Sunday, March 29, 2020

Tales from childhood: New questions.

Natalie lived in a new house with many apartments. Just several days ago she understood one thing. On her floor, in neighborhood apartment lived Lara's father with his new family. She moved in this place, before Natalie lived in another street.

So, Natalie decided to tell Sophie about it. She chose a simple walk in the park.

"I want to share my secret with you. I know Lara's "other" relatives," Natalie said.

"Wow! I want to listen to you," Sophie said with curiosity.

"Lara's father, his wife, and his children are my neighbors. They are live in front of my apartment." Natalie said.

Sophie remembered that woman. She was very good and kind. Little Sophie didn't want to think bad things about her family. Maybe to know this woman better?

Natalie didn't know her well, but she wanted. Also, Sophie's friend heard different words about this mysterious woman.

Little Sophie supported her best friend. So, they decided to met Lara's stepmother together. Sophie and Natalie had a great plan for it.

Granny, Sophie, and Natalie walked in another yard. It was Natalie's new house. Friends waited for this woman.

She appeared from the trees. The woman walked with her little children. Sophie noticed her kind eyes. Lara's stepmother had a good mood. Little Sophie and Natalie wanted to talk to her.

"Good Morning, Mrs. M.," Natalie said with a smile.

"Good Morning, children! How are you, today?" asked stepmother named Mrs. M.

"I'm fine thank you. Now is a nice weather! This is my best friend Sophie," Natalie replied.

"Nice to meet you!" Mrs. M. said and gave a handshake to Sophie.

Little Sophie and Natalie watched this woman. They wanted to know her better.

On this day Mrs. M. plant several threes in the yard. Sophie and Natalie decided to participate in this deal. Other people helped them, too.

It was a good example for children. Sophie and Natalie had a nice practice. Stepmother made this very good.

Lara's stepmother was kind. Sophie thought about it for a long time. She thought: "Maybe stepmothers are evil only in the fairy tales?"

Source of image:

Cheerful girl planting tree. Young woman working in garden. Blue sky and bright sun. Natural landscape. Flat vector design

Sunday, March 15, 2020


Hygieia (Ὑγεία) was a goddess of health and cleanness in Ancient Greece. Her parents were Asclepius and Epione. Hygieia had several sisters: Panacea, Iaso, Aceso, and Aglaea.

She had her own symbol called bowl of Hygieia which is a cup with intertwined snake. Now this is the symbol of pharmacy.

Hygieia's father Asclepius was important for her. They had similar cults.

There are many paintings and sculptures about goddess Hygieia. The word "hygiene" appeared from the goddess's name.

Saturday, March 14, 2020


Psychology (Ψυχολογία) is a science about soul. It's part of philosophy. Psychē (ψυχή) means "soul" and -logia (-λογία) means "study of".

This study is difficult but interesting. Human behavior and soul are important for psychology. Person and his decisions are explained by this science.

Different people have different tempers and opinions. Psychology has unique terms. For example, projections, a defense mechanism when humans show their own feelings and thoughts in other people or subjects.

Psychologists are talking with people. It helps to understand a person and his problems. These professionals advise in schools and hospitals.

This science has own long history. In ancient times philosophers studied human behavior.

Psychology is still studied in schools and institutes. It's needed for many things.

Source of image:

Psicoterapia, paciente psiquiatra consultor. Tratamiento de trastorno mental. Servicio de psicólogos, asesoramiento privado, concepto de psicología familiar. Ilustración creativa de concepto aislado por vectores

Source of image:

Símbolo Psi aislado en fondo blanco.

Source of image:

Personajes femeninos sentadas en sillas de círculo y hablando entre ellas. Terapia grupal, reunión psicoterapéutica o ayuda psicológica para mujeres. Ilustración vectorial colorida en estilo plano moderno.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Tales from childhood: Think well first.

In the yard there were many different children: some played together, others played alone. But games were often good and interesting.

One day Sophie noticed a new company with four boys and one girl. They were older than Sophie and Natalie. These people were teenagers.

Sophie's grandmother didn't like them, because their behavior was very strange. These teenagers could draw and wrote words on the walls of the buildings. Also, they scattered trash and never cleaned after themselves.

"What kind of children," old women complained.

Little Sophie saw how Natalie talked with a girl from that company. She was surprised. But Sophie didn't know her.

Next day Lara wanted to talk with a boy from that strange collective. He said many bad words to her.

Now Sophie understood an important thing. Companise could be different. We must be careful.

"You must know the person well. Then you can understand them," said Sophie's mother.

"Yes, I know. Our friends greatly influence us. First you need to think and then do," said Sophie.

Source of image:

Hombre en el capó silueta de peligro icono del lado delantero color negro

Saturday, March 7, 2020


Cadmus (Κάδμος) was a king of Thebes. His parents were Agenor and Telephassa. Also, he was known as a Greek hero.

His siblings were: Europa, Phoenix, and Cilix.

There was a legend that Cadmus created the alphabet for Ancient Greece. He visited different places.

Cadmus had relationships with other gods and goddesses. He fought with dragon.

His wife was Harmonia. They had children: Polydorus, Ino, Autonoe, Semele, and Agave.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Great people: Marco Polo.

Marco Polo was known as an Italian explorer, writer, and merchant. He was born on September 25, 1254, in Venice. His parents were Niccolo Polo and Nicole Anna Defusesh.

Marco Polo's travels were important for medieval Europe and people. He and his relatives visited many differents parts of Asia.

Their travels lasted several years. Marco Polo noticed differences between European and Asian countries. He visited other Empires and brought some things and food back.

Polo's travel showed cultures of: India, China, Japan, and etc. In Middle Ages people of the West didn't know about them.

When Marco Polo returned to Europe he wrote a book named Book of the Travels of Marco Polo (1300). Christopher Columbus was inspired by this book.

Marco Polo had a wife: Donata Badoer. They had three daughters: Fantina, Bellela, and Moretta.

Polo died on January 8, 1324, in Venice.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Famous people and their quotes. Part forty five.

                                                             Miguel de Cervantes.

Source of image:

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616). Grabado por E.Mackenzie y publicado en la Galería de Retratos con enciclopedia Memoirs, Reino Unido, 1833.

“Be slow of tongue and quick of eye.”

“A closed mouth catches no flies.”

“Hunger is the best sauce in the world.”

Source of information:,,

Monday, March 2, 2020

Literature. Part sixty.

                                      "The Little Match Girl" by Hans Christian Andersen.

Once upon a time it was a New Year's Eve. The weather was very cold and freeze.

On the street little girl sold matches. She didn't want to go home. Her clothes were old. The girl looked poor. She felt winter cold. Today she couldn't sell matches.

People prepared for holiday: they cooked fried goose, had Christmas tree, though about night, and etc.

The girl felt smell of Christmas food. She wanted to have some warm... Little girl lit a match. Suddenly she imagined her late grandmother. The girl saw her in the fire of match.

Afterwards, she noticed Christmas tree with toys, big table with holiday dishes included fried goose. But when her match stopped burning she saw cold street.

The girl with matches lit a match again. She enjoyed the holiday with her granny. It was a warm and comfortable place.

Next day became the first day of a New Year. The girl was found on the street. She was dead. She used her box of matches.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Recipe of homemade dog rose tea.


Hot water-1 cup
Bag with rose tea-1
Sugar, honey, or jam-taste

Lay the bag with tea in the cup. After add hot water. Wait about 10-15 minutes.

If you want you can add sugar, honey or jam in your dog rose tea.