Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Tales from childhood: Puppy's life.

Timothy left his puppy in Maria's house. Angela played and walked with this pet.

"I like this puppy! We have funny moments together!" Angela said.

"Very good!" Raymond said.

The animal was really cheerful and sociable.

"What a cute puppy!" Sophie said with a smile.

At this moment Angela walked with the pet in the yard and dog wagged tail. Also, the pet barked happily.

"Timothy will be glad that we take care of his dog." Maria said.

Source of image:

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Tales from childhood: Interesting offer.

Timothy was glad that he had a new good friend. But sometimes he worried that some people didn’t understand him and judged by Timothy’s appearance. His pet loved him and didn’t notice anything.

One morning, when Timothy was walking outside with his puppy, a middle-aged woman noticed him. She saw Timothy without an iron mask and knew what to do.

“Good morning young man! What’s your name?” she said.

“Hello! My name is Timothy.” Timothy said.

“I really want to help you, Timothy.” the woman said.

Also, she gave her phone number.

At home, Timothy called this phone number and then went to visit Maria. He was very happy. Raymond and Maria had a long talk with Timothy about something.

“Sophie, Timothy was cheerful yesterday.” Angela said.

“I hope he’s doing well now.” Sophie said.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Tales from childhood: New kind friend.

Mrs. Anne decided to make a surprise for Timothy. She wanted to give him a little puppy. This pet was a daughter of neighborhood dog.

"This puppy will be a good friend for Timothy. The pet will love Timothy." Mrs. Anne said.

The surprise pleased the young man very much, he always dreamed of a dog.

They began to live together, Timothy took care of a baby puppy, fed, walked with his pet. The puppy loves its owner.

"Very good that Timothy has such a friend!" Sophie thought.

Saturday, May 20, 2023


Tartarus (Τάρταρος) was a place in the underworld in Greek myths and legends. This was a dark place. A layer of darkness of the god Erebus covered Tartarus.

There were many different monsters including Cyclops.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Tales from childhood: Timothy's travel.

“I decided to visit another city. I’ll be in our city in a few days. Be happy!”

This note was found by Raymond. Then he realized that Timothy had gone to another place.

“Let him go and see this city.” Maria said.

Indeed, Timothy had long wanted to go there and know about it.

Mrs. Anne was very happy for young man; it’s good that this wish came true. Sophie and Angela were glad, too. 

This city was good. Then when Timothy returned, he had new thoughts.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Abstract art.

Abstract art is a type of art. In it used many different figures, such as: oval, line, spots, and flatness.

Abstract art can be seen in drawings, sculptures, and architectures.

This is an art of XX century.

Source of image:

Source of image:

Source of image:

Thursday, May 11, 2023


Arachne (Ἀράχνη) was a character in Greek mythology. Her father was Idmon. Phalanx was Arachne’s brother. Also, Arachne had a son named Closter.

The goddess Athena competed with her in weaving. At this time, they portrayed different subjects.

At the end, Arachne turned into a spider.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Recipe of homemade belyashi.

Ingredients for dough:

Flour-about 1 kg

Sugar-3 table spoon

Vegetable oil-3 table spoon or 50 g butter

Salt-3/4 tea spoon

Warm water-300 ml. (40 °C, 104 °F)

Dry yeast-1 tea spoon

Baking powder-1/2 tea spoon

Mix all ingredients in one bowl. Make a dough.

Leave it in a warm place about 3-4 hours.

After mix the dough. Make many balls.

Ingredients for stuffing:

Force-meat with salt, pepper, and onion -500 g

Mix all in one bowl. Roll out the balls. Add stuffing.

Fry your pies.

Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Literature. Part ninety eight.

                                                           Les Misérables by Victor Hugo.

This novel was written in XIX century.

Jean Valjean, Javert, Fauntine, and Cosette are main characters of the book. The se people do a lot of different things.

Jean Valjean raised Cosette after Fantine died. Javert committed suicide.

The characters change over the years.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Famous people and their quotes. Part eighty three.

                                                        Paolo Veronese.

“We painters use the same license as poets and madmen.”

“I paint my pictures with all the considerations which are natural to my intelligence, and according as my intelligence understands them.”

“I had not thought that I was doing wrong; I had never taken so many things into consideration.”

Source of information:

Monday, May 1, 2023

Great people: Tintoretto.

Tintoretto or Jacob Robuti was born in 1518, in Venice, Italy. He was an Italian painter.

Tintoretto’s movement was Renaissance. His famous works: Seige of Asola (1544-45), The Supper at Emmaus (1542-43), Saint George, Saint Luis, and the Princess (1553).

Jacob Robusti died on May 31, 1594, in Venice, Italy.