Sunday, December 25, 2022

Tales from childhood: Happy New Year!

"Today is an important day!" mother said.

"Night party will be interesting!" Sophie said.

Everything in the house was already ready for the celebration of the New Year. It created a good mood.

Suddenly Sophie decided to remember what happened to her this year. Then she realized that she had changed her mind about some situations.

Then Sophie went with her friends to a cafe and there she saw Timothy. She immediately remembered that she wanted to make a wish on New Year's Eve.

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Saturday, December 24, 2022


Chaos (χάος) is an original state of the world. There are myths and legends about this condition.

Eros, Gaia, Erebus (Ἔρεβος), Tartarus (Τάρταρος), Nyx, Uranus are gods and goddesses who had relation to Chaos.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Tales from childhood: Winter mood.

"Wow, so much snow outside!" Sophie said gladly.

The weather put her in a festive mood. Then Sophie read holiday stories in magazine.

"It's almost Christmas," mother said.

"Yes, we will celebrate this event," Sophie said.

Suddenly she remembered that there are those who need attention and care.

Therefore, Sophie met with her friend, and they were preparing surprise for someone who was very important.

"Hi, Sophie! How are you today?" Beth asked.

"Today I have a winter mood." Sophie answered.

"Very good!" Beth said.

The girls went to visit lonely people. They told them different funny stories.

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Saturday, December 17, 2022


Aurora or the polar light is a light in the sky. This phenomenon occurs during the cold season.

During the aurora borealis, the magnetosphere and the solar wind interact in the Earth's atmosphere.

The polar light appears in the dark sky. The color of the aurora is bright.

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Sunday, December 11, 2022


The Giants or Gigantes (Γίγαντες) (Γίγας) were deities in Ancient Greece. Uranus was their father; Gaia was their mother.

Giants had relations with other characters, Hecatoncheires (Ἑκατόγχειρες,) and Titans.

The Gigantes participated in the Gagantomachy, the battle with the Olympian gods. Hercules and the Cyclops were in this battle, too.

There were many Giants.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Recipe of homemade sand dough.


Flour-0.5 kg

Sugar-200 g


Butter-100 g

Sour cream-80 g

Mayonese-80 g

Milk-50 g

Salt-1/3 tea spoon

Baking powder-1 tea spoon

Mix 100 g of sugar with butter.

Add eggs and mix.

After, add sour cream and mayonnaise. After salt and bake powder.

Also, add flour and mix.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Literature. Part ninety three.

                                                          "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde.

Once upon a time there was a statue covered in gold and jewels. It was situated in the city.

The statue told the Swallow that he saw poor people and felt sorry for them. He was sad about this. Then the Happy Prince asked the bird to bring them his precious details.

The Swallow did it.

At the end, the entire statue is melted down except for the lead heart of the Prince. Then the heart and the dead Swallow were thrown away.

Also, the Swallow and the Happy Prince went to Paradise.

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Friday, December 2, 2022

Great people: Caravaggio.

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Michele Angelo Merigi or Amerighi also known as Caravaggio. He was born on September 29, 1571, in Milan, Italy.

Caravaggio was an Italian painter. Baroque was his style.

Caravaggio visited different places. His famous paintings; include: Young Sick Bacchus (1593), Boy Bitten by a Lizard (1596), Bacchus (1596), Medusa (1597), Basket of Fruit (1599), and etc.

Caravaggio died on July 18, 1610, in Porto Ercole, Italy.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Famous people and their quotes. Part seventy eight.

                                                            Jan van Eyck.


“Tangible piece of luminous matter, thee confront us with a reconstruction rather than a mere representation of the visible world.”

Source of information:

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tales from childhood: Idea.

“Ugh, what’s wrong with your face!” stupid Lara said.

Also, the child defiantly turned away.

“I can’t look at you! You’re so ugly!” said a complete stranger.

It was an ordinary day when Timothy decided to go for a walk outside. The young man was an ordinary, too. He just had an unusual appearance.

When someone asked Timothy what happened, he would simply divert the conversation to another topic because he didn’t want to remember the pain of that moment and the present situation. In such matters, Timothy felt the pain of his face and the departure of his wife with their baby daughter.

“He is a poor young man!” Mrs. Anne said many times.

This elderly woman knew how to support others in difficult situations. Also, Mrs. Anne couldn’t understand why the wife had betrayed her husband at such a difficult moment.

After much thought, the wise old woman had an idea how to make Timothy a happy man.

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Saturday, November 19, 2022


Gaia (Γαῖα) (Γῆ) was known as a goddess of the Earth in Greek mythology. Her parents were Chaos (χάος) and Nyx (Νύξ). 

Uranus was Gaia's husband. They had many different offspring. Among them were: the Titans, the Cyclopes (Κύκλωπες), the Gigantes (Γίγαντες), and etc. 

The goddess of the Earth, Gaia, met with other characters from legends. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Tales from childhood: Timothy's life.

Timothy continued to live after what happened to him. Perhaps he was supported by his sister and her family. The young man felt confident near them.

"You can walk outside without an iron mask," Raymond said.

"Yes, you're right, I will" Timothy said.

So, Timothy went on the street with his uglified face. He walked in the yard where children were.

"Look at this man!" Lara screamed.

Others simply looked at Timothy.

"Grandma, why did Lara scream when she saw a man without face?" Sophie asked.

"You know, Sophie, there are people who are well-bred and there are not. Lara is uneducated." granny answered.

The surrounding people reacted differently, but no one knew how Timothy himself felt.

Saturday, November 12, 2022


Tropics or tropical climate is one of climate zones of the Earth. It situated near with the Equator.

There are dry and wet seasons. It often rains in the tropics. Also, in a tropical climate, the weather is hot.

The fauna of this climatic zone is diverse.

In tropics there are many different bright plants, too. The flora of the tropical climate is diverse.

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Thursday, November 10, 2022


Uranus (Οὐρανός ) was a god of the sky in Ancient Greece. His father was Chaos (χάος). His mother was Hemera (Ἡμέρα).  

Uranus was the first ruler of the world in Greek mythology. He lived in the sky. Uranus had a wife Gaia (Γαῖα).

He had many different children. The Titans, the Giants, the Cyclops, the Meliae, and etc.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Great people: Jack London.

John Griffith Chaney was born on January 12, 1876, in San Francisco, California, the USA.

His movements in literature were: realism and naturalism.

Jack London wrote several novels; White Fang is one of them.

He married and had children.

Jack London died on November 22, 1916, in Glen Ellen, California, the USA.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Famous people and their quotes. Part seventy seven.


“All works, no matter what or by whom painted, are nothing but bagatelles and childish trifles... unless they are made and painted from life, and there can be nothing... better than to follow nature.”

Source of information:

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Recipe of homemade sweet syrup.


Sugar-200 g


Vegetable oil-30 g

Add the vegetable oil at the end. Boil for about ten minutes.

You can add this sweet syrup in pastry and confectionery.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Literature. Part ninety two.

                                                     "The Nightingale" by Hans Christian Andersen.

Once upon a time there was a Chinese emperor. He had a palace. Also, this emperor had a huge garden. A nightingale lived in this garden, he sang very beautifully.

Everyone admired the singing of the nightingale and wrote about it. Then this bird sang for the emperor himself and he liked it.

Then an artificial nightingale appeared in the palace. Everyone began to listen to the new bird. Also, it sang beautifully, but after a while she stopped.

One day the emperor became very ill. He almost died. But a living nightingale flew to him and sang for the emperor. So, the bird saved him.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Tales from childhood: The main point.

Sophie had her own views on different things. Sometimes even her grandmother didn't understand her. At the same time, Sophie often said truthful phrases. But still she wanted to know the answers to some different questions.

Many people wanted to know why Timothy goes out late at night and even in an iron mask. Some admitted that they "accidentally" saw him without an iron mask.

One of them was a boy of nine years old. He studied well, also, attended different school sections. Despite all this, he later couldn't sleep all night when the child saw from the window in the evening a young man without face. He was very impressionable.

The little son of Raymond, and his independent eight-year-old niece have long seen Timothy without an iron mask.

"Grandma, why do people react so differently to Timothy's appearance?" Sophie asked.

"We are all different and react differently to different life situations." granny answered.

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Monday, October 17, 2022


Tethys (Τηθύς) was a Titaness in Greek myths and legends. Her parents were Uranus (Οὐρανός) and Gaia (Γαῖα). Also, Tethys had many siblings among gods, goddesses, and other characters.

Oceanus (Ὠκεανός) was her consort. They have many different children.

Saturday, October 15, 2022


Blackletter or Gothic script was a writing style which was used in Europe in the Middle Ages. During that time blackletter was popular.

This type of writing has its own variations.

Various texts and books were written in this font. Also, the Gothic script was written in different languages.

This font can be found on various historical places.

Blackletter has related types of writing, too.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Tales from childhood: Family.

"Am I ruining my daughter's life!?" thought Timothy looking at himself in the mirror.

He didn't want people to see him, so he rarely went outside. Timothy wore a mask if he went to a public place.

His face was really uglified. Timothy worried about this situation. Especially when his wife left him with their little daughter.

Trouble happened to the young man, but the wife couldn't cope with it and decided to leave. It was strange. But some people were sure that Timothy's wife made a right decision. Also, there were those who believed that she should have supported her young husband.

Raymond and Maria supported Timothy. They came to visit him and brought their little son and Raymond's independent niece.

Sophie and her grandmother even didn't know what to think about it.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2022


Circe (Κίρκη) was a magician and goddess in Ancient Greece. She was a daughter of Helios (Ἥλιος,) (Ἠέλιος) and Perse (Πέρση), or Aeёtes (Αἰήτης) and Hecate (Ἑκάτη). Also, Circe had several siblings: Aeёtes, Pasiphaё (Πασιφάη), and Perses (Πέρσης). 

She lived on the island Aeaea. Circe met with other characters from Greek mythology.

Odysseus (Ὀδυσσεύς) and Telemachus (Τηλέμαχος) were her consorts. Circe had several children, too.