Saturday, August 26, 2023

Tales from childhood: Lucky win.

Timothy decided to try the lottery. He took this step for the attempt. For a young man, this was an opportunity.

His friends advised him to do so. 

"I still hope to win," Timothy said to himself.

The woman was one of those who thought it all up. Few believed in Timothy's victory.

But a miracle happened! He won a huge amount of money! Family and friends were happy for Timothy. Even Sophie, her mother, and grandmother.

The young man decided to invest his winnings in facial reconstruction surgery.

Source of image:

Sunday, August 20, 2023


Eleusis (Ἐλευσῖνι) was the hero in Greek mythology. His parents were Hermes and Daeira (Δάειρα). 

Eleusis had several relatives: Semele, Cadmus, Aulis, and etc.

He had a consort named Cothonea, they had a son Tripotolemus (Τριπτόλεμος). Goddess Demeter visited Eleusis and Cothonea.

Saturday, August 19, 2023


Weather can be very different. Sunny, rain, blue sky, and etc.

If in Northern Hemisphere snow and cold, in Southern Hemisphere sun and hot. This often happens.

Source of image:

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Tales from childhood: Why old friends are so important?

"Old friend is better than new friends." Sophie's teacher said.

"I wonder what the teacher meant?" Sophie thought.

"This means that the person you have known for a long time is a proven person." Natalie said.

It really was so Sophie knew that strangers shouldn't talk about their own secrets.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Midas (Μίδας) was a king of Phrygia in Greek myths and legends. Gordias (Γορδίας) and Cybele (Κυβέλη) were his adopted parents.

He had donkey ears.

Midas met with other mythical characters, such as: Orpheus, Silenus (Σειληνός), Dionysus, and etc.

He had a special gift: everything he touched turned to gold. Then Midas got rid of this gift.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Literature. Part hundred one.

                               “Two Brothers” by Hans Christian Andersen.

Once upon a time there were two brothers. The elder brother was brave. The younger was silent. He read books.

The elder brother flew with the star, but later return to his room.

Source of image:

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Great people: Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini was an Italian architecture. Also, he created sculptures. Gian Lorenzo Bernini was born on November 7, 1598, in Naples.

His movement was Baroque style.

Apollo and Daphne (1622-1625), Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (1647-1652), David (1623-1624) are Bernini’s works.

He died on November 29, 1680, in Rome.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Famous people and their quotes. Part eighty six.

Andrea Palladio.

“BEAUTY will result from the form and correspondence of the whole, with respect to the several parts, of the parts with regard to each other, and of these again to the whole; that the structure may appear an entire and compleat body, wherein each member agrees with the other, and all necessary to compose what you intend to form.”

Source of information:

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Recipe of homemade buns with raisins.


Flour-800 g

Milk-200 g


Sugar-100 g

Margarine-800 g

Sour cream-1 table spoon

Salt-half of tea spoon

Baking powder-1 tea spoon

Yeast-1 tea spoon

Raisins-200 g

100 g of warm milk, sugar, flour, yeast, and salt mix in one bowl. Leave in warm place about 30 min. Consistency must be how thick cream. Mix 2 eggs. How our mix rise add milk and margarine. Melt margarine with milk. Add to this mix baking powder. Remaining eggs, sugar, salt, sour cream, and make dough. Add raisins. Leave dough in bowl about 3-4 hours. Make balls from dough. Warm oven 218.333 °C (425 °F). Bake about 30 min with temperature 148.889 °C (300 °F).