Thursday, August 24, 2017

Tales from childhood: Important travel.

At the end of summer Sophie took a trip. Girl lived in a hotel, another region in country. Sophie lived with her teacher and other children. Around them there were sea and mountains. It was so beautiful!

For tree weeks little Sophie saw a lot of interesting places such as: statues, sea, mountains, pictures, and etc. Because they often travelled by bus and hiking. Nature and history were important subjects for children.

She had new feelings. Also, Sophie became more adult and independent.

Grandmother was very proud of Sophie.

At the beginning of school year Sophie write essay about her summer trip.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Tales from childhood: Main friends in childhood.

Source of image:

Kids toys on wood shop shelves.

Sophie had a lot of toys: doll with blue eyes, large teddy bear, plane and car from Johnny. She wanted to have modern and new things. Some of them were presents from Natalie, some bought in supermarket.

But little girl had dream for more and more toys. Sometimes Sophie forgot about her old teddy bear. Toy was very large. There was a lot of dust around it.

One day, there was snowfall, cold, and freeze. Sophie's grandmother told about her childhood. She had just one wooden doll. Sometimes granny made toys from paper. But she was glad and proud for her toys.

Suddenly, girl remembered about large teddy bear. Sophie cleaned it. She was very happy that she has a lot of toys. Also, Sophie started to thinking for other toys, too.

We must remember about all our toys, old and new. They give us happy minutes in childhood. Maybe toys habe their own soul.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Tales from childhood: We are all different.

Johnny and Beth had a good friend Jack. He lived with his grandparents. Sophie knew several facts about Jack: he was 14-year-old boy, helped people in hard situations, and was friends with Mr. Theodor and his children.

On Sunday, Sophie, Johnny, Beth, and Jack decided to go to the cinema. Mr. Theodor and grandparents supported company and leave them.

Movie was very sad, so Sophie, Beth, and Jack cried. Johnny didn't cry because his father said, "Men don't cry". But sometimes children laugh, too.

Ten days later boys and girls met again. They wanted to play soccer in the yard. Suddenly Jack slipped and fell, boy had an injury. He started crying. Beth worried about her friend.

Sophie thought about it. Strange that big boy cried. Girl often saw how girls cried from her grade, such as: Anne and Kate. Sometimes Sophie cried, too. Even Beth cried in hard situations. Johnny cried very rarely.

Beth and Jack grandparents cared about teenager boy. Soon Jack finished crying.

At the end of walking in the yard appeared Mr. Theodor. He looked askew on Jack. After man said that "real men never cry".

Sophie heared old man's voice. "Grandson, you can cry if you feel pain".

Next day little girl talked about her feelings with her granny. She said that we are all different. Each of us has their own opinion. We shouldn't judge anyone.

Sophie remembered these for the rest of her life.

Source of image:

Boys and girls running towards ball

Monday, August 14, 2017

Tales from childhood: Someone worth admiring.

Sophie's classmate Kate had a lot of "simple" things. Girl often bragged. So, Sophie and other children in the class were envied to Kate's.

She said about her future professions model and actress. Also, Kate travelled to big city on each holiday and visited concerts of modern celebrities. After elementary school, she wanted to live in big city and study in "super" school. Kate read a lot of modern fashion magazines and remembered quotes.

One day Sophie's granny said that Kate is an "empty" girl. She hasn't needed and important interests. There are people who have important goals.

For example, Johnny's sister Beth. She studies in middle school, after high school, Beth going to the medical college because she wants to become a nurse. Beth's future profession is needed and demanded.

Mr. Theodor travelled in different places with his children, such as: fishing, forest, camping, theatre, museum, and etc. Also, Johnny and Beth visited their grandmother in village. Mr. Theodor and his children care for old woman.

Sophie thought about granny's words during all evening. What did grandmother mean?

Next day Kate again bragged about her walking in big city, expensive presents, and concert of modern singer. Sophie didn't envy to classmate.

Little girl asked Johnny about Beth. They met after classes. Johnny's sister said that she wants to become a nurse because she will care and help for people. Her father and brother support Beth. Sophie, Johnny, and Beth visited museum and knew about knights.

Sophie understood that there are many people with very different interests. So, we must choice among and admire them.

Source of image:

Photo of professional healthcare and support at nursing home

Friday, August 11, 2017

Tales from childhood: Adventure in the forest.

It was the beginning of summer season. Sophie, Johnny, and Beth decided to go to the forest. Weather was sunny and warm.

Beth was Johnny's older sister, 12-year-old girl. Mr. Theodor and Sophie's grandmother gave them permission to go for a walk. Children were very happy! They had tent, sleeping bags, several sandwiches, and bottles of water.

Adults said that they must be not far from river. Also, Sophie, Johnny, and Beth had hard rucksacks with their things.

They saw big rocks, green trees, many insects, deer, and flowers. Weather became hot and children were very tired. Friends didn't have enough attention on the road. Beautiful landscapes were far away from river. Children have eaten all food and sleep.

Next morning... Sophie, Johnny, and Beth realised, they forgot the way! During a day friends saw horizon and far away houses. But children afraid of people. Children were far away from the river. Friends were afraid for theirself.

