Sunday, September 24, 2017

Tales from childhood: In the mall.

On Sunday afternoon Sophie and her grandmother decided to go to the mall. They wanted to have a shopping of some goods.

At the beginning little girl wanted to see books. After she went to the toy shop. Several hours later Sophie realised... granny vanished! Sophie started crying! Suddenly elder woman asked what happened. Sophie told about her grandmother.

So, the woman took the girl to the third floor to her granny. This woman saw that Sophie's grandmother was here. They met went home.

Now little Sophie will pay more attention in the large and unknown places.

Source of image:

A vector illustration of people  shopping in a mall

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tales from childhood: Happy days.

Sophie had a dream: big children's playground. Swig, slides, and merry-go-round. Natalie and Sophie sometimes get bored without these things.

So, before fall holidays, granny wanted to say something to Sophie, but she was silent. Also, Natalies's grandfather tried not to speak. Children thought about important secret.

A day later, Sophie and Natalie saw builders with their tools. They begin to build... a new playground! Sophie and her friends were very happy about it! 

Next week, children had new swig, two slides, and merry-go-round.

Sophie was happy during all fall holidays. Little girl will remember these days for a long time.

Source of image:

Happy kids playing at the playground illustration

Friday, September 15, 2017

Tales from childhood: Remember about the important things.

Sophie studied at elementary school. But one day she forgot about her homework.

Girl had a new interesting toy-robot. Sophie played with him for a long time, until evening. Also, she changed batteries.

Next day, Sophie didn't know the answer about the poem about different seasons. Girl couldn't...

Kate tried to help her with pictures from book. At the end little Sophie had a low grade from school teacher.

Granny said that people shouldn't forget about important things in our life, such as books and homework.

So, Sophie will know and remember about her duty. Next week, she had a high grade.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Clean the stables in a single day.

Heracles must clean the Augean stables. It was hard for him.

Eurytheus asked Zeus's son clean the stables up the cattle.

King Augean's stables were very dirty and smell.

Heracles did it for a single day. Instead of the fact that Augean was rich and had a lot of cows, goats, horses, and etc.

It was the fifth labour of Heracles.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Literature. Part thirty.

                                  The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

Mary Lennox was a ten-year-old girl. She was alone and selfish. Mary's parents died, but she didn't worry about it.

Girl met with maid martha and her brother Dickon. Also, Mary met her cousin named Colin. He had serious health problems.

Children found a garden. So, together they care for it. Mary and her friends became better, as did the garden.

The novel describes a life in England at the end of XIX and beginning XX centuries.

There are many movies, cartoons, and plays based on this story.

Source of image:

small girl holding the field flower wreath, black and white, childhood memory, vector

Monday, September 4, 2017

Great people: Gerald Durrell.

Gerald Malcolm Durrell was born on January 7, 1925, Jamshedpur, British India. He was the youngest child of Lawrence Samuel and Louisa Durrells. Gerald's father died when he was just three years old.

In 1935 family moved from Britain to the Greek island Corfu. Gerald Durrell lived in village with his mother, two brothers Lawrence and Leslie, and sister Margaret. Also, boy loved animals.

My family and Other Animals is a book about Durrell's childhood. The book has a lot of humor and irony. Family had different adventures. This is my favourite book by Gerald Durrell.

Writer wrote other books such as: The Mockery Bird, The Donky Rustlers, The Fantastic Dinosaur Adventure, and etc.

Durrell was married two times. His first wife wrote a book. Gerald Durrell died on January 30, 1995, Saint Halier, Jersey.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon were the second of Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is possible they are not exist. Also, location of Hanging Gardens is unknown.

There are many myths and legends about this wonder. Beautiful flowers and green trees among desert. Ancient writers wrote about Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

King Nabuchadnezzar II built this for his wife queen Amytis of Media.

It was about 605 B. C. Many people care for the plants.

There are pictures of Hanging Gardens. May be it was beautiful.

Source of image:

7 Wonder of the world Ancient Babylon

Source of image:

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Source of image:

Hanging Gardens of Babylon world wonders icon vector illustration

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Famous people and their quotes. Part sixteen.

                                                 Nicolaus Copernicus.

Source of image:

POLAND - CIRCA 1973: a stamp printed in the Poland shows Nicolaus Copernicus, from the series 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Mikolaj Kopernik, circa 1970

“For, the sun is not inappropriately called by some people the lantern of the universe, its mind by others, and its ruler by still others.”

“But if one believed that the earth revolved, he would certainly be of the opinion that this movement was natural and not arbitrary.”

“I am not so enamored of my own opinions that I disregard what others may think of them.”

“Thus indeed, as though seated on a royal throne, the sun governs the family of planets revolving around it.”

“For my part I believe that gravity is nothing but a certain natural desire, which the divine providence of the Creator of all things has implanted in parts, to gather as a unity and a whole by combining in the form of a globe.”

Source of information:

Friday, September 1, 2017

Recipe of homemade Russian Pelmeni.


Force-meat-250 g beef fat 10%, 90% meat and 250 g turkey
Oil-50 mL
Salt-1 tea spoon
Italian seasoning and black pepper-taste

Fry the onion and mix with force-meat, salt, black pepper, and Italian seasoning.

Make a firm dough. Mix 2 eggs, salt-1 tea spoon, flour, water and oil-20 mL. Give a rest for dough about 30 minutes.

Make a thin dough about 2-3 mm.

Make pelmeni.

Boil them in hot water with salt, black pepper, and Italian seasoning.

If you want you can eat pelmeni with cream, sour cream, and/or butter.

Bon Appetit!