Sunday, July 26, 2020

Tales from childhood: 100% result.

Sophie liked her hobby. She often created snowflakes before holidays. But sometimes little Sophie had strange figures. She was very worried about it.

"We all make mistakes," Sophie's mother said.

Next time when Sophie started her hobby, she remembered that. Little Sophie created several beautiful handmade paper things. Some of them were curved.

Sophie created new paper figures. But her old craft were nice, too. She didn't remove them.

"All your works are good! I'm proud of you! Well done!" the grandmother said.

She decorated the wall with her works. In crooked and imperfect places, she remembered her efforts and patience.

Some people like different things.

Source of image:

Ручная работа, ремесленная мастерская, художественная ярмарка и фестиваль плакат

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Eris (Ἔριδα) was a goddess of discord and strife in Ancient Greece. Her parents were Zeus and Nyx or Erebus and Hera. Also, she had many siblings among other gods and goddesses. Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares, Athena, Heracles, and ect. were all her relatives.

Eris had her own symbol. She was known for her Golden Apple of Discord. Eris gave her symbol during Peleus and Thetis wedding. So, Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera became angry. After this event the Trojan War started.

Eris had several children.

There are many paintings and statues of this goddess.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Trojan War.

Trojan War (Τρωικός Πόλεμος) was a war in Greek mythology. Different gods and goddess were characters in this legend. Many writers were inspired by this myth in Ancient Greece.

It all started since quarrel between three goddesses Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera. Golden apple, also known as apple of discord was the cause of this conflict.

Trojan War started after Paris abducted Helen of Troy from her husband Menelaus, king of Sparta.

From 1260 B. C. to 1180 B. C. was this famous war. Achilles, son of Peleus, killed Hector. There was the Judgement of Paris. Many events of Trojan War were written in the Iliad, ancient Greek epic poem.

At the end of the conflict warriors created Trojan Horse. Odysseus had this idea. They wanted to enter to the Troy and win the war. It was a wooden horse. Also, this phrase became a metaphor and popular in culture.

There are many literary works, paintings, and statues. Students study Trojan War during history lessons. Producers make movies about this event.

Source of image:

Троянская война Лошадь греческий Рим Воин Трой Спарта Спартанская палка Рисунок Пиктограмма Иконки

Source of image:

fantasy warrior with columns. third variant. vector illustration

Source of image:

3D rendering of an ancient Greek soldier isolated on white background

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Tales from childhood: You didn't notice it!

Lara had a good grandfather. He was an important person in her life. Granddad loved his granddaughter very much. Each weekend they spent time together.

Little Lara and her grandfather visited a bakery. They bought delicious sweets. Lara shared with other children in the yard.

She missed about her father. Instead of the fact she didn't know him. Lara's imagination was very rich. She thought how her Dad loved and missed her. Little Lara couldn't understand why her father left her.

"Granddad, can you tell me about my father?" Lara asked.

"He was a simple man. But circumstances happened in the family. Your father made his choice," grandfather said.

"Does he know about me and my mother? Does my father remember me?" she asked.

"Your dad cared and loved you. When you were a baby. Later he changed his outlook on life." granddad said it with sad voice.

Maybe Lara didn't understand his words. But she still waited for her father. Little Lara hoped to see him.

Grandfather knew many things about family life. There were unpleasant moments, too. He remembered how Lara's father called him and was interested in his family's affairs. Also, dad helped with presents for Birthday and Christmas.

He hoped that in the future Lara will be happy.

Source of image:

Teddy Bear's toy family concept. Retro old style filtered photo

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Golden Fleece.

Golden Fleece (Χρυσόμαλλο δέρας) was known as the golden wool in Greek myths and legends. It was the wool of a winged ram, Chrysomallos.

Many gods and goddesses met with each other. Hero Jason and the Agronauts wanted to find the Golden Fleece. They fought for it and Medea helped Jason and the Agronauts.

Another version of this legend talked about family. Athamas the Minyan had two children and wife Nephele. After he married Ino, the daughter of Cadmus.

