Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Tales from childhood: "Words" we need to know.

Sophie's granny and mother didn't tell bad words. Sophie heard some new phrases in the school and yard. But she never repeated them.

It was a nice day. Sophie went for a walk. In the porch she heard a loud voice.

Little Sophie understood many words in this conversation. She just didn't understand one of them. Sophie heard a new word for the first time.

She talked about this word with Natalie and other friends. They didn't know that new word, either.

So, Sophie decided to use it. She said this new "word" in the kitchen.

"Don't say it! This is a bad word!" the mother said.

Sophie felt shock. She didn't know that this word isn't good. She started analyzing.

Mom calmed down and decided to explain everything. Maybe Sophie was a child.

"Dear Sophie, you must ask me about new words," Sophie's mother said.

"I understand," Sophie said with silent voice.

Now, she always asks her mother and grandmother about new words and phrases. Also, Sophie never said this word.

Source of image:

Улыбаясь девушка закрывая рот с ее рукой

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Telesphorus (Τελεσφόρος) means "accomplisher". He was a god of convalescence in Greek religion. Also, he was a dwarf. Telesphorus wore a cap on his head.

His father Asclepius was a god of medicine in Ancient Greece. Hygieia, goddess of health, was his sister. Telesphorus accompanied her.

He had his own temple in Anatolia. There are many paintings and statues about this god.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The rose and orange flowers.



Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Tales from childhood: Our heroes!

Sophie felt the lights of a sun on her face. She woke up after a long sleep. Little Sophie thought about Victory Day.

It was a spring morning. Sophie went to school with red flowers. It was a gift for veterans.

“Give flowers to strange people! It’s strange!” a stupid boy said.

“These people gave a peace for us,” the teacher said.

Little Sophie and Johnny went to congratulate a veteran. This old woman worked in a school. She was short and her position was modest. But the veteran went through the whole war! She worked and fought.

“Congratulations!” the children said.

The school worker was very glad! It was important for her. She smiled.

During break time high school students cared for the veterans. Little Sophie and her classmates saw them in Assembly Hall.

Also, children told about their grandparents. Little Sophie was proud of her granny.

Next day Sophie visited a parade in her town.  She understood many serious things.

“I think that veterans accomplished a feat,” little Sophie said.

“Yes, it’s true,” Sophie’s mother said.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Ethics (ἠθικόν) means "moral nature" in Greek language. This science is a part of another study philosophy.

In Ancient Greece Plato and Socrates studied ethics. So, science about human behavior had a long and interesting history.

Ethics had a Golden Rule: "the principle of treating others as you want to be treated."

Students study this science during school lessons. Also, ethics can be part of social studies. Teachers teach children good behavior.

Etiquette had many rules about society and relationships. What can and can't people be asked about. How to start conversations in a place. Good manners are important for etiquette and ethics.

This science changed through history. Many different aspects had their own unique rules for behavior.

Source of image:

Etiquette word cloud collage, social business concept on blackboard

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Крупный бизнес люди пожимают руку, заканчивая встречи, бизнес-этикет, поздравление, слияние и приобретение концепции

Source of image:

Ethics. Open book with moral philosophy hand drawn doodles and lettering on white background. Education vector illustration.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


Psyche (Ψυχή) was a goddess of soul in Ancient Greece. She had butterfly wings.

Also, Psyche fell in love with Eros (known as Cupid and/or Amor). There are many myths and legends about these characters.

Eros was a son of Aphrodite. His mother didn't like Psyche. They were competitors.

Psyche met with other gods and goddesses, such as: Hermes, Aphrodite, Persephone, Zeus, Zephyrus, and etc.

Artists painted different paintings about Psyche and Eros. Sculptors created many sculptures of the couple.

Source of image:

Paris - June 23: Cupid statue on June 23, 2014 in Paris. Antonio Canova's statue Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss, first commissioned in 1787, exemplifies the Neoclassical devotion to love and emotion.

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Cupid and Psyche, this scene shows cupid sleeping on bed and his soul mate standing near bed holding something in hand, vintage line drawing or engraving illustration

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Erot (Eros, Cupid, Amur), the god of love and love itself

Monday, May 4, 2020

Great people: Pythagoras.

Pythagoras of Samos (Πυθαγόρας ὁ Σάμιος) was known as ancient Greek philosopher and scientist. He was born in c. 570 B. C., on Samos island.

Pythagoras studied mathematics. Also, he created Pythagorean theorem. The three sides of a right triangle, the sum of the squares of the lengths of the cathetus is equal to the square of the length of the hypothenuse. They were written in Pythagorean equation:

a2 + b2 = c2

Also, Pythagoras of Samos visited Egypt. He found wisdom in this place. Pythagoras took part in Olympic games.

He had many important philosophical ideas. Pythagoras influenced other scientists in Ancient Greece.

Pythagoras of Samos died in c. 495 B. C.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Literature. Part sixty two.

                                                     "The Ugly Ducking" by Hans Christian Andersen.

Once upon a time mother duck had some eggs. Duckings hatched from the eggs. They were all nice. Except one.

The only ducking was very different from others. He was ugly. The ducking's neck was long. So, other animals noticed it. They said bad things about him. These animals didn't know who he was.

It was unpleasant for the ducking and his mother. The duck protected her unusual child. But the ugly ducking suffered from bullying.

The ducking went away from his family. Afterwards, he met wild geese in the swamp. But unfortunately they were killed by hunters.

Also, the ugly lived in another place. There were hen and a cat. But they laughed at him, too.

The ducking lived on the lake but still worried. Suddenly he saw swans. The ducking understood that he loved them.

Another time the ugly ducking saw his reflection. Now he knew that he is a nice swan. The ducking lived with other swans.

Source of image:

The Ugly Duckling

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Famous people and their quotes. Part forty seven.

                                               Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. 

Source of image:

FRANCE - CIRCA 1998: a postage stamp printed in France showing an image of The Little Prince a novel of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, circa 1998.

“I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind.”

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

“True love begins when nothing is looked for in return.”

Source of information:
