She often imagined that she became a princess. Sophie noticed that in fairy tales there are many evil stepmothers. But she understood that they were just fairy tales.
Lara had mother and stepmother. Her mother was very loud woman. She said stupid words to her father. Little Lara knew about these phrases. She repeated them.
Grandfather blabbed about Lara's father. But she didn't worry. Granddad was very important for her.
Sophie and Natalie noticed that stepmother is a good mother. She never yelled at her children. The woman was polite and shy. She patiently explained everything, answered every question of her son and daughter.
Mom scolded Lara for eating chocolate. Her shouting could be heard whole street. It was humiliating moment for a little Lara. All children like sweets.
Lara walked with her grandfather on the bridge. Sophie and her friend Natalie walked there, too. They saw a young woman with children. The boy and the girl were sitting in a baby carriage.
Grandpa became sad. He had face as several years ago, when his daughter cried. Perhaps the woman knew everything. Sophie wanted to laugh.
Natalie saw duck with ducklings.
"This is so cute," Natalie said.
"Yes, it's very pretty," Sophie supported the conversation.
The stepmother smiled at this moment. It was nice to see how little ducks swim with their mother. Her children were glad, too. Maybe Lara didn't know that this woman was her stepmother.
On Friday evening Sophie saw Lara's father. He talked by payphone.
"I love you very much! You're very kind and funny. Wait for me!" he said.
Little Sophie couldn't understand many things in this life. Father left his daughter. It's strange for her.
Next day Sophie saw how this man kissed Lara's brother and sister.
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