Thursday, October 27, 2016

Handmade ideas for Christmas and New Year № 1.

Recipe of salt dough for handmade:

Flour-1 cup
Salt-1 cup
Water-1 cup
Oil-5 table spoons

Mix all ingredients in one bowl. The dough should not stick to hands. Make figures. Width about 5 mm. Dry 50 C (122 F) about 3-4 hours. Use paints and glitters.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Why do I like fashion of the 1950s?

I like fashion of the 1950s because this period was very beautiful! There were many long skirts, dresses, hats, and gloves. Prints with polk dots and flowers were also popular. Fashion icons of that time wore ballet flats and heels.

Many of these clothes became classic for us. Famous women of that time such as: Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, and Audrey Hepburn did a lot for modern fashion.

I have several clothes and shoes from 1950s in my wardrobe.

Source of image:

Elegant woman, dressed in early 1950s fashion, putting on a glove, vector illustration, no transparencies, EPS 8

Saturday, October 22, 2016

My fitness complex.

Start with breathing. (3 times)

Twist your shoulders 10 times in both directions.

Twist your arms and hands 10 times in both directions.

Twist your legs, knees, and feet in both directions.

Do 15 push-ups and 20 sit-ups.

Finish with breathing. (3 times)

I do it tree times a week.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Lady Godiva.

In Medieval England there were Leofric, Earl of Mercia and his wife Lady Godiva. People of his kingdom loved and respected Earl's wife because she was a very good and kind woman. Lepfric made high taxes for citizens.

Godiva asked her husband to lower taxes for people. But Leofric, Earl of Mercia didn't hear Lady Godiva's words.

One day Leofric said that he would make taxes lower if his wife will ride a horse nude. So she did it.

On that day no one of people came out of the house. Just one young man named Tom saw the nude Lady Godiva. He became blind. Earl made lowered taxes for people of his kingdom.

It is a legend from the Middle Ages. We don't know if it is true or false.

There are many statues and pictures about Lady Godiva.

Source of image:

Vintage looking Statue monument of Lady Godiva, Coventry, UK

Source of image:

Lady Godiva on a grey dapple horse

Source of image:

United Kingdom, Coventry, 1/2 penny 1793, token, isolated on white

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Tales about childhood: A dangerous trek.

(This is my own short story).

Once in early spring tree girls, classmates from elementary school decided to go to the river after classes. Sophie, Kate, and Anne are made in good relations, girls are best friends. It's proposed to Kate, Anne supported, Sophie hesitated but after agreed.

When children arrived to the river girls saw thin ice. Kate stood on the ice. Then Anne joined her friend.

Only Sophie stood on the bank. Little girl seriously pondered her act. But sudden... Anne's feet were in the cold water. Kate stopped jumping and fell. Anne was already waist-deep in the river and crying.

At this moment Sophie was in panic. She didn't know what to do. Several seconds later girl cried "Help!".

Simple man responded to the children's cries and saved them.

When the girls returned home their families scolded them. So Sophie, Kate, and Anne will remember this day for the rest of their life.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Great people: Astrid Lindgren.

Astrid Anna Emilia Ericsson Lindgren was born on November 14, 1907, in Sweden, Vimmerby. She wrote famous books for children such as: Pippi Longstocking, Karlsson-on-the Roof, Emil of Lonneberga.

Astrid had older brother and two youger sisters.

Many of her books were translated to many languages. Make movies, cartoons, and plays.

Astrid Lindgren's characters are little children. They often have adventures and make many good things. Writer used different genres: drama, comedy, fairy tale. There are many funny moments in her books.

Children's writer died on January 28, 2002, in Sweden, Stockholm.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Literature. Part nineteen.

                                          "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry.

Johsy and Sue were young artists. They were living in one room.

In one day Johsy got sick pneumonia. She was sure that she died when the last leaf of ivy fell. Tree stayed on the street and Johnsy could see it through the window.

In their house lived old man named Behrman. He was an artist, too. Mr. Behrman wanted to make a masterpiece.

Johnsy srill saw the last leaf of the ivy. Several days later Johsy became better. Then she recovered.

Mr. Behrman died from pneumonia but he drew "the last leaf".

Source of image:

autumn tree with last leaf

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Recipe of homemade pie with cottage cheese.

Ingredients for the base:

Flour-0.3 kg
Sugar-150 g
Butter-100 g
Sour cream-80 g
Mayonnaise-80 g
Milk-50 g
Salt-1/3 tea spoon
Baking powder-1 tea spoon

Mix all ingredients in one bowl and make a dough. Put the dough in a baking form.

Ingredients for the cream:

Cottage cheese-250 g
Sugar-100 g

Mix all ingredients in one mixer. When the base finished bake put put the cream in the base. Warm until 420 F. Bake about 40 min.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Famous people and their quotes. Part five.

                                   Isaac Newton.

Source of image:

BARLOW Thomas Oldham (1824-1895), Portrait of Isaac Newton, 1863, Portrait executed after an original by Sir Godfrey Kneller in 1689, Oil on canvas

“Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my greatest friend is truth.”

“Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.”

“I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself now and then in finding a smoother pebble or prettier shell than ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

“To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.”

“Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.”

“The changing of bodies into light, and light into bodies, is very conformable to the course of nature, which seems delighted with transmutations.”

Source of information: