Saturday, June 26, 2021

Tales from childhood: Useful day.

 "You must care about the place you live," the school teacher said.

Little Sophie thought about these words for a long time. Indeed, the place where a person lives should be important for them.

Over the weekend Mrs. M. suggested that those who wanted to go to the beach, could go check it out. If necessary, then put the beach in order.

Sophie decided to go there. She wanted to support this idea and take care of this place.

On the beach they collected thrashes. Sophie and the others felt proud!

"Well done!" Mrs. M. said.

"I'm very proud of you!" Sophie's mother said.

Sophie has done a really important job!

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Saturday, June 19, 2021


 Chloris (Χλωρίς) was a nymph (νύμφη) in Greek mythology. She lived in the Elysian Fields. Her husband was Zephyrus (Ζέφυρος). Chloris and Zephyrus had a son named Karpos (Καρπός).

Also, she was known as the goddess of flowers and spring.

There are paintings and statues about Chloris goddess and nymph.

Sunday, June 13, 2021


 Mycenae (Μυκῆναι,) is a city in Greece which was important for Greek history and culture. Many writers and artists were inspired by this place.

There are myths and legends about Mycenae. Perseus (Περσεύς), son of Zeus and Danaë, founded Mycenae. He left Argos (Άργος) and went to Tiryns (Τίρυνς). Perseus asked Cyclopes (Κύκλωπες) to build the walls with stones, which no people could lift.

The Perseid ruled Mycenae and finished with Eurytheus (Εὐρυσθεύς). He said to Heracles to perform the 12 Labours. After Eurytheus died, Atreus (Ἀτρεύς) became king of that place.

Also, Mycenae was known as city of Agamemnon (Ἀγαμέμνων). Because king Agamemnon was against Troy during the Trojan War.

Mycenae shows history of Ancient Greece. There are many buildings and monuments in it. Some of them were created in the Bronze Age. This territory was populated in the Neolithic Age.

Mycenaean civilization had its own values and participated in wars.

Mycenae fell around 1200 B. C. Later this place was destroyed.

Archeologists found many historical things in it.

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Saturday, June 12, 2021

Tales from childhood: Sophie and Johnny.

 Sophie had several friends in her school. But Johnny was her good friend. They walked together during holidays.

Some children in the class noticed that Sophie and Johnny are very close friends. It was true.

Once Johnny was talking to the boys about who likes whom.

"You like Sophie," Johnny's friend said.

"Yes, I like her, because she is a very kind girl. Also, she knows how to listen to people and talk politely," Johnny said.

Sophie hadn't discussed with anyone that she liked Johnny. Sophie was just in love with this guy.

Classmates continued to be close friends.

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Sunday, June 6, 2021


 The Moirai (Μοῖραι) were goddesses of fate in Greek myths and legends. Their parents were Chronos (Χρόνος) and Nyx or Zeus and Themis. These goddesses had siblings named the Horae.

There were three Moirai sisters.

Clotho (Κλωθώ) spun the thread of life from distaff onto spindle.

Lachesis (Λάχεσις) determined fate and measured the thread of life.

Atropos (Ἄτροπος) cut the thread of life and chose the way of death for person.

The Moirai met with other gods and goddesses. Also, they sang different things. Lachesis sang about that were, Clotho about that are, and Atropos that are be.

Writers wrote about the Moirai. Artists and sculptors created paintings and sculptors of these goddesses.

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Friday, June 4, 2021

Great people: Jan Vermeer.

 Johannes Vermeer was a Dutch painter. He was born on October 31, 1632, in Delft. 

Vermeer’s works were of Baroque and Dutch Golden Age paintings.

His famous paintings: Girl with a Pearl Earring (1665), The Milkmaid (1658), The Art of Painting or The Allegory of Painting or Painter in his Studio (1666-1668), Mistress and Maid (1667).

Johannes Vermeer had a wife.

Jan Vermeer died on December 15, 1675, in Delft.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Literature. Part seventy five.

                                      The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas.

This historical novel was written in XIX century, by Alexandre Dumas père. 

A man named d'Artagnan went to Paris to become a musketeer. Also, he had friends named Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. They were the musketeers.

During the book characters had many different adventures. The novel mentions both real historical characters and fictional characters.

They had travels in other places. D'Artagnan and the three musketeers met with different people. They met both common and royal people.

Duels, love, and adventures are described in the book. 

This novel was translated to many languages. There are different movies and cartoons about this story. Artists created illustrations for this book.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Famous people and their quotes. Part sixty.

                                                        Peter Paul Rubens.

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“My talent is such that no undertaking, however vast in size or diversified in subject, has ever surpassed my courage.”

“Every child has the spirit of creation. The rubbish of life often exterminates the spirit through plague and a souls own wretchedness.”

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Recipe of homemade loaf bread.


Flour-about 1 kg

Sugar-3 table spoon

Vegetable oil-3 table spoon or 50 g butter

Salt-3/4 tea spoon

Warm water-300 ml. (40 C, 104 F)

Dry yeast-1 tea spoon

Baking powder-1/2 tea spoon

Mix all ingredients in one bowl. Make a dough.

Leave it in a warm place about 3-4 hours.

After mix the dough and make three parts.

Make a loaf. Make notches at the top of each loaf.

Preheat the oven 450 F. Bake the bread 400 F about 20 min.