Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Famous people and their quotes. Part one.

                                                  Leonardo da Vinci.

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“Necessity is the mistress and guardian of nature.”

“The painter who draws by practice and judgment of the eye without the use of reason, is like the mirror that reproduces within itself all the objects which are set opposite to it without knowledge of the same.”

“He who does not value life does not deserve it.”

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

“Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.”

“Obstacles cannot bend me. Every obstacle yields to effort.”

“One ought not to desire the impossible.”

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Physical education.

Physical education or PE is very interesting and simple subject. Children can run and jump during the lessons. It's very good for their health and organism.

Teachers move together with children, too. Sometimes they use special equipment such as: skipping rope, hula hoop, balls, and etc.

Sports games, like football and volleyball are part of this lesson. PE school students need sport uniform.

But if a person has problems with health he or she can be free from physical education lesson.

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Friday, June 17, 2016


Chemistry is one of the most important and interesting school subjects. This science has similar parts with physics. There are many formulas and tables.

H2O is a formula of water. Students can conduct experiments in special rooms during lessons. 

Chemical elements everywhere. Foods, furniture, our body; all of them have chemical elements.

This science may be difficult for someone. Thanks to chemestry we know about salt, sugar, and fats. It is necessary to know in life.

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Social studies.

This school subject includes several sections such as: history, philosophy, geography, economics, psychology. In social studies memory and attention are very important. Some facts you need just to remember.

The subject is easy and interesting. During this class you can learn historical facts from ancient times to modern history.

Different countries and their history.

Sometimes students can watch movies and/or cartoons during lesson. You can compare many historical periods.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Why do I like Fall?

I like fall because I was born during this season. There are many beautiful landscapes. Leaves on the trees turn yellow, red, and orange. In early fall weather is warm. Blue sky, bright sun, warm air, and the crunch of leaves under the feet.

Also I like the Mediterranean Sea in September and October. It looks very beautiful!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Literature. Part fifteen.

                      "The Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde.

Once upon a time the Giant had a garden. Children usually played there after school. When the Giant returned, he forbade the children to enter his garden. He was selfish. So children couldn't play in the garden.

Several months later when Spring should have come, it was still Winter in the Giant's garden. Cold and Freeze were very glad of it. Summer wasn't coming, too. Not far from his garden chidren played during warm seasons. Spring and Summer didn't come only to the Giant.

One day he saw children on the tree, they were with leaves. Just one boy couldn't sit on the tree. The Giant helped him.

So he became a kind person. Children played in his garden again. The Giant missed the boy who helped.

Just many years later he found him in the garden. Little boy called the Giant to his garden-heaven.

Children found dead Giant under the tree.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Recipe of homemade cookies with honey, oats, and berries.


Flour-about 1 kg
Sugar-150 g (5.3oz)
Sour cream-3 table spoons
Mayonnaise-3 table spoons
Margarine-4 oz (113g)
Honey-3 table spoons
Berries-4 table spoons
Peanuts-4 table spoons (ground)
Milk-50 g
Oats old fashioned and quick-8 table spoons
Baking powder-1 tea spoon
Salt-3/4 tea spoon

Eggs, sour cream, margarine, milk, salt, mayonnaise, honey, sugar mix in blender.

After in bowl add flour, peanuts, old fashioned and quick oats, and berries.

Roll out the thick dough about 1 cm.

Choose form for your cookies.

Warm the oven 420 F (220 C).

After bake cookies 350 F (180 C) about 10-15 min.

It's very tasty and healthy dessert! Easy and fast baking! Bon Appetit!