Sophie cried, Beth worried about her father Mr. Theodor, Johnny thought about somebody who can help them.

In the evening Sophie saw young 14-year-old boy. He said that he lives in neighborhood village. He knows this place good. Beth asked boy's name. His name was Jack. He had blue eyes, honey hair, and many freckles.

Jack cared about Sophie, Johnny, and Beth. They were very tired and hungry. Insects bited little children Jack given them some sandwiches and tomatoes. At the end boy helped children go away from forest to the river.

Sophie's granny very worried about granddaughter. But she was glad when saw Sophie with rucksack.

Mr. Theodor, also worried about Beth and Johnny. His daughter said that boy from village helped them when they lost in the forest.

Don't afraid of help in hard situation.

Source of image:

Camping in the Forest

Monday, August 7, 2017

Great Pyramid of Giza.

Great Pyramid of Giza (other names the Pyramid of Khufu and the pyramid of Cheops) is one of Giza pyramid complex. This building is the largest and oldest among all pyramids.

In Ancient Egypt, Giza pyramid complex was built for Egyptian king pharaoh. They are very big! Great Pyramid of Giza, Great Sphinx, Pyramid of Menkaure.

People built them with own hands. Many Egyptians worked for king. They used special technics. In pyramids many coffins because Anient Egyptians buried pharaohs. People used stones for ancient buildings.

Great Pyramid of Giza is the only Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which survived for our days. It was build about 2550 B. C. Age of this building more than 4000 years old (about 4500).

Many people can see ancient history in Egypt.

Source of image:

Great Pyramid of Giza in flat icon design ,infographic (vector)

Source of image:

The Great Pyramid of Giza

Source of image:

Image of the great pyramids of Giza, in Egypt.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Literature. Part twenty nine.

                                  The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain.

England, XVI century. Tom Canty is a boy from poor family. Edward VI is the Prince of Wales. They look the same.

When Tom appeared in the royal castle, he wears Tom Canty's clothes.

Prince of Walse could see a lot of things. He was in jail, saw poor people on the London's streets, 1547 year. At the end Edward VI was saved and became a king. Also, he decided to make a justice in a country.

There are many movies and theatrical performances about this novel. Students study this historical literature on the lessons.

Children and teenagers could read famous book during free time. After watch movie or go to the theatre.

This literature work was translated on many languages.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Great people: O. Henry.

William Sydney Porter was born on September 11, 1862, Greensboro, North Carolina. His mother died when William was just three years old. Father's relatives taught little boy.

After school William Porter worked as a pharmacist. Also, he worked in a bank.

In 1887 William Sydney Porter married first time with Athol Estes. They had a daughter Margaret.

In 1890s he wrote and became a writer. William Porter's pen name is O. Henry.

O. Henry's novellas and short stories have humor and irony. For example, "The Gift of the Magi". Sad and happy Christmas story. He wrote many interesting short stories and novels such as: "The Last Leaf", Cabbages and Kings, "The Ransom of Red Chief", and etc. All were written with simple English language.

In 1907 writer married second time with Sara Lindsay Coleman.

O. Henry many did for American and world literature. Writer's life was hard but interesting. He died on June 5, 1910, in New York.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Capture the Erymanthian Boar.

The fourth Labour of Haracles was to capture the Erymanthian Boar. It was very big, dangerous, and harmful animal. So, Heracles must capture him.

Heracles met centaur Pholus. They were friends.

After Heracles visited Chiron. He asked about the Erymanthian Boar.

Zeus's son caught and bound this animal during snowy winter.

So, Heracles did his fourth labour.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Recipe of homemade sweets.


Sugar-200 g
Cream-100 mL
Flour (fried)-100 g
Peanuts-100 g

Mix sugar and cream, then boil. About 7 minutes. After add flor and peanuts. Leave them. After make a balls.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Famous people and their quotes. Part fifteen.

                                                          Christopher Columbus.

Source of image:

Christopher Columbus Statue

“They say that there is in that land an infinite amount of gold, and that the people wear corals on their heads and very large bracelets of coral on their feet and arms; and that with coral they adorn and inlay chairs and chests and tables.”

“Our Almighty God has shown me the highest favor, which, since David, he has not shown to anybody.”

“I have now seen so much irregularity, that I have come to another conclusion respecting the earth, namely, that it is not round as they describe, but of the form of a pear.”

“I ought to be judged as a captain sent from Spain to the Indies, to conquer a nation numerous and warlike, with customs and religions altogether different to ours.”

“Speaking of myself, little profit had I won from twenty years of service, during which I have served with so great labors and perils, for today I have no roof over my head in Castile; if I wish to sleep or eat, I have no place to which to go, save an inn or tavern, and most often I lack the wherewithal to pay the score.”

“This island and all the others are very fertile to a limitless degree, and this island is extremely so. In it there are many harbors on the coast of the sea, beyond comparison with others that I know in Christendom, and many rivers, good and large, which is marvellous.”

“I went to sea from the most tender age and have continued in a sea life to this day. Whoever gives himself up to this art wants to know the secrets of Nature here below. It is more than forty years that I have been thus engaged. Wherever any one has sailed, there I have sailed.”

Source of information: