Saturday, August 27, 2022

Tales from childhood: Mushroom trip.

“Today we go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries,” Lara’s grandfather said.

“Very good!” Sophie thought.

Many children have been waiting for this trip to the forest for a long time. Now that day has come.

Sophie and Natalie walked side by side and imagined how they would find mushrooms and berries there.

But then it turned out that people need to carefully look for the right mushrooms and berries. Not all fruits in the forest were edible.

“Also, there are different kinds of mushrooms,” grandfather said.

“This is how it turns out in reality!” Sophie said.

“Yes, we need to study how to find mushrooms and berries,” granddad said.

Sophie listened to what people said about things in the forest.

Also, many children from the group noticed that even just to get out of the forest, knowledge is needed. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022


Proteus (Πρωτεύς) was known as a sea-god in Greek myths and legends. His parents were Poseidon (Ποσειδῶν) and Phoenice (Φοινίκη).

Proteus is also called the "Old Man of the Sea" and Proteus of Egypt.

He met with other characters, such as: Menelaus (Μενέλαος), beautiful Helen (Ἑλένη), and etc.

Proteus had wives and children.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Tales from childhood: Lara's thoughts.

Lara was still strange child for Sophie. The little girl could afford to call other children bad names. Sophie and her friends didn’t like it. So, they didn’t talk with stupid Lara. It was a right decision.

Natalie had a kind heart. She understood different people and situations. Natalie’s mother was a good wife. She was a quiet and calm woman. Therefore, she was happily married. Natalie was a nice young girl, too. Husband and father loved their women.

“Natalie’s family is a good example,” Sophie’s mother said.

“Yes, it’s true,” Sophie said.

Good parents, good people. 

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Saturday, August 13, 2022


Classic is a worth style. There are different thigs which appeared many, many years ago. Or even hundreds or thousands years ago! But at the same time it's still clear and relevant.

Fashion changes with time, only the classic remains.

There are many examples of classics in art. Some paintings and books are studied at different times.

Also, the classic influence the culture.

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Sunday, August 7, 2022


Hesione (Ἡσιόνη) was a Trojan princess. She was a daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. Priam was Hesione's brother.

She was saved by Heracles from the sea monster. Heracles and Telamon (Τελαμών) killed this creature.

Hesione had two sons; Teucer (Τεῦκρος) and Trambelus (Τράμβηλος).

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Great people: Giordano Bruno.

 Giordano Bruno was an Italian scientist and philosopher. He was born in 1548, in Italy.


Bruno’s era was Renaissance. 

He studied space and our Solar System.


Giordano Bruno died on February 17, 1600, in Rome.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Literature. Part eighty nine.

                               Pollyanna Grows Up by Eleanor H. Porter.

This novel was written in 1915.

Pollyanna has already recovered from her spinal injury. The character is very optimistic.

She knew Mrs. Crew, who nephew Jamie, disappeared.

Pollyanna met new friends. They were very different. Among them were Sadie and Jamie. Everyone had their own problems.

Also, many years later, the main character and her aunt are going through difficult times.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Recipe of homemade cookie dough.


Flour-0.5 kg

Sugar-200 g


Butter-100 g

Sour cream-80 g

Mayonnaise-80 g

Milk-50 g

Salt-1/3 tea spoon

Baking powder-1 tea spoon

Mix all ingredients in one bowl.

Make dough. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Famous people and their quotes. Part seventy four.

                                                    Sandro Botticelli.

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“By throwing a sponge soaked with different colors at a wall one can make a spot in which a beautiful landscape can be seen.”

Source of information:,beautiful%20landscape%20can%20be%20seen.%22&text=%22I%20wear%20myself%20out%20trying,won't%20come%20true.%22