Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tales from childhood: Christmas holiday.

 It was a very important day for Sophie. She wanted to celebrate Christmas with her friends. 

Lara's stepmother decided to throw a party for children and their friends. She began to prepare for this event in advance. Sophie and Natalie were invited to this party.

In the morning, all the guests gathered in a cozy apartment. Santa Claus was guest, too. Children received gifts.

Little Sophie liked the way the apartment was decorated.

"I will remember this Christmas," Sophie said to Natalie.

"Me too," Natalie said.

Lara had a soft toy. She was happy in this day just like the other children.

Sophie remembered this Christmas with warmness.

This holiday was nice for children. Everyone was happy and contented.

Source of image:


Sunday, December 20, 2020


 Hyacinth (Ὑάκινθος) (Huákinthos) was a hero in Greek mythology. He was popular in Sparta.

Oebalus (Οἴβαλος), king of Sparta, was Hyacinth's father. Or his father was Pierus (Πίερος). His mother was Clio (Κλειώ) or Diomedes (Διομήδη).

Hyacinth was a very beautiful prince. He was admired by Zephyrus, west wind. Also, Hyacinth had relationships with Apollo (Ἀπόλλων).

Spartan prince was killed by Apollo. He accidentally hit Hyacinth with a discus.

There is a plant named Hyacinth.

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Tales from childhood: This or that.

 Sophie liked very different games. Sometimes she played alone with her toys. Then she came up with the rules for her own games. Or she played with her friends. It depended on her mood.

But one day children played in the yard. They rehearsed the play. Little Lara didn't want to listen Sophie's words. It was very unpleasant for her. Some little girl won't let her play.

Suddenly Beth and Lara's stepmother appeared from the corner. The young woman was with her children.

"Must play all together or no one," the stepmother said.

Lara went in her thoughts. She made a mistake. Little Lara had to listen to Sophie. Her stepmother was right in this moment.

Sophie decided to play alone. She played in a game with her own rules.

Lara caught the young woman's stern gaze and considered her behavior. Beth supported Lara's stepmother.

Saturday, December 12, 2020


 Anthropology is a field of study. The Greek word ánthrōpos  (ἄνθρωπος) means "human". Another Greek word lógos (λόγος) means "study". 

This science studies human behavior, human biology (βιολογία), and societies. There is a cultural anthropology.

This branch of study appeared in ancient Greece. Scientist and philosopher Aristotle (Ἀριστοτέλης) used this word. Anthropology studied human nature and soul.

The science of human has evolved over the centuries. In XVIII and XIX centuries, anthropology was formed. History, culture, language, and psychology are parts of anthropology.

Many scientists and philosophers did a lot of for this science. Among them were Leonardo da Vinci and Carl Linnaeus.

Also, anthropology studies primitive society and human body.

Archaeologists find various excavations.

Students study this science in colleges and universities.

Source of image:


Source of image:


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Sunday, December 6, 2020


 Zephyrus (Ζέφυρος) (Zéphyros) was a type of the wind in ancient Greece. He was the western wind. His parents were Astraeus (Ἀστραῖος) and Eos (Ἕως). Zephyrus had brother, such as: Boreas (Βορέας), Eurus (Εὖρος), and Notus (Νότος). 

He had different relationships with other gods and goddesses. Among them were Achilles and Apollo. 

Iris (Ἶρις) was one of his wives. Zephyrus's son was Eros. Nymph (νύμφαι) Chloris (Χλωρίς) was his wife. They had a son Karpos.

There are many paintings and statues about this god.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Great people: Erasmus.

 Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus was known as a Dutch philosopher. He was born on October 28, 1469, in the Netherlands.

He was interested in humanism. Erasmus studied in colleges and universities. His era was Renaissance Philosophy or XVI century philosophy.

Erasmus wrote many books. In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus or Moriae Encomium). This book was written in 1509. On Civility in Children (De civilitate morum puerilium) (1530). Handbook of a Christian Knigh (Enchiridion militis Christiani) (1501). In these books there are satire and philosophy. He wrote his books in Latin.

English philosopher Sir Thomas More shared the same era with Erasmus Roterodamus.

Erasmus died on July 12, 1536, in Basel, Old Swiss Confederacy.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Famous people and their quotes. Part fifty four.

                                                            Alexandre Dumas (father).

Source of image:


“All for one, one for all, that is our device.”

“One's work may be finished someday, but one's education never.”

“Happiness is like those palaces in fairytales whose gates are guarded by dragons: We must fight in order to conquer it.”

Sources of information:


and https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/4785.Alexandre_Dumas

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Literature. Part sixty nine.

                                           The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.

Santiago is an old man. He is a fisherman. Santiago tried to catch fish every day. This went on for eighty four days. He couldn't catch fish in the sea.

Many people thought that Santiago was an unlucky fisherman, expect for a young boy named Manolin, who helped him. Santiago and Manolin became friends.

The fisherman meets with various difficulties and problems. Manolin always supported Santiago. The old man solved his own problems.

On the eighty-fifth day, Santiago caught a large marlin fish. But the sharks ate this fish.

Little Manolin worried for Santiago.

At the end, they were going to fish together.

This novel was translated to many languages. The book had different awards. There are movies and cartoons about this story.