-1/2 tea spoon

Yeast-4 g

Ingredients for stuffing:

Plums-1 kg

Sugar-200 g

Semolina-1 table spoon

15 mL of warm milk, sugar, flour, yeast, and salt mix in one bowl. Leave in warm place about 30 min.  Consistency must be how thick cream. Mix 2 eggs. How our mix rise add milk and butter. Melt butter with milk. Add to this mix baking powder. Remaining eggs, sugar, salt, and make dough. Leave dough in bowl about 3-4 hours. Boil plums with sugar 5 minutes. Add semolina to boiled plums. Add boiled plums to the dough.