The stepmother didn't like her stepchildren. Also, Nephele became angry and the drought came. Phrixus and Helle were Nephele's children. The son fought with drought. Later they saw Chrysomallos.

Helle died and Phrixus sacrificed the winged ram to Poseidon. He had the Golden Fleece. The dragon guarded it.

The Golden Fleece was a symbol of authority in Ancient Greece. This phrase became popular in culture.

Source of image:

golden fleece

Source of image:

jason and the golden fleece

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Ancient statue of hero Jason in Greek mythology. He is the grandson of the messenger god Hermes and husbend of Medea. Jason also owns the Golden Fleece.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Great people: Lewis Carroll.

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born on January 27, 1832 in England. His parents were Charles Dodgson and Frances Jane Lutwidge.

Carroll was interested in many occupations, such as: mathematics, literature, photography, logic, and poetry. He studied in school and university.

Lewis Carroll visited different countries and cities. He met other people.

Carroll wrote his famous book Alice in Wonderland (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) (1865). This novel became popular among children.

Also, the book was translated to different languages. Many quotes from this children's novel were noted. There are illustrations and movies about this children's literary work.

Lewis Carroll died on January 14, 1898 in England.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Recipe of homemade cake with chocolate cream and jam.

Ingredients for biscuit:

Flour-450 g
Sugar-100 g
Sugar powder-50 g
Butter-50 g
Egg whites-3
Sour cream-1 table spoon
Baking powder-1 tea spoon

Mix egg and egg whites in one bowl. After add sugar, salt, melted butter, sugar powder. Stir all ingredients together. Warm up the oven. Bake the biscuit about 10-15 minutes. Use temperature 180 C (356 F).

Ingredients for chocolate cream:

Heavy cream-300 g
Cocoa-2 table spoons
Condensed milk-50 g

Mix all ingredients. After cover your biscuit with chocolate cream and jam.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Famous people and their quotes. Part forty nine.

                                             Marco Polo.

Source of image:

Colorful cartoon or illustration of Marco Polo.

“I believe it was God's will that we should come back, so that men might know the things that are in the world."[from "Marco Polo" by Richard Humble.]”

“This [Gobi] desert is reported to be so long that it would take a year to go from end to end; and at the narrowest point it takes a month to cross it ...There is nothing at all to eat."[from "Marco Polo" by Richard Humble.]”

“I have not told half of what I saw.”

“Without stones there is no arch.”

“All the emperors of the world and all the kings of Christians and Sacracens combined would not possess such power or be able to accomplish so much as this same Kubilai, the Great Khan."[from "Marco Polo" by Richard Humble.]”

“When the pirates capture a ship, they help themselves to both ship and cargo; but they do not hurt the crew. They say to them: 'Go and fetch another cargo. Then, with luck, you may bring us some more.'"[from "Marco Polo" by Richard Humble.]”

“All things that [I] saw and did and with whatever [I] met of good or bad [I] put in writing and so told all in order to [my] lord."[from "Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu" by Laurence Bergreen.]”

Source of information:

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Literature. Part sixty four.

                                             "The Tinderbox" by Hans Christian Andersen.

Once upon a time there was a soldier. He was a poor man and met a witch. The witch asked him to climb on the tree.

The soldier found three dogs. They were different. There were many coins. The poor soldier took  a lot of money. There was a tinderbox, too.

She asked the soldier to give her a tinderbox. But the soldier didn’t give it to the witch. He killed her.

The soldier became a rich person. He spent his money. Later soldier knew about princess. She was in the tower.

The fairy tinderbox helped him. One of the three dogs brought a princess. Soldier saw a sleeping princess.

He was arrested and set in a prison. The soldier was sentenced to death.

At this moment the tinderbox helped him again. The three dogs appeared. They killed king.

The soldier and the princess are married. They became king and queen.

This fairy tale was translated to many languages. There are different adaptations.

Source of image:

Hans Christian Andersen, vintage engraved illustration. Magasin Pittoresque 1876.