Friday, January 31, 2020

Tales from childhood: Mother and stepmother.

Sophie liked different fairy tales. Her granny often read these famous works before sleep. Artists created bright illustrations in the books. Also, little Sophie watched cartoons and movies about fantasy strories.

She often imagined that she became a princess. Sophie noticed that in fairy tales there are many evil stepmothers. But she understood that they were just fairy tales.

Lara had mother and stepmother. Her mother was very loud woman. She said stupid words to her father. Little Lara knew about these phrases. She repeated them.

Grandfather blabbed about Lara's father. But she didn't worry. Granddad was very important for her.

Sophie and Natalie noticed that stepmother is a good mother. She never yelled at her children. The woman was polite and shy. She patiently explained everything, answered every question of her son and daughter.

Mom scolded Lara for eating chocolate. Her shouting could be heard whole street. It was humiliating moment for a little Lara. All children like sweets.

Lara walked with her grandfather on the bridge. Sophie and her friend Natalie walked there, too. They saw a young woman with children. The boy and the girl were sitting in a baby carriage.

Grandpa became sad. He had face as several years ago, when his daughter cried. Perhaps the woman knew everything. Sophie wanted to laugh.

Natalie saw duck with ducklings.

"This is so cute," Natalie said.

"Yes, it's very pretty," Sophie supported the conversation.

The stepmother smiled at this moment. It was nice to see how little ducks swim with their mother. Her children were glad, too. Maybe Lara didn't know that this woman was her stepmother.

On Friday evening Sophie saw Lara's father. He talked by payphone.

"I love you very much! You're very kind and funny. Wait for me!" he said.

Little Sophie couldn't understand many things in this life. Father left his daughter. It's strange for her.

Next day Sophie saw how this man kissed Lara's brother and sister.

Source of image:

Mother duck and ducklings float in the lake. Cute duckling on swimming. Duck and duckling in pond

Saturday, January 25, 2020


Graeae (Γραῖαι) were three sisters with one eye and tooth in Greek mythology. They shared them.

Their parents were Phorcys and Ceto. Also, Graeae were the relatives of Gorgons.

These old women had names: Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredo.

Perseus met with Graeae. Zeus's son asked these creatures about the Gorgons. Also, he took their eye. After witches helped him.

There are many different paintings about these monsters.

Friday, January 17, 2020


Anatomy anatomē  (ἀνατομή) is a science about organisms. Ana aná (ἀνά) means "up" and témnō (τέμνω) "I cut" in a Greek language. There are different types of this science: anatomy of plants, anatomy of animals, anatomy of human. Also, anatomy is a part of biology.

This science studies about body functions, organs, and tissues. Anatomy has a long and interesting history. Scientists during many years study organisms. Leonardo da Vinci created a drawing named the Vitruvian Man.

Skeleton, muscles, bones, and vessels of the body are study by this science. School students learn anatomy with science. In the classroom may stand human skeleton or atlas with scientific words.

Anatomy is an important science. There are many interesting books, movies, and cartoons. It can be for children or students.

This difficult but need science is necessary for medicine.

Source of image:

Tabla de anatomía corporal: esquelético, muscular, circulatorio, nervioso y digestivo. Estilo de caricatura plano.

Source of image:

Tipos de ilustraciones vectoriales de tejidos. Esquema de estructura interna de órganos humanos. Diagrama científico y educativo con partes de fibras músculo, epitelial, nerviosa y congénita anatómica con ejemplos.

Source of image:

ilustración de la biología, anatomía de un tronco, El tronco del árbol consta de diferentes capas

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Tales from childhood: Other people's support.

When Sophie was a child she had many different toys. Several beautiful dolls three teddy bears. Someone gave her old toys, Sophie's grandmother was doing something.

But she had just one favorite toy. It was a plastic doll with auburn hair and blue dress with white flowers. Little Sophie often walked with this toy in the yard. Some children even envied her. Sophie liked her doll very much.

So in one day when she walked in the yard, little Sophie didn't notice her favorite doll. She remembered that she took her toy for a walk. This doll was a present for Sophie's seventh Birthday. She started crying.

"I lost my doll," Sophie said very loudly.

But nobody paid attention. Little Sophie wanted to find her important thing.

Suddenly the old woman with a cane noticed sad Sophie.

"What's happened?" she asked.

This woman was Mrs. Anne. She was an old woman and she worried about other people. Her heart was kind.

"I lost my doll," Sophie said.

The old woman felt sorry about this situation. She was Sophie's neighbor. Her own children were middle aged people, grandchildren were students of colleges and institutes. The old woman saw hard moments of life. She often worried about little children. So, she decided to help Sophie.

"Let's go to find," said the old woman.

Little Sophie and the old woman went to look for the plastic doll. They watched around trees, tables, swing, and carousel. But Sophie and Mrs. Anne couldn't find the toy.

Suddenly Sophie saw her doll. It was her toy!

"This is my doll!" Sophie said.

"It's very good!" said the old woman.

The beautiful doll laid on the bench of another side of the yard. Sophie was happy! Also, she felt the old woman's support.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Morpheus (Μορφεύς) was a god of sleep and dreams in Ancient Greece. His father was a Hypnos, his mother was a Nyx.

Morpheus could appear when people slept. He was a young man. His symbols were: poppy flowers and black color. Also, Morpheus had two brothers, named: Phobetor and Phantasos.

Morpheus had relations with the goddess Iris.

There are many paintings and sculptures about this Greek god.

The famous phrase "in the arms of Morpheus" means "to be asleep".

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Morpheus, a god associated with sleep and dreams.

Source of image:

The ancient Greek sculpture dream god Morpheus

Source of image:

Heraldry. Hand drawn Morpheus with poppy flower vector image.  Black and white stock illustration.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Great people: Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc or "The Maid of Orleans" was born in 1412 in France. She had an important role during the Hundred Year's War.

Joan of Arc was a very young woman.

When she was a teenager she heard "voices of angels" Joan of Arc had ideas how to hepl people with war.

After this happened she tried to do her mission. But Joan of Arc failed. She tried it again. Joan wore a knight's clothes. Also, Joan of Arc met with king.

Joan of Arc had a trial. It was in 1431. She was burned at the stake. Several years later Joan of Arc was acquitted. In 1920 she was canonized.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Recipe of homemade holiday pie.

Ingredients for biscuit:

Flour-450 g
Sugar-300 g
Sour cream-100 g
Salt-1/3 tea spoon
Baking powder-1 tea spoon

Mix sugar, salt, baking powder, and butter in one bowl. After add eggs and mix food. Also, add sour cream. Warm up your oven until 220 C (428 F). Bake your biscuit with 180 C (356 F) about 30 minutes.

Ingredients for cream:

Cream cheese "Philadelphia"-220 g
Sugar powder-3 table spoons
Double cream-50 g
Condensed milk-50 g

Mix all ingredients in one bowl. After decorate your holiday pie.

                                                              Bon Appetit!

Friday, January 3, 2020

Literature. Part fifty eight.

                                                    Karlsson on the Roof by Astrid Lindgren.

Karlsson is the main character of these books: Karlsson on the Roof, Karlsson Flies Again, Karlsson on the Roof is Sneaking Around Again by Astrid Lindgren.

He is very short and lives in his small house on the roof. Also, Karlsson has a propeller on his back. He can fly on it. Karlsson is a selfish person. He had one friend named Svante (Midge).

Many people don't believe in Karlsson. Midge's family doesn't know about a "person with propeller", too. Svante has a father and a mother, as well as an older brother and a sister. Later they noticed Karlsson.

Freken Bok is a nanny in the family. She had a lot of negative emotions after meeting with Karlsson.

Midge and his friend had a lot of adventures in these books. This story was translated to different languages. There are many illustrations, cartoons, and movies about this character.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Famous people and their quotes. Part forty three.

                                                       Leo Tolstoy.

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Leo Tolstoy. Russian writer

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

“If you want to be happy, be.”

“Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them.”

Source of information: